Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer?


Beautiful manicure can be made not only in the cabin, but also at home, and with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to use the usual nail polish. If all actions are fulfilled correctly and come to the case creatively, the manicure will be able to succeed unusual and will last for a long time.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_2

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_3

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_4

Features of manicure

When the master in the cabin is accurate, ticked with nails with the client, this occupation seems completely uncomplicated. But it is worth trying at home to make a manicure with ordinary lack of yourself, and it can turn into a real nerve. Left (and someone and right) Hand does not obey and makes strange curves of the smears, the fingers are in the blots, and on the nail plate of the lacquer, in general, it is bubbles.

With regular exercises to create a manicure, there are less such problems.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_5

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_6

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of ordinary varnish, compared with the analogues of later origin, has its advantages and disadvantages. Among its advantages, the following can be noted:

  • It is worth such a varnish relatively inexpensive;
  • To dry the usual lacquer on the nails, no special equipment needs;
  • New manicure can be performed at least every other day, creating a new design at will;
  • With the use of such a means, the nail plate almost does not suffer, because the lacquer does not fit with it, which means that the nail is not attenuation.

All this has its opposite direction:

  • in comparison with more "advanced" analogs serves such a varnish day days;
  • Many ordinary varnishes have an unpleasant smell due to the components included in their composition.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_7

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_8

Preparation of instruments and materials

To make a manicure independently, do not do without a set of certain tools and materials.


  • ordinary varnish (or several, different colors);
  • means for transparent base coating - primer;
  • means for fixing the color coating;
  • Liquid removal fluid;
  • hand cream;
  • cotton discs and cotton wands;
  • Tassels;
  • An antiseptic, for example, a solution of alcohol for disinfection.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_9

Application varnish

Manicure things need to do a long time after leaving the bath, soul or after other contacts with liquid. Even if the hands wipe well, there remains moisture for several hours in the pores. She can badly affect the final result.

To begin with, it is necessary to properly prepare for the decoration of the nails themselves. It is necessary to erase the traces of the previous staining and give them the form that is more like. They can be square, oval, pointed, have rounded corners and so on.

If the skin around the nails requires processing, it will have to do and it: make a bath and soften the cuticle, bring it in order.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_10

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_11

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_12

So that the lacquer groped tightly with the nail surface, it is necessary to polish and polish the plate itself. To do this, you will need a saw and BAU. Then delete dust from the nail left after processing, and degrease their surface.

Getting staining, you need to make the elbows to have a support. You can not paint your nails, holding hands on the weight. This can be ruined all the case, and you have to start working first.

First of all apply the base. The basic transparent (or white) layer will allow better to combine the usual lacquer with the surface intended for it and will not allow the opportunity to absorb inside, making the nails with yellowish appearance after removing the coloring agent.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_13

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_14

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_15

It is necessary to apply a color layer on them since the little finger on the hand that is a worker. That is, right-handed - with the right brush, and left-hander. Movement from the Mizinz to the thumb will allow not to spoil the already applied coating when painting the following nails on the hand.

The bottle with varnish is better to warm in the palms , it is possible to shake, but it is not recommended to do it too much: then air bubbles can be formed inside, which will subsequently peck on the surface of the surface.

To accurately make back nails, the tassel should be removed from the bottle, having spent one side of the neck: then the coloring means will not be too much and it will not flow there, where it is not necessary.

It is necessary to paint correctly: Having made the smear first from the middle to the edge, and then back - towards the well. After that, walk on the sides and in conclusion to hold a tassel for the end of the nail to seal it.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_16

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_17

If there is no experience and there is a risk of smearing the skin or wants to nail looks more elegant and long, you can not bring the brush to the edge on the sides of the plate at a distance of about a millimeter.

After waiting a little, apply the second layer of varnish, and after drying, fasten it with a finish transparent layer , Making the same movements as when distributing a conventional coloring agent. The finish coating will give the manicure of a pleasant glossy shine.

So that the manicure holds longer, within a few hours after the completion of the coating procedure, it is necessary not to have a contact with water. Therefore, ordinary female households will have to postpone: not to wash the dishes, do not wash the floors and the like.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_18

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_19

Precautionary measures

Even if you consider a manicure with a harmless process, the precautions do not interfere. You need to choose a convenient place for such a classes. All items needed for work, including a bottle with varnish, should be located on the surface so that they cannot be hurting, turning or shaking off the table.

It is advisable to keep the window open, especially in cases where the sharp smell of acetone is too annoying the respiratory system.

During the guidance of beauty on the nails, it is better to make children around the children around. They no need to have contact with manicure accessories.

If the lacquer himself fell into the eye a curious child, which also sometimes happens, should be quickly rinsed with water or tea brewing, although it is possible that after such adventures still have to consult a doctor.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_20

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_21


In the course of self-creating manicure, various types of complexity are often arising.

What if dried?

It happens that the varnish is used irregularly. He thickens, harden, and even the bottle itself does not open up, because its content dried on the neck.

To open the bottle, you can put it up for hot water for a short time so that the lid got under it. If it does not help, hold the bottle under the heated liquid half a minute. You can try to unscrew the lid immediately, but so that the water does not get inside the bottle.

You can simply stick the bottle upside down in a glass with hot water for five minutes. After that, the bottle should wipe and try to move the top of the thread bottle over the top. To make it easier, it is possible to firmly wrap the gum around it. Then it will be more convenient to bite the cover with your fingers.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_22

Also, the base of the lid can be wetted by the solvent using a cotton wand. Liquid for removing varnish or acetone "Eat" dried lacquer, and open the bottle will be easier.

Return the fluidity of the lacquer itself is conveniently also with the help of hot water, although in some cases it is possible to make it liquid only due to the solvent. You do not need to add a large amount of this tool. It is better to act in stages, seeking the necessary consistency of varnish.

There are also special means that you can dilute the coloring agent. Such diluents themselves are outwardly similar to transparent varnishes. You can use them by relying on the instructions for use.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_23

In order not to deal with the "revival" of dried varnish, it is better not to create situations to dry it. You should not store such vials in the refrigerator, as well as in the bedside table of heating radiator or under the window. And too high, and too low temperatures equally poorly affecting the coloring compositions. It is necessary to find a cool dark place for bottle.

After using a varnish of the neck of the bottle, you need to wipe the varnish tool. It will not allow the lid sticking.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_24

What if not driving?

The problem of ordinary varnish is its slow drying. To wait for the reliable setting of each layer, it takes from ten to twenty minutes.

In order not to wait a long time, you can use special sprays or fluids that are distributed on the nails using a brush. This allows lacquer dry after a minute.

You can apply on the nails along a drop of vegetable oil already in a couple of minutes after applying varnish. This speeds up the drying process is twice.

You can use even the usual hairdryer. Its is included without heating. To lacquer, it is not necessary to bring the device too close to the fingers.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_25

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_26

How to erase?

Sometimes, when applying a varnish on the nails, it will be bubble. This may be due to the fall in the color of the water or, perhaps, the decidity of the decidiveness simply came out. Then the varnish will have to erase and apply again. It can be used to remove your cotton disk impregnated with a special fluid.

Some make a remedy for nail out of the girlfriend. In a small bottle with a varnish removal fluid, a piece of foam rubber rolled into the spiral. It is enough to put a finger into the foam-impregnated liquid. After that, the varnish will be removed with a slight movement.

It often happens that the varnish is not erased from the skin around the nails. This can happen by virtue of the inexperience of the girl who owns himself to nails or because of the use of various devices when creating drawings and decorative fingerprints on the nails.

Loosen the blots from the skin helps liquid for removing varnish. It can be soaked with a cotton wand and rub your fingers. You can use a special corrector whose strain is impregnated with a varnish remover.

You can also use a flat bruster, which is wetted by a solvent and spend it on the skin. After that, the brush must be wiped out about the napkin without a pile and repeat the procedure until the fingers are clean.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_27

Design ideas

An ordinary varnish allows at home not only to gently make up nails, but also make an unusual design on them.

An interesting option is to use the newspaper. First, the nails are covered with a base layer, then white varnish. When it dries on the nails, in the alcohol for ten seconds, wet pieces of the newspaper with letters and immediately applied to the nail plates. Top covered with transparent varnish.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_28

Toothpick can easily perform a drawing on the painted nails. To do this, they take a polish contrast to the main color and the wand applies points. You can distribute them differently on the surface. For example, the very edge makes them a lot, gradually reducing the number towards the nail hole.

Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_29

      You can create a transition effect from one color to another. To do this, a few strips of varnish of different colors are applied to the ordinary kitchen sponge. It is necessary to close the skin around the fingers, for example, making the PVA glue or wrapped with a food film (it remains to make a hole under the nail). Now you can make prints, then cover the nails on top with a transparent layer and remove protective equipment from your fingers.

      Manicure is ordinary lacquer at home (30 photos): how to make your nails correctly, so that the lacquer holds longer? What if dried and does not open lacquer? 6217_30

      The ideas of manicure design ordinary varnish see the next video.

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