Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models


The hairdryer is an integral part of the life of every fair sex. With it, you can not just dry your hair, but also make a gorgeous laying. That is why this device is often taken with you on the road during business trips or outdoor activities. An ideal option for such purposes is the road hairdryer.

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Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models 6088_3


The main feature of such a product is its compact sizes and a small weight. Mostly Such models do not exceed 700 grams weight, and their power can reach more than 1500 watts. These parameters allow you to easily put the road hairdryer even in the smallest bag. An equally important feature is a pen, which in some devices can be removable, standard is either absent.

It is worth noting that The presence of a handle in a road hair dryer makes the process of using it more convenient. . The presence of a special case will allow you to store and transport an aggregate safe and preservation.

It performs the function of protecting the product from dust, scratches, cracks and breakdowns.

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Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models 6088_5

Advantages and disadvantages

Each portable hairdryer has many advantages that make the process of its operation as comfortable as possible. From its quality and functionality directly depends on how comfortable its direct impact on the hair will be.

  • Ease of transportation. Due to the compact dimensions of the product in the process of its transportation, there is absolutely no difficulties. The device does not take up much space, which makes it mobile.
  • Power . Quite high power contributes to the lowest possible drying and hair styling.
  • Price. Available cost allows everyone to buy a road hairdryer and appreciate all its capabilities.
  • Range. A wide range makes it possible to choose the most appropriate instance, taking into account individual wishes and needs.
  • Design. The most simple design and equipment contributes to the rapid assembly and disassembling the instrument.

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Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models 6088_7

The disadvantage is sometimes The absence of additional functions and different types of nozzles, which are most often used in professional beauty salons. It is worth noting that road hair dryers perfectly suitable for hair of any length . They are just as well as standard options fully perform their functions.

Despite its small parameters, these aggregates have a good power, which allows for counting minutes to create impeccable and stylish laying.

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Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models 6088_9


Every year road hair dryers are becoming increasingly popular, therefore they expand their diversity. The global market presents a variety of products that differ in the following criteria.

  • Type of handle . Based on this feature, the mini-hairdryer can be with a handle or without it. In models with a folding handle, power is significantly lower compared with standard copies, but at the same time they are more comfortable.
  • A variety. Such devices can be represented as conventional options or in the form of a hair dryer or styler. A similar campaign device is characterized by compactness, but its power is significantly lower compared with standard varieties.
  • Power type. Road hair dryers, depending on the model, can be powered from the electrical network, and also additionally equipped with special batteries. Such options are very relevant in the absence of power supply.
  • Purpose . Among the road hairs there are household, professional and semi-professional species. The least powerful among them are household models, as they do not provide any additional equipment in addition to the protective case. Middle power has semi-professional products, and professional copies are considered the most powerful, with full complete set and functionality.

All road hair dryers are individual, so When choosing it is recommended to consider several different models to compare to select the optimal option. After all, on how luckily the choice of such a product will be dependent, how high-quality hair care will be.

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Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models 6088_11

Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models 6088_12

Review manufacturers

The modern market presents a huge range of road hairs, among which everyone can easily choose for itself the most suitable option. Each model is unique in its own way, so when choosing it is worth thoroughly studying all the features of a particular instance. The rating of the most popular manufacturers make up such brands.

  • Bosch. The company is widely known in the global market, thanks to the excellent quality of its products. Road hair dryers from this manufacturer are distinguished by the original design, the presence of the ionization function, folding handle and a convenient temperature regulator.

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  • Rowenta. . The world-famous manufacturer whose products are widely demanded in all corners of the world. Mini-haired from this brand is characterized by a stylish design, high-quality assembly, high power and durability.

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  • Philips. Over the past years, this company has high positions in the rating of popularity. Road hair dryers of this brand are distinguished by low noise, reliability, functionality and compactness.

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  • Vitek. The company that annually improves production technology and produces road hairdryes for which a bright design, good power, the presence of ionization and a very comfortable folding handle.

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  • Skarlett. Famous brand, portable hairdryes of which have a unique design, compact size and high power. The most convenient operation process makes the presence of a special hook on the handle of the products.

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  • Polaris. Modern manufacturer, the devices of which are made of the highest quality materials and have a stylish design. Road hair dryers from this brand are equipped with reliable overheating protection due to the availability of the automatic shutdown function.

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  • Braun. The company whose instruments are characterized by such important properties as excellent quality, practicality and durability. Portable hair dryers of this brand have increased strength, impeccable power and convenience in the process of use.

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  • Redmond. The manufacturer who managed to conquer to create a positive reputation, thanks to the manufacture of high-quality products. Road devices from this brand are distinguished by sophisticated design, small size, functionality and practicality.

Each of these manufacturers harmoniously connected in its products only the best qualities that make their products widely demanded on the global market.

This or another model of the road dryer from the presented brands characterize modern design, good power, compact size and acceptable cost.

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How to choose?

To choose the right hairdryer on the road, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the appearance, but also on other features of these products. Professionals recommend considering when choosing the following parameters.

  • Power . The power level of the work is selected based on the length and thickness of the hair. The more hair, the more powerful the device should be.
  • Appearance . Road hairdryer must necessarily have a presentable species, without any kind of damage on it.
  • Functionality . The presence of certain functions in the device is determined individually based on the personal wishes of the buyer. At the same time, several cold and hot air feed speeds must be necessarily.
  • Equipment . It is selected taking into account how often the device will be used for what kind of laying will be used. For quick drying and laying it is quite suitable for a small instance with a minimum number of functions. To create certain hairstyles, a more powerful and professional unit with additional nozzles will be required.
  • Frame. Special attention should be paid to the material from which the housing and the handle of the product is made. An ideal option is made by impact-resistant plastic, which is maximum resistant to damage.
  • Ionization. The presence in the road fluid ionization will ensure the hair of the careful care and will become additional protection against adverse effects.

For frequent and long trips, it is worth a preference to those models of road hairdryers, which are characterized by the possibility of double work. Such instances can work not only from connecting to the network, but also from the battery. They are considered more practical and comfortable, as well-fit for use almost anywhere.

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Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models 6088_22

Operating Rules

During operation, it is necessary to remember that the road hairdryer is a complex electrical device. That is why manufacturers recommend clearly adhere to certain rules and norms. In order for the cord of the device to remain whole and unharmed it can not be kept near the hot objects, to exercise and stretch. It is not recommended to store hair dryer in the bathroom or elsewhere where it can be exposed to moisture.

The degree of overheating should not exceed the permissible norm. For this, the ventilation grilles should always be open, and the device itself is worth putting solely on solid and heat-resistant surfaces. Fleet filter must be cleaned. The removable option can be washed, and a non-removable sufficiently spent so that he fully fulfill its functions.

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Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models 6088_24

This will not only extend the life of the device, but also will noticeably reduce the energy consumption. Adhering to such simple rules and recommendations, you can extend the life of the road hair dryer, as well as create the most secure conditions for its use.

Thanks to its versatility Road hairdryer has become a mandatory object of use not only at home, but also during trips. Due to their mobility, he does not take up much space, but at the same time they can be used almost in any conditions. Manufacturers constantly improve their range, making these devices with different additional functions, which contributes to the full and most comfortable hair care, without applying significant damage.

That is why the popularity of road hairdo increases annually, they are becoming increasingly popular among consumers.

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Road Fenes: Review of small hair hairdryers with folding handle, best mini models 6088_26

In the next video, you will find a brief overview of the Redmond RF-510 Compact Road Fnylet.

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