Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women


Most modern women lead an active lifestyle. They need to solve a large number of tasks during the day, and not so much time remains for care. In this case, a short haircut can be helped, which is not needed for a long time. One of the most popular hairstyles of this type is Garson. It differs not only by functionality, but also an excellent combination with various bows.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_3

What it is?

The hairstyle "Garson" on short hair can be called not just bold, but even a muster. Best of all, this haircut looks at miniature slender girls. With it, you can create not only the youth of the progress image, but also make a mysteriousness and sexuality on the bow.

"Garson" is suitable for both business women and carefree young girls.

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_4

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_5

This female haircut is quite large in the top of the nape. This effect is achieved using strand graduations, which laid one to another in a strictly defined order. At the same time, the hair on the back of the head and whiskels are cut so that they fit tightly to the head. Such an effect can be achieved with the help of branch.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_7

Hairstyle, despite the small hair length, has many versions. This makes it possible to apply it with different types of face and at any age. An experienced hairdresser may pick up the necessary type of haircut that will hide the shortcomings and emphasize the dignity of the face.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_9


Despite the fact that the hairstyle can be corrected depending on the type of appearance, there are only three main types. Distinguish "Garson":

  • ultra-short;
  • classical;
  • elongated.

The ultrakorty "Garson" most justifies its name, since the length of the strand of this hairstyles does not exceed 5 cm. We can say that this is a haircut "under the boy". This species is characterized by the accuracy of lines. It is made up with a small bang in the form of an arc. However, the haircut will quickly grow and requires frequent correction. At the same time in the laying there is no need, it is enough just to comb your hair after washing. This option is perfect for girls with high cheekbones and expressive eyes. Hairstyle emphasizes all the advantages of such appearance.

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_10

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_11

The classic type of haircut combines a small length with the smoothness of the lines. Such "Garson" needs milling hair on the sides and in the occipital part. The haircut looks in strictly, elegantly and boldly.

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_12

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_13

The elongated "Harscon" will suit girls who cannot decide on radical changes, but they want to make a short haircut. When performing such hairstyles, the ends of the hair are not short, but leave the extended. At the same time, they give a ribbon or slightly uneven shape.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_15

Most often this haircut of any kind is made with bangs. But it looks particularly well with this element elongated "Garson".

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_16

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_17

At the same time it is possible to often change the image, changing the shape of the bangs. Also, bangs are perfect for masking small flaws of appearance. To her, for example, you can slightly adjust the form of the face.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_19

Who comes up?

This haircut can wear girls with different appearance, However, there is one small "but" - those who have full forms, such a hairstyle is full of even more. In this case, it is better not to consider it as a possible version of the change in the image. The same applies to the major traits of the face, too outflowed ears and a short neck.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_21

And skinny ladies will be able to hide some disadvantages of appearance using Garson's haircut. So, the owner of a thin elongated face with angular cheekbones or chin can demonstrate its appearance with its favorable side.

If the form of the face is square, then when creating hairstyles, it is necessary to pay special attention to the form of bangs.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_23

Girls with a round face should be remembered about the elements that will help stretch the face. This can be both an extra volume on the top and the elongated oblique bangs. Much more lucky owners of an oval person who are suitable almost all types of haircuts. Garson these beauties can try in any modifications.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_25

The hairstyle will be a good option and for those who received high cheekbones from nature, the long neck and the correct features of the face. The haircut can profitably emphasize all the advantages of the appearance of such girls.

But differences exist for hair shape. If they are from nature direct or slightly curly, then Garson will look good in any option. But the owners of strongly curly curls are better not to experiment with such hairstyle, because the hair will not lie in the way that the style of haircuts requires.

Models of bangs

In Harson's haircut, bangs are used often, so you need to know about all possible options. So, when creating this short haircut, bangs can be:

  • asymmetric;
  • elongated;
  • with a banging side;
  • oblique;
  • straight;
  • short.

Bang with asymmetry will help create an image of a bold, and even a bold girl. It is suitable for all three types of "Garson". A similar bang will be perfectly fitted not only in the daily bow, but also in the evening image.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_27

An extended bang is capable of hiding age-related changes, such as wrinkles on the forehead. It combines with any kind of haircut. Most often, the length of such a bang comes to the nose.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_29

The combatal side of the bang looks more mild and romantic. Therefore, with its help you can get an image of an interesting intellectual or sexual seducer. This form will perfectly emphasize the soft character of the girl.

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_30

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_31

Kosya bangs not only looks great, but also helps to pull the raw face. With it, you can balance asymmetric features. Most often it is used in combination with the elongated Garson.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_33

Direct bangs is a traditional option. It looks great with a business bow, since it gives him rigor and elegance. Such an element is optimal for a classic haircut type.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_35

A short bang is suitable only for a short hairstyle. She goes a miniature lady with small features of the face, which makes expressive.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_37

Technique haircuts

In order for haircut "Harscon" easily laid after washing, it is important to understand all the subtleties of the technique of its execution. So, before cutting your hair, you need to thoroughly wash them and dry to a slightly wet state.

After that, you need to divide them into the following zones:

  • Darken;
  • temporal;
  • Calm.

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_38

At the same time, each zone challenges separately. Directly haircut need to start with hair on the back of the head. Here the hair is divided once again, vertically, on the same half. Then choose the control strand. It is coated to the desired length, according to which the remaining strands are further.

Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_39

The population cuts the same length as the control strand, but with an increase in the angle of inclination of the curls to the top. It will give volume hairstyle. Hair in the middle of the crown is delayed at an angle of 90 degrees. After that, the angle again decreases to about 35 degrees.

Then you can proceed to work in the temporal zone. Here you also need a test strand that is consistent at right angle. The remaining curls are cut through it using graduation. And finally, you can go to the rare zone. The length of strands at the same time focuses on the length of the last tempor.

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The final stage is the haircut of bangs. Then the hair is filmed in the bangs area, temples and a nape. This is the last stroke when performing hairstyles "Garson".

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Type of hair styling with haircut "Garson" depends on its type. With ultrashort, the hairstyle of laying options is slightly due to the small length of strands. Here you can only change the direction of the hair with the help of foam, combs and a hair dryer.

More diverse laying can be performed on the classic and elongated "Garson". One of these styling is the "Effect of Light Carelessness". To create it, you need to put a little foam on the washed wet hair and give strands a different direction when drying with a hairdryer. Additionally, the hair can be slightly close and sprinkled with a varnish for fixing. However, it is not necessary to get involved in applying means for laying, as it will take hair. In such cases, the hairstyle loses a view for several hours.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_43

To create a business onion, you can use the "perfect smoothness" option. In the process of laying, gel and hair lacquer use. Such a hairstyle allocates all the features of the face. Therefore, if there is a small asymmetry of the face, it is better to avoid it.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_45

Since now retro images are at the peak of fashion, then for their creation, you can use the option with a combatant back strands. To do this, you need to apply a gel on your hair and put them in the direction of the forehead to the back of the head.

However, it is important to remember that the "highlight" so hairstyles lies in the lush bang.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_47

For parties and clubs perfectly fit in the rock star style. Haircut "Garson" is simply created for such design, since its main volume is on top of the top and bangs. These areas need to be lifted so that the form reminds Iroquais. This laying is mandatory fixed by varnish.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_49

Romantic gentle image is also available when haircut "Garson". For its modeling, you can simply give a light waviness with hair on bangs. In addition, you can add a small accessory in the form of a hairpin with rhinestones.

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Haircut Garson on short hair (51 photos): Features of the female elongated hairstyle, dignity and disadvantages of modern haircuts for women 5981_51

Haircut "Garson" will help make an image bold and interesting. And if you wish and change it depending on the selected style.

Circuit version Garson on short hair in the video below.

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