Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners


Disadvantage of short hair Many women consider the inability to diversify the hairstyle. They do not suspect that there are many options for performing braids and even volumetric brands on strands of small length. Having mastered several simple techniques, you can start every day from a new image.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_2

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_3

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_4


Spit on short hair have one form or another depending on how short hairstyles have girls. You can braid small pigtails, and you can more voluminous if the hair length allows.

Declaration of braids as follows:

  • in the form of spikes (French spit);
  • "Waterfall";
  • rim (or crown);
  • harness;
  • Weave type "Fish Tail".

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_5

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_6

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_7

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_8

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_9

Asymmetric short haircuts allow you to perform a braid only on one side of the head, the hairstyle of the type of short square make it possible to make two braids or more.

To feel novelty, you can braid simple pigtails with the gradual inclusion of new strands from the mass of the hair on the bangs.

On the braces of a woman with short hair try to emphasize the texture and volume of hair. This allows you to make all kinds of weaving.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_10

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_11

In case of complex variants it makes sense to use schemes that allow you to quickly grasp the principle of creating a braid.

Beginners can master simple techniques such as creating spikelets. When the hands remember the order of action, you can move to the creation of an unusual design of a short haircut with the help of braids.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_12

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_13


Hairstyles with braids with short hair, as well as others, must fit their intended purpose. Some - for everyday wearing, others are more suitable for the evening, as well as for a holiday.

Sometimes short hair is brazed with a canchelon that allows you to "increase" strands and create a fantasy hairstyle as long hair.

At the same time, non-human strands are capable of radically change the appearance.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_14

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_15

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_16

To create long braids, for example, even ordinary threads can be used to the African Floor.

It is best to choose an acrylic yarn. It does not stretch and does not lose color.

At the same time, the girl herself for a while forgets that she has a short haircut.

Some hairstyles with braids can be performed with their own hands, assistance required for others.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_17

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_18


For everyday socks, you can make two braids in the form of spikelets. This method is good in that when weaving in pigtails are well fixed are not fixed strands.

Perform such a hairstyle alone is absolutely difficult.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_19

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_20

Vertical surgery to make the hair to divide into two parts. Highlight three strands, make the first two cakes, as in a conventional braid, and then it is hard to drag all hair in spikelets. Fix with rubber band. Just do with the second half hair.

Spit can be closer to the central test or located on the sides. With very short hair, this method can be performed narrow rows of braids. The hairstyle, depending on the location of the weaving, changes the appearance, and with it the image of the girl in general.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_21

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_22

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_23

You can diversify everyday laying by weaving braids on bangs.

Even if the haircut does not imply its presence, we can weave the hair, especially for this separated from the total mass of the forehead.

Selected strand to divide into three parts and transfer them, as for a conventional braid. Now you need to strands, which is located on from the face, attach hair from the masses selected for weaving. Bring Spit to ear, fix with a rubber band. (You can use silicone, which is practically not visible on the hair). In order for the braid not hung, it is attached to the bulk of the hair of the invisible.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_24

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_25

It is not difficult to braid short hair with flavors. Look such a hairstyle will look elegant. Something even a mature woman.

Step by step scheme of weaving looks like this:

  • just above the temple allocate two strands of the same thickness;
  • one twist clockwise, another - counterclockwise, then pass it tight each other;
  • weaven further by adding to the harness from two sides strands to the wrapper manner and continuing to drive two main strands;

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_26

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_27

  • In the middle of the head, rearly fix weaving;
  • Make one more harness from the opposite side of the head in the same method;
  • connect both pigtails, and adapt ends so that they are not sticking out;
  • If the length of the hair allows, to form a bundle, turning into it curled hair.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_28

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_29

The braids can be stuffed with a crown around the head, if for this there is enough hair length. It is necessary to split the whole mass of the hair into two parts by a horizontal vev. The front part of the weaves turned into a French braza (such a method of weaving is also called Dutch).

The strands are reached under the central strand from below, and do not fit upstairs, as in conventional braid. Placement is done from the ear to ear. Spit is fixed with rubber band. Other braid is performed - through the head. Both are connected, hair tips are hiding and fixed with studs.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_30

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_31

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_32

If weaving on short hair is not given, you can take advantage of a large number of transparent silicone rubber bands.

With their help create a textured braid or several on different parts of the head, if the length of the hair is minimal. The principle of weaving is simple.

Separate a small strand and collect her in the tail, send forward. Immediately for her, to collect the same thickness of the same thickness.

Ride the first to dilute on the sides, and through the resulting path to throw the second tail, hooking it with a clamp so that it does not return to its original position. Rides first tilt start. For a third tail, choose a strand and connect them to the tail along with two parts of the first.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_33

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_34

Then split the third tail, and turn back the second tail through the resulting "passage". So do and connect the tails while the hair length allows. At the end, secure a rubber band, and give a hairstyle completeness.

They need to stretch a little bit from the resulting braid to give her volume.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_35

If there is no time for the creation of hairstyles, and the hair allows you to weigh the braid from the temple until the middle of the nape, it is convenient to perform two "ribbons" from thin strands and connect them with rubber band. It turns out a comfortable hairstyle, thanks to which the chapels during the day will not climb into the eyes.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_36

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_37


Evening hairstyles do not really differ in difficulty performance from everyday. Their creation has to pay a little more attention, making focus on the details. Thanks to this, the styling is perceived as more elegant.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_38

If even the hair is barely overcome in growth of 10 centimeters, you can make original evening hairstyles with a fishe tail type. Spit can be placed as you like:

  • around the circle;
  • vertically or horizontally;
  • diagonal;
  • zigzag.

Given that the length of the hair is quite small, the hair is desirable to smear the mousse. Thanks to this, strands will not crumble.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_39

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_40

You need to choose two rather volumetric strands of the same thickness in the part of the head where weaving will begin. We call them 1 and 2. From the free mass of the hair from the side 1, a thin strand is selected and eats on the selected part of the hair 2. Then the same thin strand is selected from the mass of the hair from the part 2 side and is connected from 1.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_41

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_42

In this way, weaving is brought to the right place. The ends of the hair are fixed with a rubber band and hide under the remaining or form the shape of them, resembling a flower, chained with studs or other locks, depending on the features of haircut and hair.

So that the weaving was neat, it is important to choose for rejoissets of the strain of the same thickness.

To give a hairstyle of the openwork, they can be pulled out from the braid with the fingers or the handle of the comb-tail.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_43

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_44

With the help of brake on short hair, if the haircut is not quite a boyish, you can lay the hair with "waterfall".

To begin with, they should be thoroughly played. Make curls on them with a cloth, ironing or round comb (diffuser). Thanks to this, "Waterfall" will be more spectacular.

At the temple to highlight a thin strand and divided into three parts of the same thickness.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_45

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_46

Start stupid as an ordinary three permanent braid. From the desired distance to start creating a waterfall form. Upper strand to roll down and leave freely hanging. Instead of it, to highlight the other hair in the free mass below the braid and weave. In this way, bring weaving to another temple through the back of the back, and fix the braid side.

You can weave the "waterfall" only to the middle, fixing the hair with a rubber band and jokes to the bulk of the lame of a small hairpin. And also a good option - weave two braids with strands released to each other.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_47

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_48

Hair without reaching up to medium length is quite possible to arrange braids by type "chains". It turns out too elegant. You need to highlight two strands from the temple and tie a loose node from them. Next, include additional strands in weaving, as in the spikelet, bringing the spio to the right place. At the end, the hair is beautifully laying and fix with rubber band, invisible or studs.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_49


Evening hairstyle automatically turns into a festive in the presence of all sorts of accessories. It can be:

  • diadem;
  • Brightly rich in the texture of the hairpin;
  • Studs with decorations in the form of stones, colors and so on;
  • Fata Bride;
  • wreath;
  • elegant rim;
  • Ribbons and bows.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_50

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_51

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_52

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_53

And the holidays are adversely decorated with sparkles, are used to give a hairstyle of the scores.

To create the most spectacular hairstyles that will not be ignored to the corporate, the wedding or celebration of the anniversary, often use decorations made by hand.

You can braid your hair with any one of the proposed ways, strengthen them with stiletto with copyrighted decorations - and a festive hairstyle for any occasion is ready.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_54

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_55


So that laying with braids turned out beautiful and pleased with his appearance It is necessary to observe simple rules for working with hair:

  • You do not need to try to weave braids on the lap not the first freshness - they will not receive due volume and it will not look too attractive;
  • Before weaving, it is better to give hair additional volume with an iron curling, and in some cases, thanks to the light fluid;
  • Curly hair before starting creating hairstyles better to handle in sprays or mousse, and if there are no such means, at least go through the comb with wet teeth;
  • When weaving, it makes no sense to push the hair - the hairstyle will look worse, and the hair and skin on the head will suffer;

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_56

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_57

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_58

  • During weaving, it is necessary to observe symmetry when inclusive of new strands in braids;
  • If weaving occurs on short hair, clamps should be used to keep the hair in the desired position until the end of the work;
  • The created hairstyle should be strengthened by lack of strong fixation, allowing to avoid the appearance of the protruding ends of short strands;
  • It should be borne in mind that the various decorations used for hair visually make braids more voluminous.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_59

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_60

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_61

Beautiful examples

Kosher "Fish Tail" makes the image of a short-haired girl softer. It is enough to use such a weaving is necessary forehead in the bang area. Such a small barcode will noticeably transform the image.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_62

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_63

When haircut type a kare "fish tail" you can decorate your head in the dark zone. Spit looks textured. The hair is not knocked out from under it and do not confuse.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_64

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_65

Short strands, decorated with thin french pigtail, liftedly raised and laid throughout the head, are able to give the image of strength and independence. For girls with character, such hairstyles just right.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_66

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_67

On short hair haircuts look impressive. These braids allow you to "write" bizarre figures on the head, attracting universal attention to the ladded shaven.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_68

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_69

"Waterfall" from a slightly curled and painted hair looks particularly elegant, emphasizing the volume not even on too thick hair.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_70

Two spikes radically change the image of a short-haired girl. For a while she might feel as if she had long strands. Nadev evening dress, you can feel like a real princess with a short haircut.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_71

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_72

The usual braids from the temples to the backbone in combination with the "disheveled" strands of the short-lived hair "play" to create a boho style. The owner of such hairstyles looks feminine and touching.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_73

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_74

Strands on the dark part of the head, just a few times overlapping among themselves in the form of braids, are able to change the usual hairstyle and allow you to feel the updated. This beauty creates with light movements during a couple of minutes.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_75

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_76

With the help of the rim and strand, it is necessary for the forehead brought into a braid, the original composition of their own hair is embodied. In this way, the usual haircut can be turned into a pretty evening hairstyle.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_77

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_78

Several rows of braids ending with small beams create the impression of neatly cleaned long hair. At the same time, to create hairstyles at all, it is not necessary to acquire a luxurious teverhead below shoulders.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_79

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_80

"Wreath" from the "fish tail", decorated with flowers, is able to transform any hairstyle, including on short hair. The girl with such stacking will look natural and easily, even if the hair color is far from natural.

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_81

Movement on short hair (82 photos): Weaving schemes of beautiful braids. How to braid two braids? How to make a simple hairstyle? Step-by-step instructions for beginners 5779_82

On how to make a hairstyle with a pigtail on short hair yourself, see the next video.

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