Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals


All women of the planet want to look well maintained, but how to do it, only units know. Manicure is one of the ways to care, in particular, for their handles.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_2

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_3

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_4

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_5

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_6

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_7

What is it, for what nails fit?

All the same at the peak of popularity remains a graphic manicure. First of all, due to its diversity and relevance in any situation. Impact lines, geometric shapes, patterns of different thickness, diameter and colors - all this will help create a unique image in combination with elegance and simplicity.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_8

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_9

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_10

There are many variations, how best to make a manicure ranging from the length of the marigolds ending with design and color. One of the options for design and application graphic pattern are short nails, which allows manicure more convenient in everyday life. But do not forget that in the manicure on short marigolds, the drawing should be applied small, leaving free space along the nail contour.

Long Nails - This is a big field for experiments in graphic design style. Here you can come up with anything, so that the handle looked unique. Regarding the color scheme, the graphic design does not require a strict execution of the rules of the manicure.

You can use bright, pastel, contrasting, the same type in the color colors, all that makes the handles and the nogle shine.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_11

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_12

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_13

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_14

Variety of technician

The variational basis for making a manicure in such style is the use of gradient techniques. In this case, one color type should be adhered to, gradually move from the most saturated to the faded itself.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_15

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_16

You should also not forget about the famous French manicure, this nail design technique can also be used to create a trend graphic design, combining a French manicure with graphics elements.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_17

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_18

One trend of last year became a matte manicure. In the creation of graphic design, it is not necessary to bypass and matte effect by the side. You can combine matte design and graphics on the marigolds (on different marigolds your effect) or to make the graphic pattern already invented earlier. Colors When choosing such a manicure option, you can use a wide variety.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_19

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_20

The lunar variant of the manicure does not disappear anywhere, only now in an improved form, using graphics. Actually, he is called "lunar", because the whole drawing is concentrated on the hole of the nail, that is, at the base.

To diversify the lunar manicure, you can use graphic design technique with any variations: a triangular hole, oval, square and even gear, can also be not painted well, and also to highlight it with another (contrast or monotepy) color.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_21

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_22

For lovers of a brilliant manicure also has its own version of the art graphic design. Combining geometric shapes in combination with sparkles is the best option for the evening robe of your handles.

The sparkles will also look advantageously and in combination with geometry, fries, lunar manicure and even matte. Any fantasy, but only in moderation.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_23

In addition to the sequin, there are many more ways to diversify the traditional manicure.

  • Shimmer - Also a kind of sequins, but in a smaller consistency, which allows brilliant particles to overflow and shine in the light.
  • Acrylic Powder - This method appeared relatively recently, but I also loved fashionmented, as well as the French manicure. Acryl was most often used as one of the options for extension, but now with it you can make the design of nails (modeling) and also combine different techniques: graphic manicure, brilliant, french. Colors in unlimited variation.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_24

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_25

  • Craquelure - Partly can be attributed to graphic design, since this technique allows the upper coating to "crack" and open the lower layer of the varnish of another color. These "cracks" are made arbitrarily, on each nail their drawing, which allows you to make your handles and every nail separately by the work of art.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_26

Graphic pattern

Fashion on the design of the nails does not stand still, every year something changes, returns and improved. Figure is one of the most popular trends of the modern world. Everything that can be invented and everything that can embody the Master is and is the main condition for graphic manicure. These are flowers and fruits, snowmen and animals, but anything.

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Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_28

Most often, women "adjust" their manicure regarding the time of year.

  • Spring and summer - These are all sorts of flowers and seasonal fruits and berries, vegetables, butterflies, clouds, sun, sea, palm trees. Basically use warm and bright colors.

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Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_30

  • Autumn - Time to sink a little. Then there are drawings with droplets, thunderstorms, umbrellas, leafies. Colors are warm, but calmer.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_31

  • Winter The beautiful gender most often depicts snowman, snow, snowflakes, christmas trees, toys, garlands on their handles. The color of the nails is calm, relative to the rest of the year it is cold, but it is no less beautiful.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_32

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_33

Travel lover either will not be ignored. For the thickening of their desires or as reminders of places where you visited, you can portray on the marigolds of your favorite cities or favorite landscapes, then the manicure will become really irresistible.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_34

Animal graphic

After the surviving leopard losine, the terrible effect, what they do on others, all with caution belong to animal design, but do not be afraid. Manicure with animal drawings looks much harmless and careful.

Very often you can see how various kinds of graphic images of animals appear on the handles of girls: Catures, dogs, birds, butterflies, snakes and crocodiles, elephants and giraffes, in general, all the kingdom of nature and violent fantasy. Sometimes you can see individual parts of these animals, for example: cat eye, paws or traces of a kitten or chick. Such a design in the skillful hands of the wizard will make a manicure very interesting and winning.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_35

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_36

Still, there are girls who, with caution, belong to animal prints. For such cases, you can use another option: make the graphic imitation of the most animal with the help of its color or features. For example: Tiger has specific strips, in this case, you can decorate your nails with these strips in combination approximate to the present color of the tiger.

Veryopard's drawing will look very unusually, more precisely, his stains. In this design, you can use not only the color gamut of the leopard itself, but also experimenting with different colors, even the most, at first glance, incompatible.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_37

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_38

Sometimes the wizard, so as not to bother with the drawing of each spin, because it is very hard to symmetrically repeat the pattern on each nail or hand, use special stencils, which greatly simplifies and minimizes the pastime in the cabin.

Each of the presented manicure options can be combined and combined with each other, so that the handle looked beautiful, individually and unique. A good and attentive master of any whim will be performed one hundred percent, the main thing is to always know the measure and listen to the advice, and then the manicure will always be flawless and appropriate at any time of the year.

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_39

Graphic manicure (40 photos): nail design with graphics and images of animals 6443_40

About how to make a graphic design of nails, see the following video.

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