Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion?


Beauty of the hands of a woman - an important element of her appearance. It can be an unprecedented beauty dress and a stunning hairstyle. But if the hands have a unclean species, you can consider all efforts in vain. Therefore, hands requires the same permanent and thorough care, as behind the face and hair. One of the wonderful ways to contain hands in perfect condition - hot manicure. You just need to figure out what it is and how it is done.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_2

What it is?

Hot manicure can cause many questions if you have to come across this name for the first time. It is very pleasant, relaxing and at the same time a useful procedure. For this prepare an oil solution or simply oil, lotion, herbal decoction. Any selected ingredient is heated. Hands are lowered in a bath with heated mortar, it has a beneficial effect on the skin of the hands, cuticle and nails.

Those who often increase their nails or cover their gel lacquer (which occurs in two or three weeks to shoot and apply new), especially need such a procedure.

Nails periodically needed nutrition, from which their condition and appearance will improve. If the nails are thinned and go, they will benefit this type of manicure.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_3

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_4

But not only on the nails has a positive effect of such a manicure. If the hands constantly dry, the skin cracks and flakes, such a procedure will be simply indispensable. Especially hand needed such procedures in winter when they are exposed to cold. Irritation, and peeling, and excessive dryness may occur. And the oil manicure will help.

A long stay on the sea is very nice, but, unfortunately, it does not affect the nails not so beneficial as the whole organism as a whole. And such care will help support them in good condition. After the hands were nailed with a useful solution and obtained relaxation, the wizard slightly wets them with a napkin, and then proceeds to the usual manicure - hardware or ordinary, then puts the lacquer.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_5

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_6

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of hot manicure are obvious. And they can be felt after the first procedure. And it will definitely want to repeat. Once by visiting the professional, you can repeat this procedure at home, remembering the actions algorithm.

  • Nails will grow better, less will be subject to damage and negative environmental impacts.
  • They will become stronger and over time will completely stop laying out if you repeat the procedure regularly.
  • In addition, this is a good way to get rid of burrs and prevent their subsequent appearance.
  • The skin of the hands becomes gentle and smooth. Inflammation are passing, reddening, fine cracks and peeling disappear.
  • Relaxing baths help relieve tension and even pain in the joints.
  • Such a manicure has a beneficial effect on the whole organism. After all, this is the moment of relaxation, relaxation, tension removal.
  • Another advantage is that such a procedure forces to spend at home to every woman if there is no possibility at some point to visit the manicure salon.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_7

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_8

Optionally, other useful ingredients and herbal decoctions can be added to the composition. Usually, the compositions that are used for hot manicure include vitamins A and E, glycerin, essential oils:

  • Glycerin is necessary for nutrition and moisturizing dry and suspended skin peeling;
  • Vitamin E helps to keep skin youth, and also contributes to strengthening and growing nails;
  • Vitamin A helps relieve inflammation, improves blood circulation, which is very well affected by the overall skin, making it smooth and soft.

The advantages of this type of care is obvious. The disadvantages include only the fact that this procedure takes time that may not always be found.

Another point that not everyone is able to make a hot manicure independently, so still you will have to resort to the help of the master.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_9

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_10

Well, in addition, for some, the disadvantage can also be considered that this procedure in a good salon is expensive. Another small minus is that with all the benefits and good effect on the arms and nails, there is also contraindications from this type of care. These include: fungal lesions, wounds, allergic reactions to various components.

Before making a hot manicure, you need to make sure that all the wounds healed, and the fungus can be cured by special means that are sold in pharmacies in large quantities. To prevent the appearance of an allergic reaction, you first need to drive a droplet of the solution on the hand and wait about half an hour. If everything is in order, you can conduct a procedure.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_11

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_12

Required tools and materials

For home procedures, you need to stock all necessary objects. You will need a manicure tools: small scissors, tweezers, chopsticks for ticking the cuticle, and sawing. You also need cotton discs, clean napkins, paper towels. Oil or lotion can be purchased ready in the store or make it yourself.

Hands are better with heating, which will create convenience for the procedure, since the hands in the heated composition preferably keep at least half an hour.

In the extreme case, the bath must have thick walls so that the solution is not cooled longer. In addition, they will need varnishes and other concomitant things that will help in creating a beautiful manicure. It all depends on which option is selected.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_13

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_14

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_15

Technology implementation

Making a hot manicure at home is not so difficult, it is better to consider everything step by step, to prepare well for the procedure, enjoy and then rejoice in your well-kept and beautiful hands. Time you need to choose a suitable day or evening to not rush anywhere and pay attention to this, it will help to relax, relax, recharge your positive energy and bring your hands in order.

First of all, you need to treat hands with an antiseptic solution. Prepare your nails - remove the remnants of varnish, pinch your nails with a pail and give them a planned shape. Oil or lotion is heated to a temperature not higher than 50 degrees and poured into the bath. If she is heated, it is even easier.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_16

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_17

Place your fingers in the bath and for half an hour relax and rest. While the hands are drinking with the useful substances, relaxes and resting the whole organism. If time is not so much, you need to hold your hands in oil at least fifteen minutes. Then the hands are removed from the solution, wedged with napkins excess oil.

And then make a massage of fingers, light circular movements moving from the bottom of the finger to his tip, repeating it several times for each finger. Also, you need to pay attention to the brush hand and slightly massage it.

The advantage of visiting the cabin is that the master will make a full-fledged hand massage, and at this time you can just relax. But in the extreme case you can cope and yourself.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_18

Thanks to the procedure, the cuticle is well softened, which allows it to be painlessly move away with a stick or a spatula and gently cropped with manicure scissors. If you're inadvertently parsed your finger, you need to moisten a cotton swab in alcohol or peroxide and handle the wound.

Then you can continue the procedure. After processing the cuticle, the fingers are again lowered into the heated oil and still hold a little there, remove the excess with a napkin. After that, you can apply the healing coating for nails or the selected varnish and give the nails to dry.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_19

Tips for care

Bought oils and lotions can be immediately used, and it considerably saves time. But the preparation of the composition for the bath is a special ritual and even a little rest, this is the time you can dedicate to yourself and care. Moreover, these baths are the best nail care and hands. And if the nails are too fragile and constantly walk, you can alternate different compositions and make such a bath at least once a week.

The result will not wait long for a long time. After the hot bath made, you need to grasp the cream for hands and nails, it is advisable to do it in the evening before bedtime, to do nothing more, especially not to contact with detergent and cleaning agents.

Hot manicure is well combined with paraffin baths. Then the hands will always be in perfect order.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_20

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_21

Here are some options for baths for baths that can be prepared at home. Olive oil is most often taken as the basis, in which various ingredients are added. Glycerin and vitamins A and E are also mandatory components, they can be purchased in liquid form.

First recipe

In the water bath heats the half-table of olive oil, both types of vitamins are added half a teaspoon, a few drops of glycerol. Also complement the composition with several drops of three essential oils - grapefruit, bergamot and geranium.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_22

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_23

Second recipe

It will take half a cup of heated olive oil, vitamins A and E, and besides, half of the vitamin V. ampoules after the warm oil is mixed with vitamins and a few drops of glycerol are added, the final touch is made. It will supply the composition of additional useful substances and give a pleasant fragrance.

In this recipe, the final stroke will be several drops of mint and lemon oils.

Hot manicure (24 photos): What is it? Technology performing at home step by step. How to choose a bath and a manicure lotion? 6204_24

Third recipe

After the olive oil is heated, several drops of iodine solution are added to it. By the way, the oil can be heated not only in the water bath, but also in the microwave oven. Then add grapefruit oil. Useful composition is ready. The compositions can add cedar, fir, eucalyptus, orange, lavender oil, as well as concentrated chamomile beams, sage, mint, plantain, horsetail and other healing herbs. At home you can experiment with the compositions and perfectly care for your arms and nails.

How to perform a hot manicure procedure, see the following video.

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