Hairstyle "Pompadour" (29 photos): Tips for the design of the "Pompadur" haircut


Sometimes any woman you want to add a little retrostil to your image. No wonder vintage hairstyles are always out of time. This can be attributed to Exquisite and outstanding "Pompadour". In a modern understanding, the haircut with a similar name refers to male, but at the same time it looks great on beautiful ladies.



    Historical information

    "Birth" of this hairstyle dated to the 18th century. It happened in the smallest of such a style like Rococo. It was then that the high and lush styling began to be in fashion. The name is adversely given in honor of Marquise de Pompadour - the beautiful beloved King of France Louis XV. It was she who did a high magnificent laying, which height could reach the half-meter.

    All secular ladies in those days imitated her, and this hairstyle was considered An indicator of luxurious life and high status. Over time, she has lost its mad popularity.


    In the early 50s of the twentieth century, the hairstyle "Pompadour" returned to fashion, but already for men. Her "revived" the inimitable King of Rock and Roll Elvis Presley. Today, Pompadour does not have sexuality.

    She looks great on men and women of different ages.





    In contrast to the ladies, another era modern fashionista creatively approaches the creation of hairstyles A la "Pompadour". The advantages of laying include the following nuances:

    • It is created very easily and does not require a large number of accessories (hairpins, invisible);
    • It looks beautiful even on the most naughty hair and has no requirements for "absolute smoothness";
    • add a spicy "highlight" to any image;
    • Great keeps the form throughout the day.




    If we talk specifically about the haircut "Pompadour", then Its creation technique is as follows: the hair from the temporal parts and the backbone is short (or shaved), and there are long strands on the painshche. They are usually combed back and fixed with the help of "styling" means. The female haircut "Pompadour" is created by analogy with male, but lateral strands in most cases remain elongated. The vintage haircut looks great on the hair of different shades.


    Note that Pompadour requires constant adjustment (1 time per month). Otherwise, the discrepancies will look ridiculous and hairstyle will lose their charm.

    Who comes up?

    As for men, the "Pompadour" haircut significantly rejuvenates their appearance. It can choose young guys and mature men. Handsmen with a beard are desirable to lay hair in such a way that the bulk volume is focused on the sides and in the temples.

    For young men, stacking with combed hair and slightly raised upwards. High "Khokholok" visually increases growth. Especially good haircut on men with a round and oval face form.

    Guys with narrow proportions are desirable to combed "Chub" on the side.



    Female hairstyle suits miniature ladies with expressive features. The high nobody "exposes" the forehead and focuses on the eyes and eyebrows. Ladies with an elongated leacion from hairstyle "Pompadour" better abandon.

    In addition, this haircut does not fit the young lady with sharp features and leoping ears.



    Tips for design

    Note that the vintage haircut implies a thick hair, otherwise the "Chub" will not have due volume. For everyday laying, you will need:

    • Round comb;
    • laying (foam, varnish);
    • hairdryer.

    My hair and rub in them a small amount of mousse. We divide the front strands to the sample and with the help of a hair dryer of them (from the frontal part to the back of the back). We cover lacquer hair.



    Another interesting option is "wet" laying. We act by analogy with the first instruction, only on the final stage we apply to the "Chub" gel or wax. Looks like a similar laying very stylish.

    The "Pompadour" haircut adore modern mods and fashionista:

    • The male band of the "Pompadur" makes the brutal handsome more attractive;


    • On the women "Pompadour" looks very playfully and uncomfortable.


    Pompous styling in retrostile

    The attractiveness of excellent Marquise inspired stylists to create various options for hairstyles a la "Pompadour". High bangs with flavoryly combined with a high tail, low beam and oblique in French. So in order to make a vintage hairstyle on modern way, we take:

    • brush and thin comb;
    • "Styling" means (mousse and varnish of strong fixation);
    • set of invisible;
    • Cook.

    Thoroughly combing the hair, we will apply a foam and highlight the front strand. We raise it up and make a nobody. "Roller" should turn out to be volumetric. The roots of the combed strands are covered with varnish for better fixation. Next, gently omit your hair and put back. There should be a negligent air "roller". Fix it invisible. The remaining hair is once again combing and slightly curled with the help of a catch.


    The hairstyle "Pompadour" on long hair. Feminine and romantic.

    The "roller" from the hair can have various forms, even triangular. To create such stacking, you will need:

    • subtle comb;
    • Elastic Silicone;
    • set of studs;
    • Means for laying (foam, varnish).

    We are applied to clean hair, we highlight the volumetric front strand and create a "roller". Its form must resemble a triangle (horizontal). Confirm with his studs and abundantly cover with varnish. The rest of the hair taking into the tail. It looks like this laying is very original and perfect for evening exit.


    A creative approach to creating hairstyles "Pompadour", no doubt, will attract enthusiastic views of others.

    The hairstyle with a high wrench is also perfectly combined with weaving. Create such stacking will not be difficult:

    • Combine the champper and traditionally, I comb on the front strand;
    • fix it with stiletto, and the rest of the hair is divided into three parts;
    • We weigh them in the French braid;
    • Combs fix a rubber band, and then take the satin ribbon and tie a playful bow around it.


    Useful advice

    In order for the hairstyle "Pompadour" looked stunningly and trimmed admiring glances, Pay attention to the presented recommendations:

    • Beautiful styling implies "work" with a clean chapel;


    • Do not do "roller" too smooth - it should be slightly negligent and air;


    • The owners of thin hair are better to lay the front strand with a whale on the side;



    • "Pompadour" amazingly looks at the milled hair and a chapel with complex staining;



    • Before creating hairstyles, it is not necessary to waste hair to mousse or gel.


    About how to cut and lay a hairstyle in the style of "Pompadour", see the next video.

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