Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths?


Each girl at least once in his life wondered about long-term hair twist. Such a hairstyle gives not only femininity and romanticism, but also the mysteriousness of Luka. However, until recently, such stacking could only be obtained using a chemical curling. The modern masters offer a more sparing way to solve this task is a carving.

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_2

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_3

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_4

What it is?

This way of curling differs from the traditional chemical depth of penetration. The special composition acts only on the outer sheath of the hair, not traumating its inner layers. Therefore, such a long-term laying can be resorted to the smallest risk for hair. She holds for several months, pleased with his possessors with beautiful curls.

Carving can be performed on hair of any length. An excellent option will be the procedure for occupied women with medium and short length curls.

It will help save time on daily laying.

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_5

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_6

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_7


There are several varieties of such a curling. Carving differ in the size of curls:

  • large;
  • average;
  • small.

Small curls are perfect for girls with thin hair. With their help, you can get the most volumetric hairstyle. Such styling is perfectly suitable for both miniature and full girls. In addition, small carving helps to visually reduce major facial features due to a large volume of hairstyles.

Curls of the medium size are designed for registration of air and light image. Such a wave comes to any features of the face. With it, you can hide small age wrinkles, as curls will draw attention to themselves.

Large curls are most often used on a long length, as the short or medium hair length may not be enough to create complete revolutions.

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_8

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_9

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_10

Calling also distinguished:

  • roasting;
  • vertical;
  • texture.

The root curling helps to raise the hair in the area of ​​the head, giving the laying additional volume. This kind of hair modeling looks great with bangs.

If you wish, getting spiral curls need to do vertical twigs. It covers hair along all length and looks great on curls with any structure.

Texture carving is obtained by using curlers of different sizes. Laying at the same time looks modern and fresh.

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_11

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_12

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_13

Advantages and disadvantages

Each procedure for hair styling has advantages and disadvantages.

The lips of the carving include in the first place the lack of harm not only for the inner structure of the hair, but also for the skin of the head with hair bulbs. Therefore, after the rustling of the root zone (1-3 months), the carving can be repeated. Locks that are obtained as a result of this process look more naturally than after ordinary chemistry.

The merits can be attributed to the fact that the hair after processing the composition is much easier to combing, and their laying takes no more than 10 minutes.

Holders of oily hair The problem of too frequent head washing will stop disturbing. Hair will be lush a little longer.

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_14

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_15

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_16

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_17

But there are certain disadvantages of such a curl.

For example, using this laying it will not be possible to create well-pronounced curls. It will be more, waviness. Certain inconvenience causes a specific smell of means for curling, which can be stronger after the first washing of hair. However, over time he is disperse.

When using carving on thin hair, their tips can begin to sneeze after a while. The wine is the composition for curling, which can slightly dry loose curls. Due to the features of chemical compounds, the mixture is also possible to change the shade of painted hair after the procedure.

On severe thick hair, which are a characteristic feature of girls with an Asian type of appearance, carving can not work at all. The shell of such curls is stronger, which explains their stability to minor effects.

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_18

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_19

There is a certain inconvenience associated with changing the image. Hair thrown after carving may vaguely differ in the structure from the ends.

There are situations in which the procedure is not recommended at all. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • pre-clarification procedure (or any other type of staining);
  • weakened and brittle hair structure;
  • Individual intolerance to the chemical composition.

To check for an allergic reaction, you must apply the composition on the skin of your hand at least a few hours before the curling. In the absence of redness or rash, the composition can be used.

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_20


One of the most popular haircuts in women is currently a kara. Carving on this type of haircut is the best solution, whether it is a bob square or an extended square. Curves of various sizes on such a basis look perfectly, allowing you to change the hairstyle without additional correction of the shape or hair length.

At the same time, laying, resembling light chemistry, it is better for a short haircut. On the extended square you can make a carving of medium and even large type.

Since Kare's haircut is most often done with bangs, then you need to remember about it. This element of the haircut is designed to hide some disadvantages of the features and an oval of the face, so its growing is not always appropriate.

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_21

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_22

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_23

Carving at Kare (26 photos): Easy chemistry on a kare with a lengthening with bangs. Does she go girls with medium and short lengths? 5740_24

It is worth saying that carving can be done on bangs. Especially harmonious it will look like an elongation form. The excellent type of hairstyle is guaranteed and when carving asymmetric bangs.

The only form on which specialists are not recommended to perform this procedure is a smooth bang with a direct cut. Such curls will strike from forehead forward, which will spoil the impression of the most elegant image. In this case, the use of a roast curler will be appropriate.

Laying Carving is modern and beautiful. It makes the creation of spectacular hairstyles light and fast, allowing you to always look neat and well-kept with minimal effort. Created with its help curls will fill the appearance of playfulness and incredible volume.

For details on how to make a carving, you will learn from the following video.

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