Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the "magic" spiral bigeonds with hooks. How to use bigworms "Magic Lokon?


Biguchi Magic Leverage blew up the Internet with their magic effect and doll curls. They are also called American. Bright, easy to use, effective - they accounted for many of the most beautiful sex representatives, especially since advertising was quite active. This is exactly the case when the goods created the "wow effect" not only in words, but also in practice.


    Let's figure out what the Magic Leverage curlers differ. First of all, it is the simplest way to use means for curling. They create curls of beautiful, correct shape, without chances and other surprises. What earlier hairdressers spent hours of work, now every woman can do themselves literally for half an hour, and completely free.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Such curlers have become a salvation for those who are used to laying the hair with fluffs and iron. After all, their long use spoils the hair in contrast to this accessory.

    Biguchi "Magic Lokon" is almost harmless.

    They are made of safe material transmitting air and withstanding hot dryer with a hairdryer. They can be left overnight or drown, but before it is desirable to apply protective remedies for thermal exposure.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    From classic curling tools such an accessory is distinguished by an unusual form. They are flexible hollow ribbons made of dense air transmitting material. At the ends of such tapes silicone rims, which hold curls from slipping.

    The kit includes a hook, with which the strand is done through the length of the tape. The tape itself is twisted in the form of a spiral, waves or snail. Finding there with a hook, wet hair remember the shape of a spiral.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Well, in them, which allows to rapidly gain popularity, consider further.

    • They are pretty simple in use, and the result is equal to the salon greed. Every day you can easily create unique images.
    • You can use at night, as the material is soft.
    • Suitable for hair of different lengths.
    • You can create curls of different shapes and a different volume, but about it is slightly lower.
    • Locks do not have elevations, are obtained even and natural.
    • Hairstyle really do in an hour, of course, if you use a hairdryer. For natural styling, you will need more time, for example, leave for the night.
    • Spirals are lungs and comfortably worn.
    • The product is made of durable material. Having bought one day, you can use it for a long time.
    • Biguches are simply removed without pulling out hair.
    • No matter what length hair, smooth, the correct spirals are obtained anyway.
    • Products calmly withstand heating up to 100 degrees Celsius, so they can be dried with a hairdryer. It is important to apply the protective tool that corresponds to your hair type.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    However, it is worth noting some minuses.

    • The price of them is higher than on other types of curlers. The average price for the average set of 1,500 rubles. However, if you calculate how much the salon curling is, it becomes clear - they fully pay for themselves.
    • Some women can not sleep on them, although the material is quite soft.
    • There is a chance to get on the poor-quality producer, because the goods are really interesting, and there is a demand for it. Here you need to be attentive, there is a corporate online store for this. If still decided to take cheaper, pay attention to the hook - in poor quality, it is quite quickly coming in disrepair, after which the use of the accessory is impossible, or will have to look for another hook.
    • In some packages an insufficient number of spirals. You have to buy 2-3 packaging to cover the whole head.
    • Spirals on long hair is harder to find. If your hair is below the blades or even the waist, then, most likely, in the usual store you will not find the right product. You will have to contact a specialized online store and order delivery.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the


    If you like to change styles and rated the ease and efficiency of using wonder-bills, then the following information is for you. Try to diversify your image by other forms of this tool.

    In the form of the curls of the curls, Magic Leverage can be several varieties.

    • Spiral bills - This is the most common appearance. They create both small and large curls - the so-called Hollywood waves. If you have a long lap, then a premium set is suitable, which includes 18 units of 55 cm long.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    • In the form of a snail Magic Roller Allows you to twist the ends of the hair.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    • Corrug Accessories Create gorgeous wavy laying.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    All sets are included with the crochet - solid or foldable. The folding is recommended to immediately glue the superclosure so that it serves longer. There were cases when a poor-quality hook broke and stuck in a strip, after which the cheating became impossible. Any of these sets can be used on the hair of any length, but it will be especially impressive on a long label.

    Such sets are distinguished by rainbow colors. They are funny looking at her hair, raising the mood even in a gloomy day.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    How to choose a length and diameter?

    In addition to classic curls, magic curlers can create other options for laying.

    In length of hair distinguish:

    • For short hair with a tape length from 15 to 25 cm;
    • for hair of medium length with a tape 30-45 cm;
    • For long hair with a tape length from 55 cm and above.

    If you are going to grow your hair, take the size of one position more.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    The above indicates the sizes for curls, curled roots to the tips. If you want to twist only the ends of the hair, then the smallest sets are suitable.

    The width of the stamping tape distinguish three types:

    • narrow - Curb diameter 1.5 cm;
    • Standard - diameter 3 cm;
    • large - diameter 4-5 cm.

    Sets differ in the number of products. There are 6, 12, 18, 20 pieces and so on.

    Experts recommend using high-size curlers so that the curling looks more natural.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Terms of Use

    On the Internet you can find a large number of reviews. Most women are very pleased with the result and enjoy using such a stacked accessory. But there are negative experiences. If you figure it out, the reason is that the ladies did not use the recommendations for the correct laying.

    Here is the instructions for use.

    • Coupling should be done on wet hair, slightly dried.
    • Before laying the hair, it is advisable to wash only shampoo, without using weighting agents, such as oil masks. So curls fall faster.
    • For thin hair, you should additionally use foam or mousse, so that the hairstyle stayed longer. It should be remembered that cheap means can create stickiness, why the hairstyle does not win.
    • The tougher hair, the more wet they should be during the laying.
    • First, I wake a hook through the curlers, slightly sprawling and twisting the rubber rim at the base.
    • The hair is separated into small curls 1-2 cm wide. The hook is drawn through the tape, then he captures the curl of the roots, and that by the sliding movements falls into the hollow part of the accessory. Before pulling the hook, squeeze the ring at its base to close the slot. If the curl is slightly spinning into the harness, the process will go faster. When billions are released, they themselves twist, taking the right form. Silicone rings at the base helps the hair to lock.
    • Do not save on the number of spirals, consult with the seller, which set is suitable for your hair type. If the curls are too large, the curling will be weaker.
    • Please note that the spiral set is twisted in different directions. When you handle your hair in the temporal area, at the face, then take those that are twisted in the appropriate side. Otherwise, the risk looks like a medieval princess with curls turned inside.
    • When everything is ready, you can dry the hairdryer or leave for 3-4 hours for drying in a natural way.
    • Remove hair curlers, pulling down slightly down. We take the end of the curlers and compress so that it turns out the ring. So the hair will not pull out. After that, spray with varnish for more brilliant curls and greater fixation. But it's all at will. In any case, the hairstyle will last a couple of days, gradually turning into light waves.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Beginning for curvatches of curls in curlers, you can turn the hair for 15-20 minutes. Then you do your affairs or go to bed, light and soft curlers will not hurt you.

    If everything is done correctly, the result will most likely be surprised and pleased.

    Biguchi Magic Leverage: Features of the

    Such a magical set will suit:

    • Those who love to change their image and take care of their health;
    • Those who prefer to spend their time on things are more important than curling;
    • Those who love to discover something new, standing, with a good result;
    • Those who have already tried a lot and died on thermal laying.

    About how to use Magic Leverage curlers, see the next video.

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