Nail extension "Classic" (9 photos): Classic extensive nails


An ordinary manicure makes the handles well-groomed, and add a raisin to the image will help manicure with a coating or extension. An experienced master will be able to tell how it is better to make a note, and what is in trend today.

Nail extension


Building on its own nail plates of artificial products has long been at the peak of popularity. It can be said that in such a kind of decorated marigolds wear not only for the exit, but also pick up to the casual wardrobe. Most masters choose a mass fashion style that will emphasize the grace of fingers and a feeling of taste.

Under the extension of the nail "Classic" implies the process of elongation of a natural nail bed, as well as tooling nails with a tweezers for the formation of parallel side rollers with a maximum length of 1-1.5 cm.

Nail extension

Nail extension

Distinctive features

In each form of extension there are special characteristics. Classic view has a number of its moments:

  • If the extensive marigolds look like natural, manicure, respectively, will be durable to the time of socks;
  • The extension procedure is resorted when your nail plates are weakened, breaking or saved;
  • This is an opportunity to have a manicure with a spectacular pattern of a longer period;
  • If a broken nail breaks, then the master will not be difficult to correct it;
  • Deviation from the method of extension of artificial material can lead to peeling of a special substance, and allergic reactions may be followed;
  • It should be understood that extension and correction will not be cheap procedures;
  • Unprocessed cuticle will lead to an uneven distribution of gel or acrylic substance.

Nail extension

Rules for the implementation of the procedure

To produce high-quality classic nail surface extension, You need to know some important points:

  • The former coating is completely removed;
  • nails before the procedure are well polished and processed by antiseptics;
  • Immediately before the increase procedure, it is recommended that you do not water the water, and do not apply cream on them;
  • The correction procedure should be carried out in a timely manner.

Nail extension


Today, Neil-Art is known to Masters Several methods of extension of artificial nail plates:

  • acrylic or gel system;
  • Use of adhesive powder;
  • Fabric technique.

Types of technologies for building artificial products on natural nail plates differ in several signs.

  • The advantages of acrylic technology include the acquisition of durable nails, given the fact that such products are much thinner than gel.
  • Gel nails distinguishes characteristic shine. Nail products extended by this technology, elastic and suitable for owner of soft marigolds.
  • Popular product extension based on special adhesive powder.
  • The fabric method is applicable to strengthen natural nail plates, as well as for the correction of gel and acrylic products.

Nail extension

Nail extension

Nail extension


The classic nail extension type allows a woman to create a manicure with aesthetic and stylish look. To avoid the need for early correction with considerable financial costs, it is recommended to care for your hands and nails.

Increase the service life of artificial marigolds as follows:

  • protect hands with rubber gloves when conducting wet household work;
  • do not come up or open something with marigolds;
  • try to keep hands in pure form, carefully monitor the moisturizes of the cuticle;
  • Purchase a special tool that disks small cracks on the extensive product;
  • If significant damage appears, it is recommended to contact the master.

    How to make a classic nail extension gel, see the next video.

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