Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons


Many girls dream of luxurious curly hair, because such a hairstyle looks incredibly spectacious and beautiful. However, not everyone can boast of elastic curls from nature. Therefore, various devices for creating curls come to the help of girls. To date, there are many variants of the bad to create a curve of different sizes, iron, curiosity, etc.

But despite such an abundance of modern technologies, a way of curling strands with ordinary rags remains still in demand. It is this way that our grandmothers used, and they knew what they were doing.

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Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_3

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_4

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_5

Advantages of curling

  • Security. Perhaps this is the main plus of this curling method in comparison with other options. Since the thermal impact on strands is completely excluded, and therefore their damage.
  • Simplicity and convenience. Someone can cope with such a procedure, while in order to learn how to curl the hair with a special catch, some time will need a lot of time. In addition, it can even put a strand with rags even the most lazy, just screw the hair and go to bed. At night, you will not feel absolutely no discomfort, it will be wary in the morning with a luxurious hairstyle.
  • Efficiency. You do not have to spend money on modern stylers. All that will need will be at home at home. At the same time, it is possible to use rags for curling several times. It turns out very profitable.
  • Decent result. This is exactly the case when the minimum cost of the procedure does not mean a bad result. With experience or even the first time you will have curls that will look no worse than Kudrey, made using other ways.

Even if you have pretty thick and naughty hair, with this curler you will definitely manage to "tame".

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Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_7

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_8

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_9


In total there are two sides, and the wax curling also has its own minuses, despite the large number of advantages. The main drawback is the duration of the procedure. You will need time not only to turn off all your hair, but also to fix them.

That is why many girls usually screw strands for the night, because there will be no less than 4-5 hours (without foreign influence) to future curls (without outsider) for consolidation. While with the help of a curl or iron curls create for counting minutes.

However, it is necessary to remember that such a long process guarantees a long-lasting result.

It is the opinion that Kudri after curling with rags hold about the same amount how many these same rages have been in their hair. That's why Do not rush to shoot the tapes immediately as soon as you woke up if there is no need for it.

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_10

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_11

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_12

Step-by-step instruction


First of all, it is necessary to start creating "curiors". To do this, prepare scissors and a small cut of the tissue. It is better to use cotton, hawk or other natural materials. If there was no textile at hand, do not be mistaken. You can replace the fabric of ordinary gauze, bandages or even paper napkins. Cut the tape to the tape of about the same size. The number and parameters of the ribbons are directly dependent on the length and thickness of the hair, as well as the desired result.

To make large curls, fabric strips must be wide. Accordingly, to create small curls, tapes should be thinner, and there will be more.

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Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_14

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_15

Now you need to properly prepare your hair. Wash your head thoroughly, slightly dry the hair with a towel, but do not try your hair so as not to disturb their structure. Then dried strands using a hair dryer using gentle mode.

It is important to leave your hair slightly wet, without achieving complete drying.

Then apply a slight locking agent on strands. It may be any of your favorite spray, mousse or gel. If your hair is not prone to fat, you can additionally apply a small amount of foam to the root zone to create volume. Make sure that So that the hair was only slightly wet. If they are too wet, they simply do not have time to dry overnight, and you will not get a luxurious hairstyle. If strands are too dry, then the curl will not work well and elastic.

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Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_17

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_18

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_19

The main stage

The process of creating curls is quite simple. All hair needs to be divided into strands. The smaller the strand, the more subtle it turns out curls. Place the end of the strands on the middle of the rag ribbon and start spinning. You can turn the curls from the roots, and you can bring them to the middle or even lower. It all depends on the short or long hair you have. And also from what kind of laying you are planning to do. Then simply make the ends of the ribbons. Make sure that the nodule is strong enough and not unleashed while sleeping. But do not forget that in the morning it will have to somehow shoot.

In this way, it is necessary to stare all the strands. Then cover your head with a handkerchief or scarf. So it will be more convenient for you to sleep, and the rags will not definitely unleash. In the morning, just carefully remove all the rags, take the hairstyle with your hands and fix the curls with varnish. Such curls will definitely hold out until the next head wash.

Laying looks perfectly in a pretty form, and in the hairstyle. You can put your hair into a high or low tail, make a bulk bundle, etc. You can also decorate the hairstyle with various accessories and hairpins, depending on your mood and the image as a whole.

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_20

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_21

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_22

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_23

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_24

Useful advice

  • If you want to achieve the most natural curling, you can cheat strands on a rag of different widths. Such a trick allows you to create curls that look as if you presented their nature.
  • Use the installation tools suitable exclusively to your hair type. If you have thin and rare strands, you should not exactly choose heavy gels and waxes for fixation. So you just risk getting fat untidy hair, completely devoid of volume.
  • To create large curls, fabric rags should be not only wide, but also quite dense. You can even use conventional paper.
  • In the process of knocking strands, make sure that the curls are located towards the face. Otherwise, the hairstyle will look not very beautiful.
  • If you want to fix the styling, but at hand it turned out to be lacquered, use folk remedies. For example, a solution based on water and sugar. They can spray curls both before and after curling.
  • If the hair in front of the twigs became absolutely dry, then they can be moistened with the help of water from an ordinary spubble.

Use the listed tips, do not be afraid to experiment with images and be beautiful.

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Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_26

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_27

Kudri with rags (28 photos): Step-by-step instruction curling curls, results, pros and cons 5607_28

About how to wind the hair on the rag, look in the video below.

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