Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices


It is impossible to leave the feet without attention and care. From the care of them depend on the appearance, comfort when walking and health. It is possible to take care of them at home, but professional pedicure is preferable.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_2


Pedicure is one of the body care procedures. Without well-groomed legs, the image of a neat and beautiful girl does not create. Professional pedicure has a number of features that distinguish it from home.

  • Giving aesthetic appearance to the legs quickly (in 40-60 minutes);
  • The implementation of the procedure by a specialist who will not do anything superfluous and will not harm;
  • maintenance of skin hygiene;
  • Year-round leg care;
  • Prevention of fungus formation;
  • Nail rustling protection;
  • removal of ingrown nails;
  • elimination of corns;
  • Prevention of deformation of the feet;
  • warning flatfoot;
  • Eliminating skin residues that clog the space under nails and create a favorable medium for breeding hazardous bacteria.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_3

Main technicians

There are two main types of professional pedicure: the first is classic, and the second is a hardware. Making one or another procedure, care for the nails, the feet of complex and prevent the development of hazardous fungal diseases. Although the main species are two, but the technician is based on them. Each of them has its own characteristics.

- Classic

Unlike the hardware pedicure, the classic suggests manual skin care of the stop. The procedure is popular with masters and girls who are accustomed to care for themselves (or not having money for salon procedures). To make a classic pedicure, you will need the following tools:

  • scissors;
  • pink;
  • pumice;
  • forceps.

Before removing the reducing heels, the skin of the stop is purified, soften by immersion in a soap solution with the addition of salt. Then they take into the hands of Pekme and the truth heels to remove the untidy rough "crust". After that, they separate the cuticles of nails, cutting or pushing a special wooden wand, the foot is treated with a scrub. If a client wishes, then after polishing her paint nails. The procedure is considered completed when nutrient cream is applied on the foot and its easy massage is carried out.

A good wizard never shortens the nail plate "under the root", leaving a noticeable edge of the nail. He does so not because it is impossible to differently, but to prevent the nail rustling into the skin.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_4

- Japanese

Japanese pedicure has one fundamental difference from all other techniques. By doing it, the master uses natural and natural agents (scrubs, herbal solutions, minerals, polishing pastes, basic and essential oils, pages with herbs). It does not handle even the coarse skin of the metal tools from metal and synthetic devices. With the help of a careful and delicate Japanese pedicure, they are heated by distorting small wounds on the legs, clean the cracks, soften the flabbing areas of the skin, eliminate the natoptes and corns.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_5

- European

The European pedicure has one nuance: leading in order foot, the wizard never cuts the cuticle, does not use water and metal tools. It works with special cosmetics. From their use, skin and cuticle are softened. Applying the scrub, clean the natoptyshi, corn, and if it does not help, use PEMZU. After applying oil, they affect the cuticle, pushing it with an orange stick. After staining the nails on the foot cream apply.

Girls are reluctant to be recorded on the European pedicure. Not everyone likes that the cuticle is moved away, and not cut. Customers are afraid that the nails will soon look untidy. But if you do such a pedicure regularly, the cuticle will swell and the nails will not get a sloppy look even in three weeks.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_6

- Hardware

The hardware pedicure is popular with girls with thin skin (for example, between your fingers or in the cuticle area). Unlike the classic hardware pedicure, this is a dry method of processing feet and toes. The master acts on the skin with a special device, which is an electric machine with different cutters. Depending on the model, the speed of rotation and the reverse machine varies. In some embedded, the vacuum cleaner is responsible for collecting flaky or oroging skin particles.

By applying a pedicure device, the skin's skin is grin, and not cut, as it happens during the classical pedicure procedure. Wide nozzles are treated with the skin of the feet and heels (tightly dense layers of burritable skin), and thin on the fingers and in the cuticle area (they are intended for "jewelry" work). Upon completion of skin treatment, the exposure site is grinding.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_7

Best tools for the procedure

From what means and cosmetics are used by making a pedicure, the result directly depends on.

- Oil with mint and sage Tasha

Not always for sprinkling keep legs in warm water with shampoo, shop soap or salt. Tasha oil not only effectively softens the flapped skin, creating the impression that everything happens in the SPA-salon, but also accelerates blood flow, fighting with swelling, refreshes and removes excessive dryness.


It contains natural sugar and white currant bones, which have an abrasive effect. Applying a tool called "Crystal shoes" at the foot, soon notice that traces of peeling and pollution on them disappeared. Other components - rose oil and cranberries - make the skin smooth and soft. The maximum effect is achieved if you hold the legs in the water before applying it.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_8

- Miko nail oil

Miko oily oil cares for nails on the legs. Lemon is one of the components of this tool, which is responsible for giving them a healthy shine. Also contains oil rice bran, with which they seek mitigations and slowing down the growth of the cuticle; Tea tree oils and manuki with antibacterial effect.

- Cream with softening action from Herbalife

The cream "White Tea" softly envelops the feet. It contributes to moisturizing, mitigating and feeding the skin due to the vitamins of Makadamia walnut, carite vegetation oils, seeds of black currant in the composition. The remedy is instantly absorbed and begins to act.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_9

- Cream Care from Clean Line

From the means of "intensive nutrition" comes a sharp and awakening aroma of sea buckthorn. Although it is inexpensive, but perfectly copes with meals, moisturizing. If you can use the cream regularly, my microcracks will be lit and soften the natoptes.

- Means from Deborah Lippmann

Masters often remove corn by budget composition called Get Off. They bring them feet to perfection, removing the growths formed on the skin. Likewise, it is necessary that it is necessary to break it on problem areas and remove the atrophing particles of the skin with a suitable tool.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_10

Tips of professionals

Stop care is an important procedure. While alone hide the imperfections in closed shoes and boots, others visit the beauty salon where professional pedicure makes. It happens that the first and glad would change something, but they are afraid to burn with the master. Experts give such advice:

  • Do not go to the first lounge. The masters are not looking for ads, and there are a praise reviews on the Internet, though they take into account, but do not trust them in full. It is better to find a specialist on the recommendations of acquaintances, girlfriends or relatives.
  • A real professional, as a rule, does not work for pennies in a second-speed salon, does not jut in the corner near the exit of the hairdresser. He has a spacious light cabinet with high-quality equipment.
  • It works in special protective clothing (apron, cake, face mask), and not in a trico with a t-shirt.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_11

  • The medical examination is held annually.
  • The master works strictly according to technology without retreating from her.
  • It uses a high-quality milling machine, and not the first bought, bought by reviews about the devices from the Internet. She has a power of 40 watts and above. Because otherwise, efforts will have to be applied in order to handle the foot without stopping the cutter (the optimal speed of its rotation should be 10-20 thousand. Obr. / Min).
  • In order not to work out with the search for the master and do not trust your legs with unfamiliar people, you can learn to a professional pedicure by posting special courses.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_12

Original design ideas

The fashion is still a monophonic pedicure. It is considered a classic genre and an interesting solution for stylish Nail-Art. It is not necessary to paint the nails on their hands and legs equally. Paint them with different varnishes, but only so that the color on the legs combined with what is in hand.

Without a picture (themes: Floral prints, geometric patterns, abstraction, marble coating) Nowhere else. They decorate all or a few nails on the legs (on other coating are left in monophonic). The main thing is not to overdo the complexity of patterns: what they are easier and concisely look, the better.

Nails on the legs give an oval, rectangular or with curb shape. When staining, two techniques are often combined (one-photon coating + geometric pattern, french + pattern) and are used to enhance the effect of rhinestones, pebbles, beads. In the colors trend: red, white, black, blue, blue, peach, pink, lilac, purple.

Professional pedicure: choose means and cosmetics. How to learn to do the procedure? Reviews about the devices 6624_13

On how to make a classic pedicure, see the next video.

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