Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin?


Each woman dreams of attracting a suitable man and good luck to her life, gain new opportunities and establish family relationships. To exercise your dream, a girl needs to be reunited with his own women's essence. Get rid of the difficulties arising from the emotional and physical level, with the help of special practices that are designed to restore the energy balance.

What it is?

Women's practices are aimed at eliminating the imbalance of the energy and recreation of harmony with natural start. For all women, an important point is to preserve attractiveness, sexuality, flexibility, softness, femininity.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_2

These technicians help to remove bodily locks and clamps, allow internal energy to easily and freely move through the female organism.

The elimination of "mental debris" brings peace of mind and equilibrium to the life of a girl, since the ability to relax and focus on the sensation of their attractiveness and self-confidence comes to the loss of negative beliefs.

A woman who examines its own resources, has the ability to trace the connection between its internal state and external manifestations. As a result, it releases resentment, malice and negative emotions, getting rid of fears and tension. The lady acquires sexuality, wisdom and faith in their strength.

The girl has the ability to give warmth and love to others, charming other people at first sight. Relations with men go to a new level, gain harmony and tenderness. The representative of the weak floor has the possibility of realizing any goals and desires.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_3

What are there?

Spiritual practices suggest various meditations, breathing exercises, prayers, affirmations. They help women reveal the inner strength and strengthen the channels of sexual energy. Acquired invaluable experience allows the girl to become a creator of positive change. All female practices are customary to divide on 3 major varieties.

  • Energy. There are special practices that allow male and women's origin to bring into harmony. Thanks to the exercises to harmonize the work of Chakras, a weak floor representative acquires the ability to reveal its internal potential as much as possible, find a source of wisdom and strength, to feel a mental balance. An increase in female energy increases the strength of attraction of the opposite sex. Energy techniques help break the vicious range of loneliness and unhappy relationships transmitted from generation to generation on the female line. For this specification, tantric, Vedic and lunar practices are characterized, Slavic rituals.
  • Bodily. The various techniques aimed at working with the body suggest the strengthening of women's health, owning their corps, an increase in attractiveness, sensuality development. For this purpose, you can master some elements of yoga, fitness, dance and dynamic meditations. There are many oriental health systems aimed at filling the body energy, getting rid of chronic diseases and the organism rejuvenation. Women practicing them are always slight, pulled out, energetic and happy.
  • Psychological. Visualization, art therapy, various meditations are designed for the development of femininity, correction and preservation of the emotional and psychological state of a woman.

Group and individual classes help the girl to reveal personal features, detect domestic reserves, feel their own significance and uniqueness. The consequence, as a rule, are positive changes in life.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_4

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_5

Where to begin?

Performing any exercise requires awareness. Foreign thoughts should not distract you. You need to turn off your mobile phone. You can not do exercises in a bad mood. Tune in to work, listen to yourself. Turn on pleasant music.

You can fill yourself with positive energy with good movies, books, beautiful musical works. A good massage helps to clean thoughts from the unpleasant moments of life. For this purpose, it is necessary to massate finger tips with the use of olive oil. After a few minutes of rubbing, you will feel the tide of vitality.

The development of any practice begins with the complete adoption of his own person. First of all, a woman should love himself as it is. The lady is obliged to feel like a real goddess.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_6

It is still necessary to take into account the time of year. Spring awakening of nature signals the birth of the energy flow. Consequently, during this period you need to support the awakening of energy. In the summer you need to fully use it. In the autumn it is worth doing energy reserves. Winter should be devoted to cleansing.

An important moment is the knowledge that the energy is enhanced with a growing moon. In the full moon she reaches his peak. The decreasing moon contributes to its decrease. For this reason, experts recommend performing exercises aimed at replenishing energy during the growing moon. And technicians designed for the cleansing of the body must be done during the desire of the month. Each lunar day has its own energy features and a special meaning.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_7

Specific techniques and exercises

Morning classes open the energy channel of communication, day exercises contribute to the cleansing of the body, evening aims are targeting and harmonizing.

Morning is a suitable day of day to perform exercises in order to fill the body of energy. You can begin the day with a simple meditation, without even getting out of bed. To do this, it is necessary to include light music, relax and imagine yourself on a huge green cleaner. You are lying on soft grass, and sun rays warm your body and charge it with vigor. You feel how to fill with light and energy. Young leather shines from the inside. Preferably at these moments mentally pronounce affirmations.

There are energy practices for the development of femininity. They are designed for the forgiveness of themselves and other people, getting rid of a feeling of resentment, rapprochement with the surrounding and attracting love. Thus, the technique "Circle of Force" is aimed at interrupting the internal connection with former partners.

It is impossible to build new strong relationships without studying the previous link and achieve inner peace of mind and equilibrium.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_8

Women's health can be restored using some exercises. Stand on the floor, put your feet on the width of the shoulders. Slowly rotate the hollows counterclockwise. The amplitude of movements should gradually increase. When inhaling, you should move forward, when you exhale back. There are no need to tear off the floor, shoulders should not move. You need to feel every point of the circumference and feel the circle of its strength. Then you need to focus on our own female organs. Concentrate on your energy, imagine the dispersion of light flows within you. Next, rotation is performed in the other direction.

The center of gravity in women is located in the region of the uterus. It is necessary to properly focus it. There is a unique exercise that promotes the development and normal functioning of the main energy female center - uterus. The blocked organ empties a woman, giving her coldness. Exemption from the blocks in the region of the uterus contributes to the solution of many gynecological problems.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_9

Meditation to restore balance assumes the descent of energy down. First you need to sit down and calm down for 5-10 minutes. With closed eyes, take a deep breath and exhalation. Inhapping deeply, gradually lower your breath into the abdomen. Imagine how the energy flow is slowly moving. Feel the whole body to flow of energy. Breathe stomach smoothly and calmly, and now try to breathe through the uterus.

Next is worth keeping focus of attention at the uterus level. Try to feel it. After several deep breaths and exhale, slowly raise the uterus. Detain attention on it for 2-3 minutes. Let every breath fills it with light and warmth, and with any subsequent exhalation, insults, fears, negative and pain are expelled. Breathing uterus helps to eliminate irritation and fear.

The ability to consciously own intimate muscles leads to an increase in sexual sensitivity. A woman acquires the opportunity to experience her beloved person at a qualitatively different level. She is able to pave the bridge in the past and with the new force to regret the former love of a man.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_10

Yoga classes help filled with female energy. They help the weak floor representatives to cope with a huge mass of different problems. Power exercises are aimed at strengthening and maintaining health.

  • There are specific poses for pregnant women. They allow to reduce the load on the lower back. For example, Asana "Cat back" suggests the following actions: kneel and move into the floor with hands. Then you need to raise your back up, to bring it with a semicircle, linger in such a state for a few seconds and relax.
  • In critical days with the help of yoga, you can cope with pain and spasms. Special exercises are aimed at relaxing. You need to take a position with an elongated foot. The blood sticks to the organs of a small pelvis, and a person feels like a plant, which stretches to the sunlight, blossoming his bud.
  • Crescent Pose is performed in a lightweight version: with a support at hand. The blood circulation in the abdominal cavity is improving, the vestibular apparatus is trained, an internal equilibrium is installed. Yoga also provides exercises in sitting and lying position during critical days.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_11

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_12

How to maintain the result?

To preserve good results, it is necessary to feed the energy of nature daily. For short walks in the park, traveling for the city send thoughts into a positive channel. Move more, engage in sports. Visit places where never before. Travel to new cities and unexplored countries. Rejoice in any new clothes. Give yourself flowers. Communicate with girlfriends, share with them positive energy.

Of great importance is full nutrition. Warm aromatic baths reinforce the effect of restoration of vital tone. Do not forget to go to bed on time. It is necessary to fall asleep until midnight and be in a state of sleep at least 7-8 hours.

Waking up, be sure to say the greatest words to the highest forces for the opportunity to see, hear, walk, feel, loving, smile, inhale pleasant flavors. Read prayers, spiritual literature. Take time for privacy and meditation. Fill yourself with joy and positive emotions.

Do creativity, implement your dating. Get a diary that replenish interesting aphorisms and useful conclusions taken during the day. Make long-term and short-term plans: for life, year, month, week, day.

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_13

Women's Practices: Filling the energy for women, spiritual energy and bodily, psychological exercises. Where to begin? 6795_14

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