Caring for nausea nails: how to care for zoomed gel nails?


To decorate your handles with long and strong nails, you can make the process of extension. This is a painless procedure, which forms the necessary form and color of the manicure. In order for such a coating for a long time, it will need special care.

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After deciding to decorate their hands with artificial manicure, it will be necessary to visit the master in order to learn about the rules of care before the start of work. For three days before building, the plates are processed by a classic or European manicure. At this time, the nails are given the necessary form, as well as the surplus of the cuticle. Such work contributes to the accuracy and well-groomed hands.

Those women who decided to visit the masters on the manicure should not use the creams and oils for hands before extension. Otherwise, there will be no durable adhesion of the artificial and natural plate. The same applies to oil-type manicure, as well as paraffin therapy.

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Features of care

Start care for marked nails is required immediately after the procedure. The first twenty-four hours are the most important for the subsequent state of the marigolds. The main rules of care are in the following points.

  • It is forbidden to use nails, the basis of which is acetone. Such substances are detrimental to the scorched manicure, as it eruphes its structure. After working on nails was performed, their color scheme does not change for a long time, so the woman will walk with the same manicure before the correction. That is why when choosing a nail design it is worth a preference to universality.
  • Performing a home work should occur with the use of gloves. Such "hands for hands" contributes to the protection of nail plates from mechanical and chemical damage. In addition, gloves are an excellent way to prevent premature aging of the skin of the hands.

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  • Correction must be done on time. Due to the constant growth of the nail plate, the acrylic or gel base will move away from the nail base. To save the proper type of manicure and avoid constant clinging for objects and things, to the master it is worth coming at the appointed time, not passing corrections.
  • It is necessary to care for the wicked gel nails at home. After regular checking the edges of the nails, they should be carefully filtered. Using the sawmill will prevent clinging. Otherwise, a woman can experience pain during injury, and the resulting damage will be recovered for a long time.

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  • It should be constantly accuracy and prevent mechanical damage. It is forbidden to knock with nails and open something by them. The strength of the nail plate does not save it from fragility. Broken nail entails damage to natural.
  • It is worth treating the temperature differences with caution. Nails can not be concerned with hot, otherwise the manicure will yellow, crackles and become unsuitable.

It is necessary to constantly carry out skin care around the nails, it is recommended to feed and moisturize, in this way, sowers will not be formed.

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Supporting procedures

After making a manicure and the process of nail extension, such an unpleasant phenomenon occurs as the rustling of the cuticle. This situation leads to the emergence of a non-accurate and untidy type of hand. At the started stage, the nails become incredible. There is nothing complicated in solving this problem. With regular use of oils and creams that are aimed at caring for a cuticle, an unpleasant situation can be avoided.

Caring for nausea nails: how to care for zoomed gel nails? 6565_15

If the nail broke, then you should not use super-glue to restore it. The best way out of this situation will wake the affected finger, as well as an entry for the reception to the master. In order to fill the emptiness on the plate when growing a natural nail, it will also be necessary to visit the wizard and make correction. Such a procedure should be carried out every three or four weeks.

You should not be afraid if after stress, the course of reception of antibiotics, hormones, pregnancy, suddenly begin to break up the scorched nails. This is a normal response of the body on the foreign body. When the state comes to normal, you can safely make a new beautiful manicure.

After nail extension, the woman looks attractive and well-kept. But in everyday life there is a mass of risks that can lead to fragility and deformation of a beautiful manicure. In order for he to serve his mistress as long as possible, it is worth a right and constantly care for artificial nails, as well as to make correction in time.

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Tips for care for marked nails in the video below.

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