Haircut "Lestenka" on medium hair (98 photos): Laying female hairstyles with a ladder across his head and face. How to cut?


There is not so many haircuts that will never lose relevance. They are returned to them again and again, with each master brings something in them with something and perpetuates a certain style. Such haircuts include all famous Kare, Bob, Sheggy, Sesson, and a ravenly popular haircut among Hollywood stars "Lestenka", or, as some of it are called, "Cascade". In this article, we will look at the features of the haircut "Lanenka" on the hair of medium length, we will deal with the subtleties of laying such a haircut and look at the originality of each of its species.




A bit of history

Many haircuts came to us from the distant France of the middle of the XX century, it was then that a real boom in the fashion world was observed. Only after recovering from the war, the world was needed to be a lounge, such an invented and became fashion: thousands of new styles were invented, hundreds of new hairstyles and styling. It is from those times that the world-famous haircuts of Bob and Kara came to us. However, the haircut "Lestenka" is another story.

Let us remember the distant ancient Greece - the age of monumental architectural buildings, the age of Pythagora, Aristotle, Socrates. It was this era of great discoveries that became the birth time of the "Lestenka" haircuts.

It is difficult to imagine, but initially "Lestenka" came out at all from under the skillful hands of ancient Greek hairdressers. The first carriers of the "Lanenki" became popular at that time "hetera", or curtains, - women leading free lifestyle.


To prevent the risk of dissemination of diseases, all her hair shared with such women, because of which they slowly and unevenly stored.

For further development in the future, this haircut did not receive, becoming only a remnant of the past. Up until the end of the 20th century, when the cultural series "Friends" was released on the screens, where in the role of one of the main characters with a haircut "Lestenka" was the chic Jennifer Aniston.

Despite the fact that the actress itself, this image was not particularly strong, he had a huge influence on her numerous fans. That is how this type of haircut was popular and relevant to today.



Features, pros and cons

The "Lestenka" haircut is easy to learn on the unique technology of execution, where the hair from the roots to the tips of the hair is stacked in a stepwise order with different lengths of the curls. Thanks to these transitions, the haircut and received its name. It is believed that the most successful option for such a haircut will be "Forest" on medium hair.

Any hairstyles have its strengths and weaknesses, and such a popular hairstyle as "Lestenka" is not an exception at all. Let's figure out with positive and negative moments in the haircut "Lanenka" on medium hair.





  • "Lestenka" is a universal haircut version that will not conflict with any character, nor with a color tree, nor even with a selected onion. Because of the large selection of the varieties of "Lestenka", haircut methods, as well as hair correction, even the most arrogant fashionista will be able to find the option for himself.
  • This embodiment will always look fashionable, neat and fresh with proper laying.
  • "Lestenka" is not an exclusive hairstyle, for high-quality stacking which you need to look for the most talented and experienced masters and makeup artists. The most ordinary "ladder" on the middle hair is able to perform an ordinary hairdresser. Moreover, if you follow the clear scheme of the haircut (which we will provide a little later), with such a task will be able to cope with any beauty.
  • Many hairstyles, especially for short options, are created selectively - purely for a certain type of face. At the same time, the haircut "Lestenka", with the proper selection of cheeky, the structures of the hair and styling, is suitable for any sulfur face.
  • At the expense of the special technology of the execution of "Lestenka" gives even rare and thin hair more natural volume. The principle of haircuts "Lestenka" is also famous due to solar overflows on the hair of long and medium type.
  • There are no age limitations - "Lestenka" looks good on the elderly women, and on a very young lady, only mastered the world of fashion.
  • "Lestenka" is the ideal basis for other hairstyles and fashionable laying. With it, you can experiment with cheese and shade of hair.
  • It looks great and with straight, and with some wavy hair, curls at the tips of the hair give the overall type of hairstyles of elegance and refinement.
  • "Lestenka" for long and middle hair remarkably hides the flaws of the face. Big bangs can visually reduce the forehead, hide ugly eyebrows. Long hair will hide a big face face and hoppy ears. "Lestenka" on medium hair can additionally visually reduce the neck and pay attention to your jewelry or clavicle.

This is a sparing type of haircut, in which the main length of the hair remains unchanged.






Despite, it would seem, a huge number of advantages, "Lénka" has its drawbacks.

  • Hairstyle for medium hair does not need frequent correction, usually 1-2 times in half a year for mounting or curling the tips, but for regular laying of fashion suites will have to sweat. So that the hair does not look untidy and retained the necessary principle of "Lestenka", you will have to spend not less than half an hour. And this for some modern business ladies is a huge burden.
  • If you are a lover to braid braids or form hair beams, then the "ladder" is not your option. The hair of different lengths will be knocked out of the total mass due to insufficient fixation.
  • The effect of speed in the hairstyle is achieved precisely thanks to healthy and beautiful tips, so the haircut of this type is unlikely to suit for girls with brittle and twisted hair tips.



Who comes up?

The versatility of any hairstyle ends on the individual features of each beauty that wants to wear it. Therefore, we consider below, with which type of face and hair, the stepped haircut will look great, and with what - not particularly successfully.

The first plus "Lanenka" on the middle hair is that She visually pulls his face, gives him a more correct form.

That is why girls with a round face will look especially successfully with the "ladder". Kosy stepped transitions will give oval more smoothness and immediacy, soften the round chin, the side curls can remarkably hide chubby brushes.




With a round face, graduated strands look perfectly, they will give the face even greater softness and tenderness.

Accordingly, girls with the initially long oval of the face type of a rectangle, if you wish, cut the hair "Lestenka" should be resorted to the help of bulk bangs that will hide a big forehead.

With a triangular square, it is necessary to take care of the balance of the face and hide the sharp corners from the cheekbone. In this you will help laying side strands. Long bangs of oblique, torn or asymmetric type visually smoothes the selection of chin.



Here you can also go to the trick - a little curly curls, carelessly lowered on the broth will also make the face more correct and sensual.

Girls with square oval face should pay attention to oblique and smooth features in her hairstyle, there is a skew or torn bangs, asymmetric side curls and a paincoon.

Ripped version of Chelka will take excessive attention from a coarse square chin.

An oval face according to the classics of the genre is suitable for any type of haircut. This type of person is an ideal palette for experiments with hairstyle, hair color and styling.



If we talk about the ideal type of person, then the oval, round or triangular oval of faces is best for the "ladder". It is in this case that the hairstyle with the "ladder" will look more advantageous.

Rare and thin hair with the help of the "Lanenka" will get a bulk structure, for this you can use special styling agents like foam or wax. With thick curls, you can cope through module, and the disadvantage of hair decreases in proportion to the increase in hair length, which for medium length curls - the winning option.



For the "ladder" are acceptable all versions of hair texture, except for elastic disobedient and frequent curls. The whole essence of the "Lestenka" haircuts in a step, which is most noticeable on straight hair, these transitions completely disappear on curls. The most advantageous option will be straight obedient hair with slightly rounded tips.

"Lestenka" is equally wonderful both with natural and calm shades, and with aggressive, extraordinary channel tones.






There is not so many female haircuts "Lanenka" on medium hair. They differ in the type of hair styling and the effectiveness of the hairstyle. Just below there will be a short description of each variety.

  • Classic shearing "Lestenka" . In this case, in the hairstyle, the principle of approximately the same hair length is maintained throughout the head, the work on the curls ends with a slight rounding of the tips of the hair from behind - on the occipital part. Cool in the classic version, as allowed (torn, oblique), it may be completely absent. The easiest option for those ladies who do not have time for daily serious hair styling.




  • Valuation of zonal "ladder", where the stepped laying and haircut are intentionally created only on a strictly defined part of the head. Most often it is either a cheek, or a macushkin, or temporal shares. It is done for the sake of asymmetry and to give the top of a natural volume (this species can be found in a characteristic hair cap on the head). Caulka here can be the most different, round and smooth to oblique and asymmetric.

It is suitable for girls with an elongated facial oval and a big forehead.



  • Modern stylish option "Forests" - Cascading hair styling with a slight bending of tips inside . In this case, the hairstyle gives everything directness and ease. This also suits any kind of check.

Here the choice is better to leave the option that more winning will emphasize your face features and will hide disadvantages.



Scheme and technology

The shearing technology "Lestenka" can be too complicated and time-consuming for most inexperienced fashionists, so we strongly advise you to turn to professional hairdressers and stylists. If you crave new experiments and confident in your abilities, then just below we will look at the step-by-step instruction of the "Forest" haircuts on the middle hair.

  • Hair is worthwhile and combing, dried. So that when having a haircut, naughty curls did not interfere with you, they should be sprinkled in advance with water. Decide which way you usually wear hair. From this you must follow when the time comes to lay the rest of the curls.
  • Divide the head on 3 conditional parts - two temporal (together or without bangs), and one dark. Make clear probes to make it easier for you to navigate with the current sector. For fixing, hairpins, clips, studs are used.
  • In the occipital or dark part, highlight one basic strand - it will be the control, which you will be oriented with a haircut of others. The curl is combing, it stands at an angle of 90 degrees above his head.
  • Highlight the length of excess hair on the curl, carefully cut it with ordinary scissors.
  • The same manipulation is worth spending with all curls of the occipital part. There is also worth highlight the test strand. Constantly stick an angle of 90 degrees, control the length of the curls on the first cut strand. After the end of working with the occipital part, remove the fixation and do the same with the temporal shares (also with the highlighting of the control strand). Try to observe uniformity in the length of the hair on the temples.
  • After all the procedures, get all the clamps above all the clamps, make hair, make sure that the edging has more or less clear and correct outlines.
  • The hair is dried with a hair dryer with a transverse nozzle, for a faster drying simultaneously use a large round comb or brush.
  • The haircut is adjusted, irregular tips hang on, then proceed to the very moment of laying. This stage we will look at just below.






How to stack?

Any haircut can look different with various types of styling. A little work on the cheek and strict lines - and now you are already a serious business lady focused on a certain goal in life. A little more attention to the tips of the hair and temples - and you are cheerful, full of energy and irrepressible ambitions mischievous, ready to break towards adventure at any time.




Let's look at the species of laying of the "Lanenka" haircuts on the middle hair, lay out the features and advantages of each type.

Depending on the styling of hair tips

  • Straight. In this case, the hair is processed using styling agents: it can be wax, foam, paste. Then dried and, if desired, straighten up. Some girls do not accept this method, since straight sharp tips visually remove the volume with the hairstyle. With this problem, it is easy to cope through the easy lifting of the roots of the hair - it can be done with the help of a prayer, a hair dryer, varnish.
  • Hard hair tips. It is rarely used, since it is successfully just like girls with straight hair. In this case, effective fixation is very important, for this use strong wax or varnish. After laying, the hair is additionally dried and slightly delayed down. This option is not the most gentle, since the hair on which when laying will constantly be pressure from fixing and pulling, can quickly relax.
  • Tips, rounded inside and out. This option is known as "Hollywood", before it was often possible to meet with actresses on the red tracks. Today it is extremely rarely used, as it visually pulls the face into the width that fashionable in the current fashion season is not necessary. Otherwise, the option of rounding the tips only looks inside - he makes the face visually less, and such a form of tips gives the image more ease and tenderness.






Depending on the texture throughout the length of the hair

Here we will look at both step-by-step instructions for laying each of the options.

Straight strands

Straight strands are a classic option that perfectly emphasizes faces, a figure, calm and uniform. It looks great with straight or hard tips.

Some fashion guards prefer to combine graduation with this option, which also looks great.



Step-by-step instruction.

  • Hair should be flushed, dry in a natural way, combing well.
  • Clean combing hair is processed by thermal protective cream or spray.
  • We divide the whole hairstyle for several parts - the back of the head, the crown, temporal shares.
  • The correction is starting either from the top, or with a nape - from there it is easier to coordinate the length of the hair.
  • The shape hairstyle should be selected in advance. If you want perfectly straight hair - the iron or curl is kept strictly vertically with hair pulling, if you want to experiment with tips and waves - try to abide by the selected angle.
  • After the work is completed, the result is fixed with varnish, to give hair natural shine and overflows can use wax.






To give direct curls of larger volume, the usual curl or iron is also used. Carefully choose small strands on your head, pinch them in tweezers and directly from the roots of the hair to the tips. So that the hairstyle turned out to be lush, standing from the tips, slightly lifting the facet of the iron up, thereby changing the heating angle. The more this angle, the stringener will be hairstyle.

Make a correction to such a factor as the type of hair - with rare light hair the volume will not be noticeable.

A rather popular option for laying straight hair is to give the top and temporal parts more volume, the curls themselves and the main length of the hair are delayed down. This is a contrast version, which looks successful only with oval and elongated faces.






Curly curls and curls

    The article has already stated that "Lestenka" is not an ideal option for this type of hair, however, due to the great popularity of this method of laying, it has been adapted for curls.

    The main task here is to achieve maximum hair obedience, which in the case of kudryashek is a rather complicated task.



    Let's also consider step-by-step instructions for laying such hair.


    • Washing and combless hair are divided into separate strands of the middle thickness.
    • Each strand is processed by a fixing agent - most often it is a varnish or mousse for laying.
    • After these manipulations, the hair is gently twisted on a round comb, brush with short elastic bristles or brush.
    • Then go to the drying stage of the hair. In this case, you should use a hairdryer with a flat nozzle - so you are more efficient to dry a certain curl.
    • We begin the procedure, again, either with a nape, or from the top, then gradually go to the temples.
    • Side strands are often twisted inside, to beautifully framing the face and fall on the cheeks.
    • The last part is the cheek. Here everything is already individually and depends on the type of Chelinka, which you have chosen. Long in the same way twisted on the brush and is combed to the side. Short will not interfere with styling hair, so simply combing it to simulate with varnish or wax.
    • All hairstyle will surely need a strong fixation, with which only varnish with extrafixation can help.






      As you can already understand, laying Kudrey is a much more costly time and action procedure than laying ordinary straight hair. It is also worth noting that the constant laying of this type is sooner or later weaken the hair due to the large load of fixing means. To improve or cure hair, you can use special hair creams, make masks, take special herbal baths.

      In the end, try less nervous and more often give hair to rest from complex hairstyles.





      Bang options

      Depending on the type of cheese, the haircut "Lestenka" can perform certain functions. Consider more details of the pros and cons of various bangs in such a haircut.

      • Dull bang with straight hair. Highlights of the haircut "Lestenka" precisely in multi-layered, stepbery hairstyles. Smooth and thick bang will give such a contrast image. Under such a bang, the elongated, oval or triangular sowing faces is best. As the front view - a thick smooth bang not only hobs a big forehead, but also wrinkles, pimples, problem areas on the skin. Select the length of the haircut in this case. Most often it is the length either until the middle of the forehead or to the eye line.

      This type of check is literally created for business ladies with strict, direct and right worldview. Such a bang will reflect their ordered and conservative.






      • Ripped, asymmetrical, arched yokes are designed to give the person more natural refinement and smoothness. That is why they will be wonderful to look with square and round faces. Recently, there is more and more popularity of oblique bangs to the length of the ears, it gives everything more sexuality and mysteriousness. Such bangs are more suitable for mischievous, bright and direct personalities with an active and rich life.




      • Triangular type of cheeky - a much less common option for the "ladder" of a medium or extended type. Used fashionable to highlight certain features of the face - eye, cheekbone, nose and lips.



      • Haircut "Lestenka" without twinkle. A fairly common option, here the overall emphasis is given to the perfect oval of the face and a beautiful, even forehead. "Lestenka" will also help visually pull out the face, which is suitable for people of square and oval type. This version of the bangs is suitable only to girls with elongated and straight hair, it is in this case that it will not need to be constantly corrected.




      Even despite the above-described advice, it is desirable to approach the selection of Checklie. For a qualitative assessment of your face and the most winning onion, you should visit an experienced stylist or makeup artist.


      The choice of accessories to any haircut depends on the type of your hair, your internal mood, as well as the events for which this most accessory is selected.

      On the haircut "Lestenka" with straight hair, minimalistic jigsaws are most suitable, invisible studs for the selection of bangs and temples, small ridges. Here you need to focus on your color and external image, otherwise the decoration can look vulgar.




      For the "ladder" with rounded tips or curls, luxurious lush decorations with rhinestones and pearls, all kinds of ribbons and rims are perfectly suitable. They will only emphasize your femininity and the desire for the beautiful.

      It is also worth paying attention to the appearance of the clothing - with a simple casual bowl lush hairpins will look inappropriate.




      Tips for care

        Any of the types of "Lestenka" requires special attention in terms of care.

        The main points for which close attention should be paid when laying "Lestenka".

        • The whole essence is hairstyles lies in the speed laying of the curls. Stepping is achieved by correction of the length of the hair and curling the tips. Since the tips in this case assign a huge part of responsibility, it will not be taken care of their health. At least once a week before the taking the soul, make strengthening masks, serums - they can be purchased already ready or done in their recipe. The main thing is that the hair looks neat and painless.
        • Try not to remake with the frequency of complex styling. Complex and heavy fixation weakens hair, makes them less elastic, and in the end less healthy. Immediately after arrival home, remove all the jewelry and fixing decorative elements.
        • If you are together with the haircut, you gathered to face your hair, choose those colors that will look winning with the "Lestenka". And do not forget that any paint associate with regular hair fixation can lead to a complete weakening of the curl structure.






        About how the haircut "Lestenka" is being done on medium hair, see the next video.

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