Curls using T-shirts: how to make a beautiful curls? The methods and tips


Fashion is fickle and capricious, but well-groomed hair at all times remain the strength and pride of women. "Hollywood wave" in American women was popular in the 40-50-ies. Now this trend has returned not only abroad but also in Russia. After gentle curls decorate and a young girl and a woman aged, and give the image of charm. There is a very simple and proven way to curl the strands without using electrical appliances, which are harmful to the hair structure. It is worth to take time off from irons, hot rollers and ploek, because there is an alternative - shirt.

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There are many advantages of a wave T-shirt:

  • you can curl and dry hair, damaged and without damaging them even more;
  • with curly hair T-shirt you can sleep, and it's more comfortable than with curlers;
  • the result will be pleasantly surprised and will not make a long wait;
  • Girl with hairstyle made with the help of T-shirts, always feminine, elegant and attractive to men.

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Before starting to curl curls using a T-shirt, you should pay attention to the composition of its fabric. It should be cotton. It is also necessary to provide matching t-shirts and hair length size. If they are long, and the T-shirt must be of large size.

In no case can not use the material T-shirt, which strongly colors, as well as desirable to take for a wave of synthetic material. It is important not to abuse mousses and foams for hair, they contribute to the bonding of strands.

This process is recommended to plan for the night. And then the hair will hold a full day, and in the morning there will be more time to make up. The finished hairstyle is better to comb a comb made of natural materials, and with a few teeth. To get a haircut, both from a beauty salon, you need to prepare a cotton T-shirt, foam or mousse for hair styling.

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Methods pilings

There are three basic techniques, with which you can make wonderful curls that are suitable for all hairstyles and quickly executed.


This method is suitable for fashionistas how long, and with the average hair. Turban from a towel on his head can do everything the same principle to be done with a T-shirt. For this technique you need to:

  1. be sure to wash your hair, use the "turban" is possible only on clean hair;
  2. prepare a cotton T-shirt , Spreading it on a flat surface;
  3. Washed hair does not comb, and the fingers spread on the locks (if the comb to comb, it will not work curls effect);
  4. his head in the middle of t-shirts and secure the ends of its base on the back of the head while riding T-shirts cover the entire head, arm lock on his forehead;
  5. keep up to complete drying Locks or you can go to bed;
  6. After "Chalms", the curls are natural and slightly negligent.

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The next reception came up with an American, beauty blogger Kayley Melissa and called him "Locks of Nimb." It can be advised by the owners of long strands. With such a twist, curls are carried out gentle and wavy. To crush the hair in this way, it is necessary:

  1. From t-shirt to twist harness and fasten ends, preferably a stationery elastic band;
  2. Place this circle on the scalp;
  3. Washed and dried to a slightly wet state, hair is distributed on strands;
  4. You can process every strand of mousse or fitherment for fixation;
  5. Every strand need to be very careful and carefully wrap around the harness;
  6. If you distribute your hair on thin strands, then curls will be elastic and strong;
  7. consolidate everything with invisibility and hairpins;
  8. wait for drying hair;
  9. There should be curls without chances that are sometimes encountered when twisting on the curlers and the same form;
  10. When the curls are the same, this is called "Hollywood wave"

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For this, the reception will have to part with an old t-shirt. It must be cut on smooth flaps in length and in width. Must get long segments of the fabric. Next steps are:

  1. split wet hair on strands;
  2. At the bottom of the strand to tie a t-shirt segment node;
  3. split strand into two parts, and curls wrap around the nodule long tails;
  4. fasten the tips of the hair so that long segments of the fabric are not promoted - you can use the stationery elastic band for this;
  5. wait when the hair is dried;

As a result, it turns out light curls, if thin strands, and wavy curls are twisted, if thick strands of hair were curved on the sections of the fabric. The problem may be that there are different types of hair.

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It is interesting that just on damaged and dry hair curls, curled with a T-shirt, will be perfectly held, unlike hard and healthy hair.

It is advisable to leisure hard and naughty hair to the end, as only with dry they are able to hold fixation.

To pump hair, thin in structure, it is better not to use chemical locks at all, but to use the root drying of the hair with a hairdryer, to create a bulk hairstyle. Mousses and foams will only grow it. Long and hard curls can be treated with fixing drugs. And before curling curls with a T-shirt, dried up to slightly wet hair. Be sure to wait for a complete drying of the hair after the procedure, otherwise the thick curls simply will not keep curls.

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According to the reviews of numerous fashionistas, two hair curling techniques are popular with a T-shirt. This is a "crown" and "flagella". The first way, "Chalma," did not find approval, as it does not create the volume. He does not fit girls with soft hair. And with rigid and long strands, such a reception requires extra drying with a hairdryer. So, crush curls with a T-shirt for many easier and faster than to go to the hairdresser or beauty salon. Yes, and the curls are obtained simply delightful.

At all times, naturalness was in fashion. Such an unusual way of curling makes the hairstyle of natural and unique. After performing simple manipulations with a t-shirt and hair, you can safely go to any events, whether it is a disco or an important meeting. No one guess that the hairstyle did not do in the beauty salon.

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Curls using T-shirts: how to make a beautiful curls? The methods and tips 5558_14

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Curls using T-shirts: how to make a beautiful curls? The methods and tips 5558_16

Read more about how to make beautiful curls with a T-shirt, you can find out in the next video.

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