Haircut "Italian" for short hair (28 photos): Italian female hairstyle with bangs and without it, technique of haircuts for women with thin, curly and straight hair


Hair - an essential attribute of every woman's attractiveness. Centuries ago they were considered a source of scandal and public hair cutting it was severe punishment for a woman. Today, these historical facts raise a smile. The modern fashion industry in the field of hairdressing offers many options of various types of haircuts for all types of hair of any length, and facial features. Italian haircut - one of them. In the narrow circle of professionals of hairdressing firmly established yet another of its name - "Aurora".





Its author - Milan Orlando Toss image maker who created a model in the early 80-ies of the last century and present it at the festival in San Remo. Since it came on the scene of the pop forum Italian singer Tiziano Rewal. Successful first "release of the" allowed to stop at a hairstyle to choose not only a lot of "bohemian lionesses' business and a business woman, but usually women - female employees of offices, student, teenage girls. This model has received high praise among the ladies of different age groups, not only in Italy but all over the world. Moreover, in today's fashion industry is steadily growing popularity of stylish men's version on the basis of the "Italian".

Italian haircut for short hair can be described in two words - versatility and simplicity. At present, there are many interpretations of this original hairstyles, which allows it to be popular for so long. Every model with a haircut has its own "highlight" and always looks stylish and dynamic.





The basis of "Italian" served cascading haircut techniques, but it has its own characteristic features:

  • in contrast to "cascade" y "Italian" is created a kind of "cap" at the top of the hair shortening preserving length of the lower layer;
  • absolutely suitable for all hair types and any face shape;
  • is able to do without a particular styling, you can simply wash your hair and dry hair dryer;
  • stylish looks on long, medium and short strands, as well as with bangs and without it - the right choice of either option will result chic;
  • perfectly retains its shape, eliminating the frequent trips to the hairdresser in order to correct, and in the event they wish to grow hair will start to grow evenly;
  • Allows you to simulate a romantic image with naughty curly strands - at one time this style made a significant contribution to the climbing of the Fame of the world famous Hollywood Star Charlize Theron.





Italian on short hair is the most prompt interpretation of this haircut, which accounted for admirers of extravagant images. The step of the texture of the strand during its execution allows you to visually get a significant increase in the volume of hairstyles, give it airiness and ease. This largely contributed to the fact that such a haircut became a cherished dream for owner of thin and rare hair.

An option with bangs is considered experts most versatile for all ages and types. Bang is a kind of "sculptor" of the person, may be a long, straight, oblique, semi-honeycomb. A competently selected option adjusts the contours of the face, give them greater symmetry and bring it closer to ideal proportions.



Practically bangs of all existing species will be suitable for Italian haircut:

  • Direct large bang Creates a spectacular focus on an oval of the face and gives the image elements of romance;
  • oblique branches It is considered the best option for "Italian" on short hair, rejuvenates the image, softens the coarse features of the face, makes it prettier and mischievous;
  • Option without bangs Either will not be a problem, the stylists often offer it to the magnified ladies.




Such a criterion like the color of short hair is also not the last value in creating a harmonious image. The most popular haircut with a narrow creative selection or with a tent technique both with contrasting and smooth transitions of tones. On a monophonic hairstyle "Italian" also looks great, especially on the hair of dark brown color.

Italian haircut on black and red hair looks less attractive, but quite harmonious, therefore, categorical contraindications for such colors do not exist, and those who do not suffer experiments with appearance can always be consulted with a specialist and if desired, try such an option.

If the stylist is argued to dissuade you from this step, then it is uniquely worth listening to his advice.





Technique implementation

Italian haircut is not considered difficult for execution, but the short version provides for the care of the layers and observance of symmetry. It is extremely undesirable to take this technique at home, even by those who have learned the video tutorials well, and with short hair especially, since the result obtained may be too far from the expected, and the spoiled hairstyle will be very difficult, if not to say - it is impossible to fix what either another option.

Therefore, it is not necessary to succumb to the temptation to save money on a stylist - with an unsuccessful attempt to restore the cost of at least how much an acceptable option will be hairstyle.


Before conducting the procedure, the hair is locally moistened. The master uses ordinary hairdressers tools - special scissors for haircuts and branches, combs, clips, brushes. With a classic haircut version, the master performs it from top to bottom, shortening the strands perpendicular to the head and leaving the short strands from above, and the bottom is long. As a result of such an execution scheme, a peculiar light "hat" is created on the top. The haircut is performed to the level of the chin, the strands are mounted with a special care, we are growing with a round brush, dried with a hairdryer, and an image filled with sophistication and femininity is ready.

In our time, the stylists constantly work on the improvement of the execution technique, experimenting with the size of the cutting step and the nature of the steps, make elements of diversity, bringing it to modern trends. An experienced master will always take into account the individual features of each client that when using their hands and simple modeling means, it will create a skillful stylist real masterpieces of hairdressers.

Read more about how to make Italian haircut, you will learn from the following video.

Important moments

Italian haircut does not need special laying, but for those who like to experiment with transitions from light negligence to classical rigor, There are small final strokes that harmoniously completes the image of "Italian":

  • For the classic version, a hairdryer and a round brush;
  • Wash and dry hair - Easy carelessness is ready;
  • slightly taking the hair and leaving the bang, you can simplify the evening version;
  • Side samples and bangs "to the side" add a form of romance.





Holders of "Italian" do not limit the stereotypes of behavior, it is appropriate to appear on the sports walkway, and in the service, and at a solemn event, with a tiring change of the image when the situation with long standing in front of the mirror is not needed - it is enough to fix the hairstyle. The model of the female haircut "Italian" has long been characterized in the world of fashion the terms of the most practical and at the same time feminine. Annually, the international community of imagide stylists creates an updated rating of the most popular and fashionable hairstyles. Italian haircut - an unchanged participant of such a list for many years in a row.




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