Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs


Despite the constant changes in the fashion world, the pedicure always remained and remains on the tops of the trends. For many centuries, women neatly watched their nails and tried to make them as well-keeled and beautiful. Since the time of the era of the revival of the beauty covered the nails with improvised varnishes from undergraduated means - henna, plants, insect wings.

Therefore, many fair sex representatives seek to make a manicure not only on their hands, but also on their feet. This makes them even more irresistible. And one of the most popular variants of the pedicure is to apply lacquer with sparkles.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_2

Application of varnish

First you need to think how you are going to apply sequins. You can buy varnish with sparkles already entered, you can separately apply sequins over the color surface of the varnish. You can paint your nails just sparkles. On top, cover their protective layer, because the sparkles must necessarily be supported.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_3

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_4

There are many sequins of various types.

  • Large. Their size is about 1 mm. The sequin shape is the most different - asterisks, hearts, and the like. It is usually laid out by a piece of sticky layer of varnish and are the basis of the pattern.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_5

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_6

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_7

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_8

  • Small. The second name is "will give". They are usually used in fairly large quantities for giving a pedicure of brightness and beautiful color overflows.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_9

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_10

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_11

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_12

  • Dry. They can be of all colors, shapes and sizes. Sometimes sequins with reflective effect are found.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_13

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_14

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_15

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_16

  • Liquid. They already exist as part of varnish. But this will definitely be minor sparkles - you will not meet the major. Liquid glytter turns on all varnishes with sparkles (gel varnish, sh-varnish and the like).

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_17

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_18

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_19

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_20

  • Holographic. They are most often used on a dark background, as they contain in their composition a plurality of light-strain particles. This allows you to create a holographic effect.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_21

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_22

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_23

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_24

  • Colored. They, in contrast to the above, are most often used on a white background. This option allows you to make your nails quite bright and add festive in your image. A large number of options and shades contributes to choosing a varnish.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_25

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_26

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_27

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_28

  • Foil. You can make this option on your own at home. To do this, you will need only two things - foils and scissors. And the result will look just irresistible.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_29

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_30

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_31

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_32

  • Glitter powder. This is a type of dry sparkle: apply them to a liquid base, and after rubbing with a cosmetic applicator. As a result, it turns out even mirror coating.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_33

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_34

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_35

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_36

  • Glitter sand. This option is the smallest sequins. The composition is very thick, it should be applied to the nails with a special spatula. Disperse particles perfectly fall on the nail and add it glitter.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_37

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_38

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_39

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_40


To begin with, decide on how you want to cover your nail plate. Believe it carefully, because different colors can have different meanings and cause different associations.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_41

So, the first color is in line - pink.

It is important to understand that it is often associated with frivolism. However, the shades exists such a large amount that every girl can choose the right color and get rid of the vapor. In addition, think about your dress. After all, the pedicure must approach clothes, otherwise it will look short. With flowers such as Fuchsia, Adelaide, Light Cherry, Majer must be careful.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_42

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_43

It is important not to overdo it with pink color.

For those who love a calm and gentle style, the amaranth, cutter, dusty rose, terracotta are perfectly suitable. These are quite reserved colors that can reduce the variety of sparkles.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_44

The second on the queue goes white. It is often used as the basis for something brighter and catchy. Such a combination helps to create a festive and elegant image. However, if you use sequins in moderate quantity, then such a pedicure may come in and in an office style, reviving the situation.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_45

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_46

Black. Use it can be appropriate only at the festive event. It creates an atmosphere of solemnity. Sequins on top of a dark basis create an atmosphere of magic and fairy tales. Therefore, with him, gold or red is perfect. If you do not want your pedicure to look very bright and throw, you can add a little dark blue, which will help dilute the abundance of black.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_47

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_48

Red. This color will add life and energy into your image. If you bring glistening on top, it will not strengthen the test of your outfit, on the contrary, the sequins will dilute the brightness of the pedicure, without reducing its effectiveness. Bright and deep red helps you look like a real Wamp woman.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_49

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_50

Add effects to your image will help lipstick or manicure of the same shade.

Blue. This color has a huge amount of shades: from the warmer to the coldest. Select it on the basis of the already created image. It is important that in your dress attended blue. This will help make your image more harmonious. The sequins are best picking gold or white. It will help make your nails brighter. With light blue perfectly combined silver.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_51

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_52

Golden is an excellent option for those who want to become a star party. Apply Golden Sequins either directly to the nails or on transparent varnish. This will allow brilliance to look spectacular and noticeable.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_53

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_54

One of the most tender shades is beige. It allows you to keep the tenderness and restraint of the image, it does not look particularly defiantly and allows you to keep calm and elegance.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_55

With drawing

If you do not like a simple pedicure version, you can make some pattern on the nail plate. From options for how you can do this, there are two main: choose one of the following options or come up with your option.

  • Franch. This is one of the variants of the French pedicure, which usually comes in combination with a manicure look like. The latter is a prototype for the first. Of all the changes, the main thing is that the familiar white nail edge is replaced by a brilliant oscillation, which will add elegance and brightness to your image. White strip color can be replaced with gold or silver - they will be perfectly combined with any color, and the brilliant decor will only improve the effect.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_56

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_57

  • Lunar. This option assumes the presence of a small recess at the edge of the nail, which is painted with a transparent varnish and decorate sparkles. The species turns out quite unusual. But this oddity only adds an appearance of attractiveness.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_58

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_59

With rhinestones

If you paint your nails into unusual colors, put a few rhinestones from above, then it will add a spark and energy to your image, perfectly complement your evening or festive toilet.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_60

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_61


In order to transfer the atmosphere of light warm summer days, you can depict a bright pattern of tropical fruits or sea landscapes on your nails. Summer mood will exceed a combination of several bright colors - each nail can be painted by your color. But be careful with this - the main thing is that the colors are combined with each other.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_62

And do not overdo it! Otherwise it will look pretty comical.

For short nails

Pay a lot of attention to your nails and try not to run them, namely: it's enough to short. It makes you more well-groomed and tidy. And you should not neglected a pedicure for short nails. Color them in bright colors or make an unusual ornament or drawing. All this will make you just irresistible.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_63


In order to avoid excessive varnish and not overdo it with sequins, you can decorate them only thumb. It will help make your legs even more beautiful and will not let you look vulgar or defiant. Gustly apply sequins on the thumbs of both legs, and the remaining fingers are painted with frosted dark flowers (it is desirable that they contrasted with a thumb).

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_64

Gel lacquer

This kind of varnish will help you enjoy a more resistant manicure. Otherwise, the same thing as in ordinary varnish is the same. However, be careful when applying gel varnish, as it has a more liquid texture. Use a special brush.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_65


Before proceeding to apply sequin on the nails, You should make several operations, so there is a special application technique.

  1. Do not neglect hygienic procedures. Treat nails and leather stop. This will help get rid of cracks on the heels, holoptysh and in general will make the skin more tender.
  2. Give the nail plate the desired form. In order to reduce the risk of injury to the nail or leather around it, use a low-abrasion file.
  3. Carefully polish the nails and try to make the surface as smooth as possible. Otherwise, the glitter will not fall a smooth layer and only attract attention to all irregularities and roughness.
  4. Decreased nail primer. It can be used both acidic and a means that does not contain in the composition of the acid.
  5. After the entire primer is absorbed, apply the base layer. This will help smooth out the irregularities and align the nail plate.
  6. After drying the base layer, begin to cover the nails with varnish. In order to enhance the color intensity, cover the nail double layer of varnish. Be sure to carefully dry each layer and patiently wait for the polymerization of varnish. It is very important for a neat manicure.
  7. After you were covered with a layer of ordinary color your nails, you can proceed to applying the main portion of the sequin and make design.
  8. When all the sequins are applied, a pedicure should be coated with a layer of matte or glossy top.

Pedicure with sparkles (66 photos): choose a brilliant design with gold sparkles on the legs 6622_66

Now you know how to make your feet in open-nose shoes looked just irresistibly. And without shoes too.

On how to perform a pedicure with glitter, see the next video.

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