Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime


Cocktail hairstyle is something average between evening and day stacking. She should not look too solemnly and pompous, because the event is of a different status, and at the same time for a cocktail party is not enough just to dissolve the hair or do something deliberately careless.

Cocktail hairstyle Uncharged Excessive severity, but almost always in it relevant for romance. Such hairstyles are good at modern weddings, where the ladies do not need to be in the dresses to the floor.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_2

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_3

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_4

Features and requirements

The uniqueness of these hairstyles is that the fashion is not authorized above: no matter how much its emphasis changed, whatever they hit, cocktail hairstyle firmly occupies its place.

It is synonymous with a simple chic when the female image is simultaneously simple and laconic, but is just as elected, Elegance. No in such a hairstyle, no negligence.

Cocktail hairstyle began their history even at the beginning of the 20th century, but they received the greatest distribution in the 90s, when the business began to actively develop. During such business meetings and parties to be taken to stand, using light alcoholic cocktails. Hairstyle, you need to be light, but beautiful, this is how cocktail laying arose.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_5

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_6

Consider some of the most common cocktail hairstyle requirements.

  • The appearance hairstyles combines both rigor and ease. It has no officialness, protocolism, and at the same time such stacking can not be called everyday.
  • She can allow mixing styles. Different textures can be used in the hairstyle, accessories and decorative elements are actively used here. The snail hairpin perfectly trusts the elegantly assembled hair, and it is she who conducts the border between the daily and cocktail hairstyle (and this is only one example).
  • Laying should be impeccable for the entire celebration, while its difference from evening hairstyles is that it allows you to actively move, dance. Evening styling, despite high-quality fixation, still does not imply excessive activity.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_7

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_8

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_9

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_10

In a luxury cocktail hairstyle, you can lay the hair of almost any length.

Although long curls leave more options, and the owner of short haircuts are capable of impressing celebration guests.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_11

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_12

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_13

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_14

Retro Styling for Long Hair

The theme retro does not go to the shadow, and today she, if you can put it, "sings multiple." It is very fashionable to repeat the images of the golden era of the movie: Blondes seek to recreate an unforgettable Barddo brick, slender and low girls with short haircuts are inspired by twiggy, and the amateur maximum naturalness is experimenting in the style of Jane Birkin. And all this can be imagined on such a "field of beauty" as cocktail hairstyles.

The hairstyle from Bright is one of the win-win options, if you have bright, thick hair length to the blades and below. If there is a Nehbust, a little abandoning bangs, it is also a hairstyle.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_15

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_16

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_17

Consider how you can make a cocktail laying in the style of young brigade.

  1. Wash your head, be sure to use the hair mask and increasing the volume.
  2. Screw the curls to large curlers, no longer needed - the hair should not curl into curls, they should look naturally wavy, voluminous. Before twiggle, apply a foam or other styling on them, which fits well and adds volume.
  3. After the hair curlers are removed, a shock will appear on the head, as if the nature of climbing hair will appear. But for the cocktail hairstyles they will have to tame them a little. To do this, take a black satin ribbon (and better the one that will be combined with color with your dress), collect part of the hair on the top of the top and tightly touch the ribbon, make a bow. Hair that will be gathered under the ribbon, you need to pre-observe for volume.
  4. Rides, framing, you can also twisted a little with ironing. If you have decided not to use the curlers, you can and all hair shook the iron is quick, and the desired effect is obtained. But do not make the chances on the hair, the iron twisted the curl instantly, because you do not stand.
  5. So that the hairstyle looked even more brightly, use the Lotion with shining particles. With good fixation, the hairstyle will last all day, you will feel like a movie star, while without any stiffness and fear spoil the laying of "hairs to the hairs" (as it happens with the evening hairstyle).

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_18

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_19

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_20

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_21

The same brick, if you look at her photo, one time actively exploited the image of a chic-negligent hairstyle. Volumetric, wavy, as if out of a second collected in a bundle or raised up the hair was very much accumulated. And if your outfit in aesthetics of the 60s, then it is that such hairstyles worth to keep in mind.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_22

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_23

Ideas for medium and short curls

If the laying is done on medium hair, then you need to resort to the help of accessories. First of all, large barriers with rhinestones are considered. If the hairstyle needs to be done quickly, you can use the iron. Clean hair is needed by strands to wind on the tweezers, trying to keep them vertically.

Just in advance, apply the lock on the curls in advance, because after ironing the curls quickly disintegrate.

Such winding is well creating the volume, gives the necessary structurality of hair. And now it is necessary to understand where the accessory will look more elegantly. One of the options is rear, exactly in the middle, closer to the cervical part. It creates a few strands. But this option is not the most original, therefore you can think over others: side samples and bonding part of strands with a hairpin on the side where the hair is smaller. And you can also collect all the hair in a small tail, while retaining their wavy structure.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_24

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_25

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_26

If there is almost no time on the hairstyle, then there will be hairpins. The hair still will have to quickly twist (if they succumb to the gel to create a curve, use it). You need to twist only those curls that will be at the face. Enough only curled tips. Hair collect in the area of ​​the nape and fasten with studs: since the hairstyle is cocktail, the studs can be taken with shiny tips (with rhinestones or imitation of pearls). When it turns out a beam, some of the curly hair from it needs to be released to be a punch.

The face of the face should be well fixed. As styling, use foam or soft action wax.

You can apply a lotion for gloss hair, then they will gline, which is appropriate for a cocktail hairstyle.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_27

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_28

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_29

But a cocktail hairstyle for short hair is almost always the volume + accessories. Watch examples in the photo: a lot of time this laying will not take, but looks everything with the same simple chic.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_30

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_31

Let us dwell on the stellar examples of short hair cocktail hairstyles.

  • Halle Berry. It is difficult to remember the star, the image of which is just as inseparable from a short haircut like Holly Berry. On the red tracks, this actress managed to let the long-haired, more young beauties due to its figure, the way and always trendy stacking. This is an example, how to combine short haircut and femininity, and also do not cease to be fashionable.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_32

  • Deborah Falalala. Brazilian actress, which glorified the series "Clone", became an example for brunettes with short-cut hair. One successful bezel, and a modest haircut becomes a gorgeous find for a cocktail image.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_33

  • Natalie Portman . When she crushed briefly, it turned out that she was to her face. A little styling with the effect of wet hair, light waves in retro style, and here we have a face from which it is impossible to tear the eye.

Cocktail hairstyle (36 photos): laying medium, long or short hair, the history of cocktail hairstyles and the difference from daytime 5634_34

  • Madonna. After the Rain clip, hairdressers and beauty salons attacked women who want to get a briefly and paint the hair in Iscin-black. If you have expressive facial features, you can risk! Such a simple, but still stylish styling, which will look profitable in any season, will suit you if a reason has appeared to demonstrate a new haircut.

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  • Sheron Stone. . It seems that she just made two movements of the comb, but this laying requires work (and to be more accurate, first work, and then skill). If you add gorgeous earrings, the hairstyle will become evening. But still in such a cocktail it is perfect.

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Any hair can conquer a cocktail hairstyle.

It is worth trying: inspire thematic photos, find your style and the image that the environment will still be associated with you.

Let the fashion create designers, but the creation of their style is a responsible business for everyone, and never late in it to succeed!

Below your attention is present to the top 5 cocktail hairstyles that you can do yourself.

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