How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home?


Bang often becomes an inseparable part of the image. It can complement the hairstyle, to give the face of severity or, on the contrary, the prettyness, as well as to hide skin defects: wrinkles, scars, redness. However, women who wear bangs know how sometimes it is difficult to put it. The following are several options for its straightening.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_2

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_3

At home


As a hair straightener, the most common hairdryer, which has every woman has. The use of a hair dryer is one of the most common ways to straighten the bangs, as it is simple, fast and accessible.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_4

However, a number of recommendations should be adhered to a number of recommendations for the use of this equipment.

  • Use a hairdryer only on clean hair. If there is no time to wash the whole head, then try carefully wash only bangs.
  • Before you begin straightening, treat strands to mousse or foam. So the hair will be fluffing less and retain the form longer. In addition, after processing mousse, the strands will be more obedient during straightening.
  • During drying, use a round brush with a hairdryer. Combing bangs "inside". Thus, the traditional variant of the straight bangs is cooled inside the tips.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_5

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_6

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_7

  • It is better to use a brush with genuine bristles. During the exercise of the hair dryer, send the air stream from top to bottom. It is recommended to apply a narrowing nozzle. Forget about the ability to include a diffuser. This regime threatens the fact that the hair simply scatter in all directions and they will be quite difficult to re-lay in a smooth direct bang. Cold air mode after laying will allow the result to consolidate.

To give bangs style and some audacity, use the wax for laying. So the hair will look somewhat careless that now is a fashion trend.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_8

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_9


With this tool are familiar women with curly hair. The device straightens the curls, and it can also be used to straighten the bangs. There are also several rules for this.

  • Use a ceramic coating iron. It, in contrast to the metal, does not destroy the hair structure and therefore it does not hurt bangs.
  • If the hair in the bang is already damaged, they are thin and liquid, then choose the minimum temperature for straightening.
  • The whole procedure is necessarily performed on dry hair. If the strand is wet, then the hot tool can pour them.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_10

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_11

  • Before straightening, handle bangs with gel, foam or mousse, separate a small strand of the width of a couple of centimeters, clamp it between the plates and go through it on it a couple of times from top to bottom.
  • At the end of the procedure, sprinkle bangs with hair lacquer to secure the result, but be careful: if you overdo it with varnish, the bangs can lose its ease and airiness, it will be a sticky, dirty, a very unwise of "icicles" is possible.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_12

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_13

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_14


Keratin straightening is well not only an excellent result in the form of smooth, straight strands - after this process, the hair becomes shiny, which looks very aesthetically and prestigious. It is such a shining hair that can be seen in a roller who advertises hair shampoo.

Before the flow procedure, the curls are well wash deeply cleansing shampoous so that the regenerative molecules can penetrate into the deeper of the hair follicle. Next, the bangs are dried with a hairdryer, then keratin is applied, they again dry strands at the average temperature.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_15

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_16

Then the bangs straightened the iron at a temperature of 210-230 degrees. This stage will allow the means to penetrate each hair, regenerate its damaged cells. Next, the hair is rinsed with warm running water. To secure the result, it is recommended to treat the hair with a high-quality professional mask. The effect of this procedure is possible within ten weeks.

However, if the woman is not sure that it will be able to correctly fulfill all the stages, it is better to contact the salon for professional help.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_17

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_18

other methods

Hair dryer and iron is better not to use girls with damaged or burned hair. You can resort to other methods for straightening bangs.

  • After washing the head, apply a moisturizing balsam on the hair. Treat the bangs of 2 cm from the roots, wash and dry a little strands. Next, you need to combat bangs in one direction and stag. After drying the hair, the bangs can be dissolved - it should turn out to be straight.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_19

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_20

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_21

  • Rinse the bangs, apply mousse on the hair for laying, still wet strands tighten on the batter-velcro.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_22

  • To straighten a curly bang in a woman, who has the hair from nature, you can apply insideable means for laying: lotions, gels, creams, oils.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_23

  • For a longer retention form of laying bangs, it is recommended to be profiled. It will become easier and will be easier to succumb.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_24

  • Hang the bang at least once a month. Thrown strands look slightly, moreover, they are harder to lay them.

How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_25

Folk Methods

    So that the hair is well amented to straighten, but did not create the effect of a sleek dirty bang, you can additionally take advantage of people's departures. Most often, girls make masks for straightening bangs.

    • Couple in a bowl of honey, fat kefir and coconut oil in proportion of 10: 10: 20 ml. Lubricate the bangs obtained by a mixture, wrap the towel on the head and wash the mask in two hours.

    How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_26

    How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_27

    • Mix colorless huhu, water and castor oil in a ratio of 20 g: 50 ml: 20 ml, respectively. Treat the composition of bangs, thoroughly rubbed into the roots. Leave for a couple of hours. Henna has the properties to curl hair with a film, thicken and straighten it. It is recommended to perform the procedure once every two weeks.

    How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_28

    How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_29

    • Make a mixture of rapid and castor oil, add vitamins A, E, B, and treat your hair with the substance received. Leave the mask for an hour, and then rinse with warm water. Means should be used once a week.

    How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_30

    How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_31

    In the cabin

    Straightening in the cabin is one of the most optimal methods. The fact is that only in the cabin there is a qualitative procedure that does not harm hair. In addition, such an effect is kept longer. However, the minus can be called the high cost of the procedure. There are also different methods in the cabin.

    For example, the method of straightening with keratin has already been described above, which in the presence of certain skills can be applied at home.

    How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_32

    Another way to straighten your hair in the cabin - curling and painting. During these procedures, the hair structure is changing under the influence of special professional funds that align and smooth the cuticle, provide hair nutrition, fill their useful substances. The procedure is repeated after six months when the roots after the color are enough.

    How to straighten bangs? How to straighten it with a small iron and hairdryer at home? 5911_33

    Tips for quick laying bangs See further.

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