Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers


Many girls love to make a variety of in their image. The owners of the right oval face and dark skin are perfectly suitable for Afrogotri, which are easy to put at home. Despite the fact that the curling procedure takes a fairly long period of time and requires a handling of the selected tool, the result will be excellent.

Aphrourtes are two types: spiral (small curls, obtained using different bad) and corrugation (small zigzag waves, obtained by means of a special hair weoning).

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_2

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_3

The most beautiful curls in the African style are obtained while using two tools: ironing the corrugation to create a roasting volume and a curl to simulate elastic small curls.

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_4

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_5

Selection of material and coating

Best of all, the following types of wedge and iron coating are suitable for screwing Afrochootra.

  • Ceramic spraying Allows you to warm your hair evenly. The negative ions released during heating sew hair scales and help to save moisture, thereby avoiding the cutting and fragility of hair.
  • Tourmaline spraying When heated, he has a wellness effect for hair through the allocation of a huge number of negative ions.
  • Titanium coating Suitable for thin colored hair, strands are evenly warming up, the brittleness and the electrifiedness are reduced. Expensive deviss, but the most durable.
  • Teflon coating - This is one of the most gentle options, but the coating is thin and quietly erased in a few months of use.
  • Overamic Cloak Great for any types of hair: from hard to thin painted. Such a tool is durable, helps to keep hair healthy.

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_6

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_7

The only minus of any deposition is its shortgue (after a year of regular use it will be necessary to replace).

Required diameter

Ideally, for curling small curls, a thin curl with a diameter of 10 to 13 mm is used: the thinner of the rod, the more tight and dense African curls are obtained. However, you can wind small strands and a conical rod having a different diameter: thick at the base and thin on the tip, thus obtaining an additional volume in the roots.

The selection of this or that diameter depends on the personal preferences and the availability of skills of working with any specific rod.

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_8

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_9

Nozzles and forms

The iron corrugation allows you to crush small zigzag curls, but you need to work with small strands, which takes quite a lot of time, but such wavy curls hold for a long time (up to several days).

The most convenient option for creating Afrokotra is a conical fluff. It is so called because it has a different rod diameter: at the base is 25 mm, and the rod is narrowed to 13 mm to the outer edge, which allows you to vary the thickness of the curls depending on the mood.

When using a cone-shaped curl, it is recommended to use a thermofright to avoid burns of the fingers (it is worth noting that such nippers are not suitable for short hair).

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_10

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_11

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_12

Spiral curls are perfectly suitable for African curls on medium and short hair. For long hair, there is not enough number of turns of the device spirals.

The perfect automatic curls that themselves make all the work remains only to lay strands into the device.

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_13

Power and temperature

It is best to create resistant curls that are suitable iron or a cold with a capacity of at least 25 W, since the electrical appliance will quickly and evenly warm up, which will greatly facilitate the time-consuming process of winding small curls in the African style.

To create elastic and persistent small locks, it is necessary to warm up the electrical appliance based on the type of hair: thin, weakened by frequent hair, the hair is enough to warm up for 5-10 seconds at 150 degrees, and rigid healthy strands will be able to take the desired form only in 15 seconds at 190 degrees.

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_14

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_15

Best manufacturers

The most rapid African curls will wind automatic Babyliss C1300E CLUK. Its features:

  • Ceramic coating will evenly warm the curl;
  • Rotating nozzles with adjustment of the direction and time for winding small curls will make the greed as efficiently as possible;
  • The beep will notify the readiness of the curl;
  • simultaneously with the twigs will be obtained by the roar volume;
  • Ideally twist the tips of the hair;
  • When chewing the hair (from improper pad), the procedure will quickly stop and the strand will be released from the chamber;
  • The time of self-wrecking of long hair (with medium thick) will be about 20 minutes.

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_16

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_17

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_18

Professional Rowenta CF 3345 CLUK with a turmoline coating and a digital display for thin curls is also a decent option.


  • The kit includes protective thermal stratum, which will save the fingers from possible burns;
  • There is a function blocking function;
  • The temperature range is from 120 to 200 degrees.

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_19

Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_20

    Multistailer Rowenta CF 4132 with a ceramic-turmaline coating will help to change the images and easily curl Afrocotri. He has:

    • clips, studs and nozzles with rods of different diameters (including spiral) and flat tongs-corrugation in the kit;
    • 9 temperature modes (maximum 180 degrees);
    • Rotating cord and hanging loop.

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_21

    The ultra-thin flock-style "Lee Stafford Chopstick Styler" for small curiosity with a ceramic coating will help twist tight curls. Its features:

    • It is ultrallight and very comfortable, thick with a regular pencil;
    • The thermally insulated tip eliminates the need to use special gloves;
    • It is possible to heat up to 200 degrees, which will significantly speed up the process of screwing the strand (5 seconds for heating each curl);
    • The rotating cord (length 1.7 m) makes it easier for the process of creating curls.

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_22

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_23

    The only minus is suitable for hair only below shoulders, short strands will hang around in different directions.

    Among the Iron Corrugation leads the professional styler "Valera Volumissima 647.01" to give a fantastic root volume. Peculiarities:

    • It is quickly heated and has a rather wide temperature range: from 80 to 230 degrees;
    • There is a hair ionization function;
    • The retainer from accidental disclosure during transportation;
    • cord with a length of 3 m.

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_24

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_25

    Tips for choosing

    A modern range of sputter and iron makes it easy to choose a suitable appliance for any type of hair and scalp. At home will not make much difficulty and relocate from unpleasant consequences in the form of dandruff or debris.

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_26

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_27

    For winding curls, the following types of worship are categorically not suitable:

    • Classical, as it makes conventional uniform curls with a thickness of 19 mm;
    • triangular, since instead of curls, a broken zigzag with sharp contours will be obtained;
    • Double (with two rods), as it creates curls in the form of a large snake, which are quickly spinning.

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_28

    It is better to choose a fluff or iron in such simple criteria:

    • The tool must be intended for creating small curls;
    • The length of the cord should be at least 2 meters, with a copper component of at least 1 mm - such an electrical appliance will be safe, durable, it will take the opportunity to curl the curls sitting, because for the creation of an Afrochootra on long thick hair it will take at least 2 hours, but the perfect hairstyle is guaranteed for a long time : from 3 to 7 days;
    • The stand-stand must be stable, or you have to use an anti-rug;
    • It is better to take a fluff with a permanent nozzle, since with the frequent replacement, contact and fastening are loosened;
    • It is recommended to avoid using devices having a "mirror" ultra-grade coating, otherwise the curls will instantly bury and can even fall off.

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_29

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_30

    Rules for working with Crying

    In no case do not use hair polish before twisting the curls using a curl or iron - the hair will immediately become fragile and brittle.

    Screw to apartments quite just alone:

    1. Wash your head thoroughly, preferably with shampoo to give volume;
    2. Remove excess moisture with a towel;
    3. Apply Mousse for laying and thermal protection spray along the entire length of the hair;
    4. Seeing the head with a hairdryer (otherwise wet spars burn from the effects of hot fluffs or iron);
    5. Preheat the iron-corrugation up to 150-190 degrees depending on the type of hair (if there is a temperature adjustment function) and create a backed volume throughout the head, while you need to remember every strand in the roots;
    6. Thin cracks with small gear separated horizontally 1 row strands, the rest of the hair is sharp up;
    7. Divide a row on a strand of 1 cm wide, curtail the comb and screw small curls, wait until each strand cools, and carefully separate all curls in the row into two parts;
    8. When one row is ready, splash it with varnish and proceed to the following;
    9. Curlute curls, moving away from the neck to the backbone, then from the nape to the bang and the last turn turn the temporal parts;
    10. Keep the electrical appliance vertically in relation to the growth of the hair: Thin strands fix on the curl, ranging from the tip, and twist towards the roots of the hair (heated curls optimally 10-15 seconds);
    11. When all the hair turns into apartments, put the hairstyle with your fingers and slightly fix the hair with a lacquer in order to reduce the probability of spinning.

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_31

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_32

    It is not recommended to use the comb: the effect of the "dandelion" - the curls will fall into separate hair and fluffy.

    Another way to create small curls is to twist strands in harness and warming up the usual hair iron, without a corrugated surface. Similarly, you can use any curl, but curls will be less expressive.

    You can also use a Chinese wand for sushi, winding straight on it spiral from the roots of the hair to the tips, avoiding the imposition of curls to each other. This method knows how to apply alone, since the wand with a twisted strand is better to hold two hands.

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_33

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_34

    When using ironing to create zigzag aphrolocones, you need to start with the roots of the hair and consistently move towards the tips for each strand.

    Before an important event, it is recommended to carry out a rehearsal hairstyle from Afrochootry. To select installation options, you can use special computer programs, but only a rehearsal will show the real position of things: whether the assistant needs, whether the hands do not get tired, how long will the procedure takes the procedure for different types of hair, how African curls will look in different laying options.

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_35

    Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_36

    Makeup under such a hairstyle should be with a slight emphasis on the eyes, lipstick - natural shades, otherwise the image will be overloaded.

              Choose the devices corresponding to the type of hair, then the curling will be pleasure, the speed of work will increase, the time for the creation of small curls will be significantly reduced.

              With curleds with ironing and cloth at home, apartments are easy to be irresistible every day, as well as surprise those surrounding at any celebration.

              Flicch for Afrochootra (37 photos): selection of forceps and their diameter to create African curls. How do curls doing with ironing? Best Professional Cousing Curlers 5777_37

              About how to make an Afrochorry without a curly and iron, look in the video below.

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