Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair?


Not always at hand there are technical means to create Kudrey - curlers, curl or iron. And they act on the hair is not the best. These things have a decent alternative - pigtails, allowing creating curls from very small to smoothly flowing charming waves.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_2

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_3

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_4

Who goes curls?

If the girl is curly from nature - this is one question. Whatever its physical characteristics, she will have to put up with natural hair rings or systematically straighten them.

If the hair is straight, leaning in favor of creating curls, you need to keep in mind how curly strands affect the perception of the entire image as a whole.

  • Cristers are able to emphasize the advantages of a slim high person. A little growth girl with long curls will seem even lower and more denser than it is. If you allow yourself such a hairstyle with a slight increase, then only if the curls do not reach the level of shoulders.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_5

  • Not the best choice for those who have a wide or round face. Because of the curls, it will look even more. The only assumption when the lady with such a type of face is long and medium length. Extraked in the form of curls under such conditions are quite valid. Small curls framing a face is not an option.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_6

  • The best curls look at the heads of the owners of a triangular type of face. The most successful option for girls with such appearance, when curls start from the line of cheekbone, visually compensating the selection of chin.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_7

  • With an oval face, the curls also look good. When creating hairstyles, they need to be laid in the direction of the face, so that the oval did not stretch.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_8

  • Girls with narrow faces and soft features can afford the curls of any size and shape.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_9

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_10

  • The owners of the square-type persons are suitable hairstyles with curls, in which curls begin below the chin.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_11

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_12

How to do?

To make curls or just wavy strands with the help of braids, you do not need to be a professional hairdresser and at your disposal have nothing to have a flux or iron, but even ancient thermal vehicle that could be inherited from grandmother.

This method of creating an attractive hairstyle costs cheaply and does not damage the hair. They do not overheat one influence of certain heating devices, and they are not then saved, returning to them a decent appearance. In this case, the effect of curling with pigtails is enough for several days.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_13

However, to achieve results, you need to be patient and, perhaps, to attract another person. Hair can be short, medium or long.

Minimum length 5 centimeters. To make sure that the strands are really suitable for such a curling, they are enough to wrap around a couple of times. If the size is enough, it means everything is fine. The desired effect depending on the length is always different.

If you want the curls to be in bed and abruptly, you need to provide the greatest amount of brass. At the same time, strands in the pigtail must first crossed as close as possible to the root.

To control it is easier if someone sees the result from the outside, and even better - it will turn it out.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_14

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_15

The most primitive - weaving by harness, allowing you to create charming waves. Hair needs to be washed, finishing with a balm, combing, make two probes on the head - vertical from his forehead before the neck, and horizontal from the ear to the ear through the top.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_16

Three parts of the hair will fix the rubber bands, "crabs" or other fixators are available at hand, and the fourth divided into two parts of the same thickness. Each of them is spinning in the harness (in the same side), then transfer them to each other (in the opposite direction of the previous direction). Make a tight bundle of the type of rozing and fix with stiletts. Just do with the rest of the hair. If you want to get narrower and frequent curls, the chapel can be divided into a larger number of harnesses.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_17

With the lugs from the hair will have to take place for several hours. After a while, wonderful curls are obtained, no worse than those out from under the curl.

So that the result was exactly the same, you need to screw if not wet, then at least wet hair. In the process of work, they dry on the go after washing. Under hand you need to have a cup with water, in which you can immerse your fingers from time to time, and then wet the spinning hands from the next pigtail.

For loyalty, each strand along the way you need to handle a mousse or hair foam. This will provide elasticity of curls after the pigtails are shown.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_18

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_19

How much you need to keep the chapel in the braided form depends on how wet and thick it is. (Although the drying process can be accelerated by a hairdryer). After the strands are curled, they will remain straight, and fix the hairstyle. These same actions are necessary at other curling methods.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_20

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_21

With the help of french braids

The excellent result is based on French braids. Due to this, you can be in two wonderful images - first a charming lady with textured braids, and then princess with beautiful curly hair.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_22

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_23

To achieve the desired effect, it is required to properly braid them. Step-by-step process includes a number of consecutive actions.

It is divided into two halves with a vertical surveillance. At the top level, highlight three strands and make the first and second cake, as in the most ordinary spit. Then during weaving on each side, attach new strands from the mass of the hair to what they turn out to be in the center. Moreover, we can weave in the usual manner, and it is possible that the center strand is entangled under the spio. (Thanks to this, weaving is inside out when the braid is beautifully on his head).

At the end of weaving, hair remains to pull the rubber band. In the same way, wean the second part of the hair. In this form, you can not only spend the whole day, but also the night, but the next morning, rising from the bed after sleep, get the desired result. Fix the hair with the appropriate composition to keep the volume for the whole day.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_24

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_25

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_26

With the help of classic braids

When weaving ordinary braids, hair is divided into strands. Depending on the desired size of curls, sections in the form of squares are isolated on the head. To obtain soft large waves, one or two braids is enough, and for small curls it will take all twenty.

Each dedicated area is divided into three strands and braid pigties, fixing ends with rubber bands. So that the tips of the hair did not turn out sticking, you can wind them on the bumps.

Kudri, obtained as a result of such a curl, look natural. If the hair is thin, after the pigtails are broken, the hair is obtained, and the hair is lying beautiful waves.

To curl longer, curls can not be combed. It is enough just to carefully disassemble the pigtails with your fingers.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_27

Useful recommendations

If the pigtails are brazed at night, it is better to wear a handkerchief on the head. This will not give the opportunity to fly to rubber bands and coughs at the ends of the hair, and the twigs will not be "non-crushed" strands. In addition, in such a form of pigtails will not interfere with sleep.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_28

Instead of columus, you can use for ends of hair gum with thread. Thanks to this, they will be wavy, not having elements.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_29

When twitched with short hair, you can use the invisible, pushing small pigtails on the heads on the head.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_30

For curls obtained using braids, it is possible to comb them only once, giving a hairstyle the necessary form. It is impossible to use a massage brush or comb with frequent teeth. This will lead to the fact that at first the hair will stand on end, and then quickly straighten up.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_31

You should not bother to splash the hairstyle, otherwise the curls will stick around and lose the volume, reducing the effect of weaving.

To obtain the original hairstyle, you can only put a piece of hair using braids. Wavy strands are well combined with straight.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_32

Hairstyle with curls can be supplemented with a beautiful hairpin, rim or ridge. Optional to leave all the hair is loose. There are a variety of techniques beautifully pick them up.

Part of the hair can be braked. Kudri also fit perfectly into a bundle, emphasizing the magnification of hair. Due to the playful curls, as if randomly knocking out of laying, fixed, for example, studs, hairstyle are obtained feminine and elegant.

They can be used not only for everyday socks, but also for a festive exit.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_33

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_34

Beautiful examples

Thanks to the weaving, you can create a magnificent image. The beautiful connection of the strand allows you to emphasize the beauty of the curls. Hair does not interfere and flow, like a waterfall.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_35

Carefully straightened and lacquered locks of pigs or flagellas can turn into a charming hairstyle on the manner of those with which Hollywood actresses are affecting the red carpet of film films.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_36

Large curls are quite correctly divided by a surgery, focusing on the hair lines at the forehead. Beautiful and bright color of the chapels will emphasize the texture of Kudrey.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_37

The hairstyle of the type of kara thanks to the natural curling "pigtails" can be made air and magnificent, creating a charming and unkind image of its owner.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_38

The use of a large number of ordinary three permanent braids is achieved by the effect of corrugated hair. Thanks to such a challenge of the hair, it seems very thick. Hair beautifully looks in a loose form, although if they put them in another way, the result will be no less expressive.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_39

Maine curled hair, NU-NUGU-assembled on the back of the head, looks rich and able to play out to any image of the girl - from passionate and confident fatal beauty to the sophisticated princess.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_40

Kudri from pigtails turn into an excellent magnificent hairstyle, if they fix them on the back of several places, creating an artistic disorder on the head. Even if the strands did not look very well while being in tougy pigs, their volume will be enough to obtain a festive image.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_41

It is not necessary to apply a large number of fixtors to secure laying. Curious hair is enough to shift one side, and an elegant hairstyle is ready.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_42

Of the woven strands, you can do something like an openwork bow. They will be an excellent addition to curls obtained from pigtails. Thanks to this accent, the hairstyle acquires a completed elegant look. To achieve results, effort will be required, but it is worth it.

Kudri from pigtails (43 photos): how to braid your hair for the night to get beautiful waves? How to make wavy curls using brazed on wet hair? 5809_43

About how to make curls without fluffing and bigady, see the next video.

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