Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth


Modern youth loves to dress brightly and stylish, emphasizing their individuality, but at the same time feel comfortable and comfortable regardless of weather conditions. Of the variety of clothing, existing on the modern rink, all these requirements are fully consistent with the Park jacket.

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Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_3

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_4

The idea of ​​the jacket Modern designers borrowed from the northern peoples of Alaska. But this invention was appreciated first by American pilots for excellent warming properties and convenient style. Subsequently, the Park jacket won the hearts of young people with their careless views, versatility, practicality and firmly settled in the wardrobe both young people and girls.

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Distinctive features:

  • straight elongated style;
  • Lightning lock, covered with a plank;
  • overhead pockets of different sizes;
  • Dragging ride on the waist and the lower edge of the jacket;
  • deep hood;
  • An extended "tail" jacket with a cut.

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Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_7

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_8

Through the use of various accessories, fabrics, colors, manufacturers were able to expand the range to incredible sizes. Now any girl can freely pick up the park regardless of his figure.

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Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_10

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_11

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_12

Choosing a female park, listen to the advice of stylists:

  • A direct park of any length is perfect for high and slim;
  • Girls with a pear figure (when the thighs are wider than shoulders), a slightly unclenped park version is recommended;
  • With a wide waist, a model with a rubber band in the belt area is better suited to hide extra volume;
  • On lush ladies, it will be better to look extended to the middle of the knee jacket.

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Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_14

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_15

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_16

Color spectrum

Initially, the parks sewed in fairly calm colors: gray, brown, khaki, beige. As soon as girls are interested in this model, designers every year make us new color solutions.

Jackets of red, blue, burgundy, various shades of green, yellow, orange colors increasingly began to fill on shop windows, attracting young people . The wildest and extravagant choose mint, pink, raspberry shades.

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Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_18

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_19

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_20

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_21

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_22

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_23

Thus, a modern jacket-park allows each teenager to show its individuality.

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But, most importantly, than attracts the female park of girls, it is an excellent combination with almost any clothing. Ideally combined, of course, with jeans of any models and colors, but you should not stop only on this option. It is allowed to wear with leggings, warm sweaters and sweaters, knitted dresses and skirts, shirts or tunics.

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Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_26

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_27

Lightweight models perfectly complement light chiffon dresses, skirts and shorts. The park allows you to create both a brutal-sports and a gentle-romantic youth image.

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One can only avoid a combination of parks with strict classic clothing in the form of a suit or dresses in the floor.

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As for the shoes, this wonder-jacket allows you to wear everything you like. It is only necessary to balance the top and bottom of the shape. That is, high ankle shoes will be better suitable for insulated volumetric models, the boots with a wide balance. And lightweight - perfectly look with sneakers, kids.

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Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_31

Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_32

And of course, you should remember the accessories. A competently selected scarf or handkerchief helps add negligence or elegance to your image.

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When creating an image, you should remember the rules of the combination of colors. For the jackets of a gray-green gamma or a khaki color, pick clothes in calm colors. Avoid bright screaming catchy colors. Otherwise, you will look awkward. The clothes of any color will suit the brown jacket, and the green looks good with gray and beige.

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Youth Park (36 photos): women's jacket for youth 645_35

With a combination of colors, do not forget that the cold tones are combined with cold, and warm shades with warm. Violation of this coloristic rule leads to a violation of harmony in the image.

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