Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose


The last few seasons of the park is a real MUST Have for both male and female wardrobe. It is noteworthy that initially this style was wore a purely utilitarian character - the first parks sewed in the United States as shaped clothing for pilots. The designers who created this uniform were inspired by the silhouettes of traditional Eskimo robes, which were manufactured in a special technology, which provided for the impregnation of the material with fish oil. It provided the finished product of the maximum water resistance, which is extremely necessary in the harsh northern climate.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_2

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_3

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_4

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_5

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_6

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_7

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_8

Practicality, convenience and the perfect combination of effectity with efficiency made a jacket-park with a favorite object of wardrobe many mods and fashionistas. The latter do not refuse themselves in pleasure to fit in a warm and comfortable winter park, even being in late pregnancy. Currently, the market presents a wide selection of precisely such models designed for the most delicate and exciting period in the life of any woman.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_9

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_10

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_11


  • A classic version of the female park is considered a jacket, reaching the middle of the thigh, characterized by a steam lining of artificial fur or with a synthetic filler. Such a park is equipped with a fair-standing hand, high enough, so that, if necessary, it was possible to cover the lower part of the face, as well as a hood, allowing to protect the hair and forehead from precipitation and penetrating wind. For most classic models, overhead pockets are characterized on the outside of the parks, several internal and additional pockets on one of the sleeves.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_12

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_13

  • Fashionable over the past years, the trend on the clothing-transformer did not pass and the park - almost all elements in it can be disgusted. For example, in more warm days you can "dismantle" lining or hood, and sometimes sleeves. Then the park will turn into a cozy and stylish vest. Also, hoods on women's parks are sometimes equipped with a vertical zipper-zipper, with which the hood is easily divided into two equal parts, transforming into the postponed collar.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_14

  • In the variations, designed both in the last months of pregnancy, and in the first weeks after the advent of the long-awaited baby, there is also a built-in insert in the park to wear a newborn in a slingzak, which at the right moment comes to replace the insert for pregnant women.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_15

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_16

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_17

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_18

  • In the current fashion season, the most demanded type of such a variety of winter clothes for pregnant women, like a park jackets, is a lengthened cut model, which due to its length can well act as an equivalent replacement for traditional down jackets. Designers actively decorated hoods of such jacket fur, which not only adds elegance with this extremely pragmatic things, but also clearly emphasizes their seasonal affiliation.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_19

  • About "Militari" -Prises resemble the most relevant color solutions for popular varieties of Parks for pregnant women. Sports and military style is set as well in this case: in fashion all shades of khaki, marsh and olive, as well as dark variations of gray and blue and unchanged camouflage of all "masters" - from the "gray-haired" urban to classic green. In addition to these army reminiscence, they rapidly conquer the sympathies of customers and unusual animal prints for such things.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_20

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_21

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_22

It is important to understand that the more easy autumn models that the future mother wearing last season throughout the winter, in its current position to wear in the cold it is not recommended. The wind and the fauna should not penetrate the tissue to the tummy, it is also necessary to ensure heat and in the loan area. That is why you should pay attention to the warmed varieties of such outerwear.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_23

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_24

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_25

How to choose?

Winter clothing, designed to provide comfort and security of two people at once, is obliged to be the highest quality. At the time of pregnancy, the use of winter belongings, sewn from the cheap fabric, styled dubious composition of the insulation and characterized by the stroke of the seams, should be excluded. The correct winter park for pregnant women should provide one hundred percent protection from cold and wind, so it is important to choose a model with snacks or rubber bands along the lower edge of the park, with a functional hood and pockets for important trifles, as well as with sleeves equipped with cuffs.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_26

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_27

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_28

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_29

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_30

In the event that the Park jacket looks short in the early period of pregnancy, it is necessary to lay admission to the size of "on the grown" - some ladies are added for 9 months in weight not only at the expense of the tummy. This does not mean that they will have to acquire a dimensionless thing "cloak-tent" format, but the solid stock in the bemps and on the waist will not hurt.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_31

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_32

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_33

Beautiful images

Waterproof cloak fabric of the outer part of this stylish militari parks makes it reliable protection from both snow and rain. In such a jacket, it will be comfortable and warm even in the coldest winter days, and the cutlery will retain the relevance of the things that loved during pregnancy and after the birth of a child.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_34

A strict model with a warm fleece lining is suitable for wearing on any month of pregnancy. Its width is very easy and convenient to adjust with the help of a tape stretched in the waist, as well as zippers located along the seams on the sides of the product. The laconic dark blue gamma is perfectly combined with both classic denim jeans and an unusual and bright scarf.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_35

The original A-shaped silhouette of this parking jacket makes it advantageously highlights its owner among the total mass warmed by the Winter of future mothers. The non-trivial color solution, expressed in the shade of "dust rose", camouflaged with a vertical plank clasu, as well as a trimmed fur of a raccoon hood, passes into the collar, will fall to taste the most demanding fashionmented, which is waiting for the main miracle in the life of every woman.

Winter park for pregnant women (36 photos): models, how to choose 663_36

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