How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home?


The possibilities of decorating nails today are endless. Therefore, often modern women performing manicure at home on their own, resort to the use of all sorts of stickers for design. However, not everyone uses stickers correctly, given the material of their manufacture. Let's focus in detail on this issue and will answer what the secrets of professional masters technology are and what you need to know that the stickers have long been kept on the nails.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_5

How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_6

Varieties of material

Today, nail stickers are divided into several varieties. Offers of trading companies are so diverse that they are able to satisfy even the most demanding requests. The richest range allows you to not limit yourself in the flight of creative thoughts and put experiments one by one, changing the design depending on the mood. All known types of material differ from each other by fastening.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_9

How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_10

In fact, in this regard, the stickers can be divided into 2 groups. The first of them is based on glue, at the expense of which the picture is kept. The second variety requires ordinary water. The masters do not discharge such stickers in water, but prefer to moisturize them, imposing on wet napkins.

How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_11

How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_12


Water stickers call a slider design. Today, such translats covered with variations, which significantly increased the possibilities of decorating nails. For example, they do not only for hand: studying the offers of trademarks, you can meet among the bulk and options for a pedicure. And if analogs for hands are often out of 10 and more pictures, then the sets for the legs are designed to decorate the nails of large fingers.

Such pictures differ thick, which determines the complexity of the work and the type of substrate under the sticker. The slider itself is nothing but a film with a drawing applied to it. Its texture can be elastic, which is good for correcting the slider at the time of gluing to the workstall.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_15

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The film may have a colored or transparent background. Here one of the important points is its thickness: for a thin film with a color background you have to make a light (more often white) substrate. The tight film is sufficient as the basis of the usual base.

In terms of volume, sliders are closing the entire surface of the nail or appliqués. The second products of this type always have a transparent background. Such pictures can be white, black, colored, metallized, three-dimensional (with a visual illusion of volume or 3D). Also in the line of water stickers includes small bulk stickers. However, all varieties combines a paper substrate slider, which must be removed by moisturizing the material.

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An interesting material is the convening foil of the belt type. In fact, it is a pattern applied to a meter tape, which implies the transfer of the drawing from the film to the working surface of the painted nail by using a special glue. Without it, try to translate the pattern is useless.

The glue is interesting because it signals the master of drying color with white to transparent. The range of such goods includes prints of the most diverse topics. Some of the most delicate solutions are lace patterns and vegetable interlacing. Color solutions of this material are limitless.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_23

How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_24

How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_25

Thermal blinds

One of the most extraordinary variants of the decor is the so-called thermal blocks. In essence, these are metallized decorative elements that need pre-heating through a hair dryer or near the incandescent lamp. Only after that, their fixation becomes possible. The heating process is necessary for strengthening, because poorly prepared decor can go divorce, which is why the general type of manicure will lose its accuracy.

The texture of metallized stickers can be different: Today it is not only glossy, manufacturers began to produce matte options. Due to this manicure craftsman, it is possible to reflect even the most concise design. By the way, often in design uses the reception of contrast, decorating accent nails and matte, and glossy thermal blocks at the same time.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_28

On sticky substrate

There are also stickers with a sticky lower layer. In fact, these are usual stickers, because they fulfill them on the same principle as the usual children's adhesive pictures. Product data can be flat or relief, it is also characterized by the 3D effect.

Today, such a decor can have a different type of substrate. If earlier it was predominantly paper, now manufacturers produce and film options. It is convenient for easier separation stickers from the base.

The dimensions of such stickers, as well as their subject, can be the most diverse. However, often the small decorative element seems to be prohibitively problematic in the work. And therefore, often women pass by such stickers, although professional masters consider this decor simple and very spectacular.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_30

How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_31

Preparation of nails

Regardless which type of sticker is selected for design, do not do without correct and high-quality nail plate preparation. To do this, it is necessary to make a hygienic manicure. Here options can be two: edged or unedged. In the case of edged technology, the nails are swollen, remove the cuticle and pterigi, trying to make the most carefully handle the skin around the plates themselves.

If preference is given to the unedged technique, the cuticle is moved and sealed. Today, such a technique is gaining popularity among professionals in the field of Neil Art. It is believed that it not only minimizes skin irritation, but also with regular care is a measure of the prevention of burrs. Masters of salons and studios are confident that this technique provides better hand well-maintained.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_33

After the nails give the desired shape, align the length, it is necessary to remove the gloss from the surface of the plates. This stage is important because it will depend on it, how firmly the manicure will be held with the design. Strongly and long to rub nails can not, it leads to their thinning. After the bough is going on all the marks, with the help of a brush, and then the dehydrator remove the remaining residues. Now nails are ready for staining.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_35

How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_36

How to glue stickers?

All pictures that offer brands are glued in different ways. Therefore, we will stop at this moment a little more in order to understand the essence of the process and the sequence of actions. But first we note the difference between technicians on the gel varnish and the usual type of coating that does not need the presence of a special drying lamp.

On the gel varnish

Hybrid coatings, combining properties and gel, and varnish at the same time, have a number of features, which is reflected on the technique of fixing stickers. For example, without a lamp, they will not dry at all, and if it is incorrectly selected, then such a coating can be short-lived. When the technique is observed, and the lamp has the right power, the decor holds without the need to adjust the order of two to four weeks. Glue stickers accounted for on top of several layers of special products provided by hybrid varnishes. In addition, this procedure from the hygienic manicure and until the very end of work is very long.

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On ordinary lacquer

Ordinary covers that women enjoy have long have a smaller sphere. They are inferior in color solutions with hybrid counterparts. However, the stickers on them can be glued much faster, which is very convenient in the rapid rhythm of modern life. Yes, and layers of the material here is much smaller, although, as in the version with gel varnish, the process will require sealing the picture to increase its intrinsic. However, often ordinary varnish begins to chase the nail surface on the second day, and therefore many women prefer not to spend time on a constant correction, but to use stickers and gel varnish.

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When working with gel varnish, translation pictures are cut on the shape of a nail. It is not worth customized sticker at the top: it is important that it will smoothly be at the base, in the cuticle zone. The top edge can then be removed, and if it is cut, it may not be enough of length.

  • A basic layer is applied to the prepared nail, which is then dried in the lamp. After that, the base of the base is applied with a pigmented gel varnish of white and dried the coating again.
  • Now a little base is gaining a brush and again cover her nail, not forgetting about his end. This time the coating is not dried.
  • Take a picture, put it face up on a wet napkin, wait about 30 seconds.
  • After that, tweezers remove the film from the paper substrate and placed on the nail separated.
  • Next, the decor is dried, after which they seal the bases of the base and the top, while driving each of them for 2 minutes in the lamp. Instead of a base as a substrate under a sticker, you can use the top.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_43


Working with ribbon is performed on the basis of gel varnish.

  • After the nail prepare to the decorative manicure, they put the base, dried it, then cover the marigolds with a selected pigmented varnish. The coating is dried again. If the lacquer is bad pigment, it is not applied alone, but twice, while dry each layer until the material is completely drying.
  • After that, take a special glue with a white tight mass, designed for such translates. Glue covers the entire surface of the nail.
  • So that the mass does not register for the side rollers and the cuticle, before the start of staining on the skin around the nail they apply a special protective silicone agent. It dries and forms a thin film that can be removed at the very end of work.
  • You don't need to dry the glue in the lamp, it will dry quickly.
  • As soon as it becomes transparent, take a sliced ​​piece of film and translate the picture, tightly pressing to the surface of the nail.
  • After that, the design is sealing a layer of top with its mandatory drying in the lamp.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_45


Self-adhesive pictures provide for work with gel varnish, and with ordinary coating. To paste them correctly, dry work surface is important. Do not experiment with an unusted top, it is useless. The lipom layer of such a sticker needs to be captured. The whole point of work is to separate the picture from the substrate and stick it on the nail painted with colored varnish, pressing it well.

However, this technology has one nuance. Many women complain that the translating quickly chips off the ground. The masters note that after the substrate under the sticker is completely finished and dried, it is necessary not only to glue the sticker, but also give it two or three minutes so that it takes the round shape of the nail. Only after this sticker can be sealing a layer of top with a drying or transparent varnish (when working with a conventional pigment).

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_47

How to make stickers with your own hands?

If you do not want to use ready-made pictures for manicure design, you can create your own at home. This process will not take much time and strength. It will take the stembling or disposable stencils.

Take a silicone nail rug and make it a few stripes of a thin layer lacquer. He is left a little dry. After that, with help, for example, various drawings are applied to the lacquer.

Such stickers can be cut in shape or even cut into conventional strips, which today is also fashionable. The technology of registration will be that after applying and drying the base, glue the pictures on the unusable pigment layer. After the sticker is placed on the nail and distribute, removing the folds and squeaks superfluous, it is sealed with a layer of top.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_49

You can take the basis and water technique, which allows you to create unique stickers with abstract divorces. In the glass with water alternately drip different pigments, trying to make each droplet fall strictly in the center of the previous one. The number of drops can be from 7 or more. After the desired amount is reached, take a wooden wand or toothpick and paint the pattern or movements from the center to the edges, or vice versa.

How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_50

A protective silicone agent is applied to the selected nail. After it takes a thin film, the finger is lowered into the water and the toothpick is removed all too much so as not to damage the pattern. The finger is removed from the water and immediately passed around the nail plate, getting rid of surplus.

If you want to still put it with an aqueous sticker, then after the desired pattern is created, it is left in a glass for about 20 minutes. After that, the film is removed and continue to decorate. In addition, such a sticker can be cut into several parts to have enough for all the accent nails of the manicure.

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Tips of professionals

There are cases when stickers peel out that not only spoils the type of manicure, but also affects the mood of a woman. It is not necessary to sin on low quality stickers, because often the cause of the detachment is an error in the implementation of the technique or simply non-compliance with the standard instruction. In general, it does not matter, Chinese or other cheap options, often they hold quite firmly and for a long time. Masters have several tips on this score.

  • If the sticker hoses, it says that the drying time is not kept. The fact is that the coating on which it is glued when working with gel varnish should be dried along with the picture longer. And therefore, the standard two minutes should be turned into four. In addition, performing any technique, it is necessary to go through the brush to the end of the nail.
  • It is impossible not to take into account the fact that chips and detachments of the pictures can occur due to the presence of air pockets. It is necessary to immediately glue the sticker tightly, moving it and avoiding the formation of folds. To be confident as a result, it is important to quickly seal design. In other words, the layer of overlapping sticker material should at least be more half a million.

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How to glue stickers on your nails? How to use translation and water stickers at home? 6315_54

  • If the picture was cut big and wrapped under the bottom of the nail, and the top or transparent lacquer did not get there, the detachment will not make a long time to wait.
  • To get rid of folds, if they turned out in the course of working with water slides, you can use a checkered primer. However, this tool can dissolve the picture completely, in view of which they need to use extremely carefully. Primer is used to sealing layer.

On how to stick water stickers on the nails, look in the video below.

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