Hypertension: features of a hypertensive type of personality, character accentuation, characteristics and shtic temperament features


Hypertension implies a combination of character traits that defines an optimistic and combat person. This psychological type of personality is characterized by increased activity, sociability and quick-tempered. Despite the seeming lightness of the psychotype, the hyperitim has a mass of negative qualities that negatively affect his life.

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Definition and characteristics

Hypertime characterity is displayed excessive optimism and increased vigor. In psychology, this type means to find a person on the border between psychopathy and a tendency to violence. People suffering from psychological diseases in most cases have this accentuation, which is expressed in the instability of the psyche.

Hyperthy can be found in motor hyperactivity. Such a person quickly walks and says, and also actively uses facial expressions and gestures. He easily and quickly goes to bed, but also wakes up much earlier than other people. At the same time, it always remains in high spirits.

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Merry, Hypertima highlights him in society, making such an individual to the soul of the company. He is always happy to participate in any event and even in bad inclined to see only good. This trait sometimes plays a negative role, as a person with a hypertension of a personality can emit an excessive optimism even when the fun is inappropriate.

This psyche disorder is expressed by a tendency to slope. Chaos constantly reigns around such a person. At the same time, if the schizoid has a disorder based on any principles, then the hypertime does not have any deep meaning. In addition, he will not remove the dirt and rather will come to rabies if it is forced to clean up.

This character accentuation can be determined by periodic burden to power. At a certain point, the personality with such a disorder can seize the desire to organize any event, and this will do it with full responsibility. Otherwise, this type is inclined to anarchy, and therefore easily violates the generally accepted rules.

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Hyperthy does not depend on the opinion of society and do not seek to self-realization. They do not seek fame and wealth and do not suffer from the complex of inferiority. The authenticity of the character leads to excessive openness and dyeing part, which often tires the environment. And excessive courage and conflict often scares close people.

For a person with this psychotype, it is easy to influence, since it easily agrees with a stranger judgment. In this case, he may agree with absolutely opposite reasoning, without noticing his own inconsistency. Weak will and pronounced emotionality interferes with such an personality to acquire strong connections and move along the career ladder.

Hyperthy does not have compassion and understanding. It easily tolerates someone else's grief, and maybe at all ignore someone's trouble. Nevertheless, at the right moment such an individual is able to stretch the hand of help, especially if he knows that it really needs.

Such people are very kind to others. They will not regret their own strength and finances for the needy person. If their good intentions are not evaluated, hypertimes will not be embarrassing and will not be offended. Making good deeds, they do not wait for praise or response.

Distinctive features of such an individual is selflessness and no envy. But at the same time he doesn't have moral restrictions, it can easily make a bad act and even disrupt the law, but there will be no strong regrets.

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Among other things, hypertension is distinguished by unreliability. A person can easily give a promise, but not even think to fulfill him. And if he is reminded of obligations, then you can hear a lot of excuses and recognition, why the promised was not fulfilled.

Hyperitim loves communication and needs constant attention. Often, excessive talkativeness leads to the fact that such an individual tells personal belongings to completely unfamiliar people. At the same time, he can embellish the events without having mercenary purposes.

These are fun and open people who sometimes speak impartial things. For example, they can rudely joke in someone's address or tell a pursuing joke. In addition, these personalities are quietly relate to self-chairs and can miss the bumps past the ears in their address.

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Signs of manifestation

Hypertimia is manifested in childhood and is expressed in mobility, chatty, great sociability and fussiness. Such children love to be the center of attention and are distinguished by mischief, which creates a lot of noise around hyperthy. Often parents do not see anything bad in this, considering it by the age characteristics of the child.

To notice the psychological disorder to parents can help the teachers who will constantly complain about the restlessness and the impassivity of such a student. The child easily assimilates the information and is characterized by large abilities, but absolutely no acceptance of any disciplinary rules.

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In adolescence, hypertension is manifested in the form of a permanent lifted mood, excellent well-being and healthy appetite. Despite the high motor activity throughout the day, the teenager does not need a debt rest and does not have discomfort at a lack of sleep.

Teenagers with hypertension disorders often become the cause of conflict situations both with parents and peers. Any moralization or talk of souls can cause an aggressive reaction. Unfortunately, it is impossible to deal with such behavior, as such children do not want to accept the imposed rules. The desire for independence often leads to the fact that such teenagers constantly run away from the house.

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Causes of occurrence

Hypertension accentuation of character may occur for various reasons. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to identify the physiological and pathological signs of the disease. It is necessary to correctly evaluate the patient's condition and monitor the reaction of its body for a certain time.

Increased excitability is often a hereditary factor. Parents with choleracy temperament are very often born children with hypertension. Permanent copying of adult behavior causes the child more pronounced to develop traits characteristic of cholerics.

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Often, the development of this psychological disorder is influenced by the following factors:

  • prematurity;
  • intrauterine asphyxia;
  • Quick or protracted labor;
  • severe relationship between parents;
  • Despoticness of one of the parents;
  • Physical underdevelopment.

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    To accurately install hypertension in a child, you need to contact a children's psychologist or pediatrician. An experienced specialist will clarify its questions and reveal the causes of the patient's hyperactive behavior. He will also inspect a child and check its reaction and the level of development to assess his psychological state.

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    In addition to psychologists and psychiatrists, neurologists and endocrinologists should work with such patients. This will help to supplement the picture that it will later help to create a treatment plan.


    This psychotype can combine signs of other character accentuations. Most often occurs several types of hyperties.

    • Hyperthythmus-strut - Differs in an unstable psyche, in which a person puts entertainment in the first place, sacrificing the rest of life. Often, a hypeutive-shot man has a craving for alcohol or drugs.
    • Hyperthythnote-eastoid - Arises against the background of constant stress. At the same time, the individual is distinguished by unpredictability due to the desire to prove its own unsurpression.
    • Hypertension-affective - It is expressed in hot-tempered and aggressive behavior, which can provoke even a minor remark. Such an individual is characterized by hostility and conflict, which makes other people see a real psychopath in it

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    • Hypertension-cyclic - due to internal factors, which, depending on the endogenous state, are expressed in a good or bad mood.
    • Hypertension radical - It has excessive optimism and life, which often leads to the underestimation of the negative consequences of certain events. Such people define live facial expressions and squeezed gestures.
    • Hypertension-pedantic - Differs the response slowdest to external stimuli. This type determines punctual and bona fide people who often put the tasks in excess of their capabilities.
    • Hypertension exposive - manifests itself with frequent outbreaks of anger and irritation. Such people do not know how to read the failures worthy and begin to be resentment for any occasion. The combination of hypertension and exposive features is often due to the brain injury or due to the manic-depressive psychosis transferred in the youth.

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    Age peculiarities

    The character of hyperthy is changing over several years. The features inherent in the child are often modified in adulthood. So, if the hyperthythmic syndrome in children is expressed in chatty and bright physical and emotional activity, then teenagers, in addition to these qualities, begin to show aggression and rejection.

    In the youthful age, such personalities are allocated to a cheerful temper and community. But any external influence can cause them a protest, which is expressed in furiousness. Typically, such a reaction occurs in hyperties due to excessive control and imposing someone else's opinion.

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    In adulthood, the behavior of such an individual depends on how his adolescent age was held. If in the younger, he is not controlled by anyone, then becoming an adult person, becomes more responsible and independently learns to correct his own mistakes. But the total control over such a child will lead to the fact that an adult will be addicted to alcohol or drugs or begin to lead an erratic lifestyle.

    In love, people with this psychotype show ease and ease. Men hyperthy in relationships with women become fun and bright satellites capable of decorating all aspects of lover life. But the women hyperthy can open new sensations for a partner, which he will experience, trying new hobbies and classes.

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    Relationship with hypertime

    Finding the child with hypertension syndrome, parents must correctly build a relationship within the family. The main thing is that they have to do is create a cozy and friendly atmosphere in the house. It is impossible to solve the relationship and the more pull into adult disassembly of the child.

    To smooth out the excitability and activity of Chad, it is necessary to pay him enough attention. For example, you need to more often make joint walks, doing lessons, as well as attend quiet and quiet events. The noise and turmoil will only give an unstable psyche.

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    In no case cannot beat the child with this type of psychological type. Installation of strict rules and rules will also not lead to anything good. The same applies to relationships with adults suffering from hypertension syndrome.

    From such people you need to demand specific actions in order not to overload them. At the same time, the requirement should be voiced in the form of a request, otherwise hyperthy will be protest.

    In order for people with this syndrome to find their place in life and become successful, they need to choose professions related to activity and communication. For example, they can become excellent animators, leading events, tourist guides and freight forwarders. Thanks to the oratorical abilities and a good sense of humor, hyperthy can succeed in these professions.

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    Correction of behavior

    Correction of a person's character with hyperthythmic psyche disorder should occur gradually. To do this, he needs to perform the following actions:

    • From time to time it is necessary to restore order in your room;
    • learn to bring started to the end in any activity;
    • Start a diary, in which all plans will be indicated for the coming day.

    In addition, hypertime must learn to behave naturally in any situation. To do this, try to restrain your aggression and calmly respond to external stimuli.

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    Such people must learn to do everything gradually, in no hurry. For example, you can begin to embroider or make any other work that requires care and not much.

    Since a person with hyperthythmic syndrome does not have a high responsibility and can easily forget about this promise, he should start to reminders in the phone or stick a sticker with a promise to prominent place.

    About writing the type of personality is hypertension, see the next video.

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