Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair


Any generation ago, an ordinary boy at the age of 11 above his succession was not particularly thoughtful - she was traditionally rather short and a priori could not climb her eyes. There was no particular variety of hairstyles, because everyone looked at the hair around the same way - there were no more than three to five options of how you can get.

However, today there are completely different times, and now any boy at that age understands the need for not just to look neat and beautiful, but also to have its own style - stand out from the crowd. In addition, on television and on the Internet, you can find a lot of examples of haircuts, allowing to be an outstanding personality, therefore it is not surprising that the boy is not always ready to remain a faceless unit of society. To understand how to choose an excellent hairstyle for the baby, consider some of the most fashionable modern options.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_2


If we are talking about not every hairstyle is suitable for a particular person, it already means that certain requirements are put on the haircut. There are criteria that make it possible to clearly determine whether the choice made parents and the boy himself, or it is worthwhile not to repeat such a mistake. To understand what to repel when choosing, consider the most popular requirements for the haircut for this age.

  • Convenience and safety. Hair in a certain condition can interfere with their owner to engage in some activities. The main activity of the child is to study at school, while it is still active and movable, often preferring in his free time to play outside. It is believed that in all the cases described, the perfect haircut is a rather short, not closing eye and has no excessive volume. Hair even with active movement should not fall into the face, and when working with technical equipment - and in it.
  • Special conditions for educational institutions. As a rule, school requirements regarding the appearance coincide with what has already been described above, but the rules can be both softer and tougher. Separate schools take over the courage to regulate not only the maximum hair length, but also their color, although it is no longer possible to attach to convenience or security.
  • Reliability and durability. At 11 years old, the child is not always ready to constantly monitor his hairstyle, especially since in the conditions of active movement it can deter quick quickly. Moreover, he does not always have time for this, there is a time and opportunity, because parents must be sure that the hairstyle of the boy, put in order in the morning, will remain unchanged until the evening.
  • Accuracy and beauty. In most cases, haircut and creating some hairstyles should clearly show the presence of periodic hair care. Accordingly, the appearance after the procedure should be neat and attractive, the shape of the hair should like if not all, then a significant number of others - at least at school is extremely undesirable to mass disapproval.
  • Compatibility with the type of face and the tastes of the child. The haircut itself can be good and popular, but simply do not fit for a particular person. There are certain rules for choir, depending on the face of the face, and in general it is worth following, otherwise you can easily spoil the image of the baby and cause it unnecessary ridicule to its address. Finally, the appearance of a student in 11 years often define his parents, but now it makes sense to consult with a young man on this issue - it is desirable that he voluntarily agreed on the selected option.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_3

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_4

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_5

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_6

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_7

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_8

Trendy haircuts

The desire for self-expression in 11 years is usually not yet observed - for children it is important that the hairstyle is cool, but in the definition of this concept they are usually focused on generally accepted idols that are not strongly deviating from generally accepted norms. This means that the child is unlikely to strive for some screaming options, so frightening the older generation in modern society - most likely, he will agree to one of the common model haircuts, if only she was stylish and walked.

If at least someone from worthy (according to the worker) celebrities also carry such a haircut, then success is provided to it. All this means that it is not necessary to consider not so original and unique options as widely popular and well-known.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_9

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_10

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_11

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_12


This hairstyle is considered quite a childish, because at an early age, by virtue of age features inherent in many children in itself. In fact, we are talking about the hair sticking on the parties, reminding the needles of the hedgehog, but if in deep childhood it is rather an unconscious mess, then at 11 years old, a rather neat lift of the hair comes to a shift with a gel. Those who do not seek their hair in themselves to lie, you can not use even gel - then there is no need for a hairstyle no care, it is not even necessary to combing it.

More youth options for this hairstyle are already involved more systemic care - some strands can be beneficial ahead, back or side, the top is done longer and usually rises to a well-visible comb. Such a haircut is made to allocate in a separate concept, called Canadian.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_13

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_14

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_15

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_16

Shaved whiskey

As a rule, time is determined by how abandoned hair climb into the eyes and ears. However, not all men are glad to cut shortly throughout the head - someone's own hair like, and I do not want to get rid of it. In this situation, the growing popularity of the temples, eleven practically doggles, and left quite long chub remaining surprisingly. With the transition you can experiment - it can be both gradual and sharp.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_17

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_18

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_19

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_20

Patterns on the temple or head

This embodiment is as if the development of the previous topic, since the contours on the hair "draw" a very small length. The simplest and most common options are smooth and curved stripes, as well as zigzags, but in theory you can be and much more original, depicting complex patterns or inscriptions on the chapelur. The last option, however, may not approve in school, but this solution allows you to achieve absolute uniqueness and recognition.

The length of the lamps on the top of the top can be any, if only it did not close the shaved pattern, and if the contours are removed only at the temples, even asymmetry is allowed.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_21

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_22

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_23

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_24

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_25

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_26

Boxing and half-fox

Two similar classic options calculated strictly on a thick hair and differing only on the length of the leaving hair on the temples. It is almost the same Canadian with the elongated top, the hair here should not be perfectly combed here, but the length of the hair should not be the same even on the painter.

If the Canadian assumes a certain aristocracy of the image, then boxing and semi-fox - good options for simple, but at the same time a slightly romantic image.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_27

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_28

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_29

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_30

Elongated bob

This option is made particularly romantic - in all American films of the end of the last century, the angels-like children were worn by this haircut. The length of the hair here is supposed to be quite significant, most of them are combed in advance, forming a bang that closes almost the entire forehead.

In the pursuit of the best possible way, or simply not wanting to cut a child too often, some parents launch bangs, because of what she gets pretty long and climbs into the eyes - caution should be cautious here, because it is also bad for study, and vision can spoil And many schools are not welcome.

Such a haircut is suitable for children of a rather quiet and calm temperament, with an effective movement, it can easily lose the original shape, besides, it often requires constant care.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_31

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_32

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_33

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_34


Such a haircut for those boys who have too thick tenduring in need of some thinning. Too short, such a hairstyle can not call, however, it does not have any certain length - different strands are made unequal in length. The last characteristic is somewhat reminiscent of semi-mongox, but the sides for the sheggy is not taken - they remain quite long, as if framing the face from two sides. Another distinction from the half-fox is that the Sheggy needs to be combed, and quite often, otherwise nothing will remain from the initial look.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_35

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_36

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_37

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_38


An alternative solution for those who like romantic images with an elongated bean. In general, these two are hairstyles are very similar, therefore they are very often confused, and not every person who calls himself a hairdresser, will call the difference between two haircuts. "Cap", like Bob, in general, can have a completely different length of the chapels, but the first usually worships the head of approximately smooth contour, while Boba bang may have uneven or even torn edges.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_39

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_40


Another question is whether it is possible to call a haircut or hairstyle, or it's more about the peculiarities of the chasis. Indeed, among the boys 11 years old, there are rarely mods, ready to curl curls in the event that the nature of the child did not endure such, but if they are initially, no one will be regularly engaged in their straightening.

Such a hairstyle involves certain difficulties in care, since it makes no sense to comb, and when shearing it is even problematic to give it a clear contour. At the same time, the child is not necessarily cut shortly - if there is a possibility to give a chapelur some kind of neat-looking form, then it is its natural look and may be the most suitable hairstyle.

The main thing is to find a thin face, because the curly is often associated with uncertainty, but at the same time, the image of a certain ideal curly child is considered classic and one of the most attractive.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_41

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_42

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_43

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_44

Choice rules

Satisfy the requirements mentioned above can various modern haircuts, but at the same time you can choose no more than one. To ensure that the choice is not an annoying mistake, it is worth remembering the principles of the selection of good haircuts for a particular person. If we talk about the image as a whole, then for fidgets, for example, choose a hairduga slightly more bully species - soft lines and calm waves may be inappropriate, and vice versa. Consider other criteria:

  • Most of the boyish hairstyles are designed for short and medium hair, but in each case it should be considered, which length is optimal for the image;
  • When creating hairstyles, it is important to pay attention to the luxury - for example, some popular haircuts require very thick hair, and on rare people look ridiculous;
  • Oval face is most suitable for experiments, but the other forms of the face put forward quite clear limitations: the round requires asymmetric bangs, square - any bang and volume on the top of the top, elongated or triangular - somewhat elongated label;
  • Remember the age - at 11 years old "children's" hairstyles are still much more appropriate than youth.

If the baby is not inclined to stand upstairs in front of the mirror and regularly monitor itself, it is a priori to abandon those haircut options that suggest everyday care.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_45

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_46

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_47

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_48

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_49

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_50

Beautiful examples

In practice, a good master can create a unique image for each person without measuring the hairstyle with standard templates for which the names are already invented. Take at least the first example - in the hairstyle of this boy, there are some features from different above-described haircuts, which does not prevent him from looking unique and stylish. At first glance, sticking strands may seem like an untidiness, however, it is obvious that in his false form, they would definitely not look better, and so give the image of a certain boyfriend zador, adding light notes of sliding and at the same time romanticity.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_51

At the same time there are two main approaches to the choice of haircuts: someone finds a good option and tries not to deviate from him never, not wanting to risk, while others, on the contrary, are trying to experiment. If the features of the child's face are quite pleasant and neat, do not stop on something one - it is quite possible that you have not tried the best option. In addition, even in the case of a certain error, the variety of style and the ability to reincarnate will allow the boy's appearance to never come around.

By the way, in the second photo shows the same young man as on the first one - and this proves that one and the same person can equally go different haircuts.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_52

Some boys, by the way, do not burn with the desire to use the same hair gel, considering the care of the chapel, unworthy of the man. Of course, you can do without such money, but then you need to either possess the hair of a certain type, or seriously bother with hikes to the hairdresser. If the boy wants a simple haircut to add a bright style, as in the third photo, it should be understood that without gel can not do.

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_53

Hairstyles for boys 11 years old (54 photos): fashionable and steep haircuts on the side for children, choosing a children's model hairstyles for boys with short hair 5756_54

On how to make a fashionable haircut for boys, see the next video.

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