Camouflage gel for nail extension: Features of extension by camouflage gel


Camouflage translated from French means "masking". Most often, this concept is associated with people with camouflage military tactics. But camouflage is needed to those who seek to make their manicure stylish and flawless.

Camouflage gel

This is a special tool to lengthen your nails and hide their possible flaws. It is simultaneously sculptural material for modeling and has the properties of ordinary colored varnish. The camouflage gel strengthens the nails, masks all irregularities and roughness, makes manicure perfectly smooth. When building it, it gives the surface of the nail plate the desired shape and volume.

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What represents?

Camouflage gel opaque, it has different density and natural color. As a rule, these are pastel shades of pink, beige, peach, as well as the color of the ivory. This gamma makes any manicure very natural. In addition, the properly chosen color creates a soft transition from the nail to a zoomed artificial edge. In transparent light camouflage gels, you can enter acrylic powder. It will add to him viscosity, and the coating - mattness.

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Application of this fund For nail extensions, the following advantages have:

  • nails treated with camouflage gel look like natural, perfectly well-groomed and shiny even without applying a varnish;
  • Manicure becomes more voluminous, there are no cracks, irregularities and other defects;
  • This remedy lengthens the nail plate with a short lie and makes the shape of such nails more perfect;
  • Camouflage gel closes the edge and hides growing areas;
  • It strengthens the structure of the nail plate;
  • Such a coating protects the nails from fungal diseases;
  • This agent passes air, so such a manicure can be used for a long time without harm to the nails;
  • Ideal for lovers of French manicure.

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But this method has its drawbacks.

  • In the camouflage gel may contain substances causing allergies.
  • If the wizard is not qualified enough, then damage to the nails from the use of UV lamp are possible. The removal of the stripped layer is also fraught with injuries if the master is inexperienced.
  • Such a manicure requires compulsory visits to the cabin once every three weeks for correction.
  • Nail extension with the help of a camouflage gel is quite expensive.


  • Single-phase system. It is the most popular and combines 3 layers: basic, simulating and protective. A special gel for this procedure has a thick and dense consistency, it is difficult to apply it. But he dries quickly and removes without any problems. Such a gel falls smoothly, without bubbles and perfectly fastens the nail and coating.

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  • Two-phase system. With such an extension, a less dense camouflage gel is used, which is applied to several layers. The base layer fastens the nail and coating. A more dense modeling layer creates a form. Finish - levels the nail plate.

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  • Three-phase system. This gel is liquid and requires more layers. In the process can be formed bubbles. But this is the most resistant look. Nails with such a coating are very strong and resistant to different damage.

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Nail extension with a camouflage gel consists of several stages.

  • Preparation of nails to modeling includes cuticle treatment with soft frieze, degreasing and thorough cleaning surface. Then primer is applied (special primer).

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  • Artificial form is separated from the adhesive basis and is combined with the nail so that the centers coincide. Next, the master puts a small drop of a camouflage gel on the brush and causes it to the middle and on the edge, and then - above the cuticle. The gel is then dried under the UV lamp of about 2 minutes. Then the substrate is pressed close to the nail and holds for a few seconds for the connection. Nails are dried for two more minutes.

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  • A dispersion layer is removed, the shape of the edge is adjusted to the saw. The master thoroughly cleans and degreases the coating. Then the camouflage gel is applied with a brush into two layers, each layer is drying 2 minutes under the lamp. Then the surface is covered with the finish layer and will dry 2 minutes again. After a certain time, the form is removed and extension ends.

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Due to the use of the camouflage gel, the artificial surface in the growing looks very aesthetic. And the entire manicure looks natural and effectively. Ideally well-groomed nails of gentle shades will make your image very romantic and feminine.

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On how to make nail extensions with gel on the forms, see the next video.

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