How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair


Building allows you to quickly achieve not only the desired volume, but also hair length, so it takes such popularity. Despite the large number of advantages of the procedure, it negatively affects the overall condition of the hair, so the subsequent restoration is required.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_2

Why hair suffer

Damage, which is a consequence of extension, that is, mechanical and chemical impact is the cause of violation of the structural integrity of the hair. As a result, the secheny ends appear, the hairstyle looks untidy, it is difficult to give a form.

Hair needs a solid base, a building block, which is called protein keratin. Bleaches and solutions, temperature and mechanical impact damage them, destroying the bond between amino acids in the keratin structure. In the case of a procedure on a regular basis, such damage is an unintentional side effect.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_3

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_4

The cuticle is windows into a deeper structure of the cortex holding moisture where it is necessary to protect against the negative effects of the environment. When it is damaged, our curls are quickly losing moisture and become porous.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_5

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_6

Damage to the hubs may also lead to the fact that the hair will be dry and rude, seen to the ends. The cuticle cannot be replaced, but you can easily cope with a similar state, if you properly care for hair. Protection can be provided through the use of high-quality serum. A good smoothing tool will cover the hair rod by catching moisture and fixing it where it is necessary.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_7

In this case, kerata is very useful. This is a great way to restore damaged hair. Many hairdressers offer a procedure because it really allows you to achieve a stunning effect.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_8

If the extensive strands are too heavy, they can break the hair. Damage occurs in the event that the mount is too tough. Such a combination of weight and load on follicles causes a loss, which is officially called tractural alopecia.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_9

After removing extensive curls

Regardless of which technology was used in buildup, as a result, the hair becomes disobedient, dry, confusing. But with proper care, they quickly restore, which makes them soft and manageable, but, most importantly, They begin to look great, thanks to several simple steps.

  1. To revive the hair, you should start from giving them a form, that is, cut. It is enough to cut the entire centimeter to make them healthy, thereby removing the secant tips.
  2. After the haircut, the restoration can be continued by applying nutrient caring masks. Their components should deeply penetrate the structure. It can be both ready-made professional products and folk natural materials. The longer such a mask is held on the head, the greater the effect is achieved. Time can vary from 30 to 60 minutes.
  3. The mask is washed off with a gentle shampoo, followed by applying an air conditioner.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_10

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_11

After such simple steps, it can be found that the hair became softer, healthier, much easier to fit and look attractive.

The last two points should be repeated every three days or as head pollution. This is a standard care procedure that not all women comply with because they do not want to spend their free time.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_12


When using masks, there are three rules that should be observed:

  1. The composition should be freshly prepared;
  2. Components are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of a person;
  3. To achieve the desired effect, the mask should be used regularly.

When it does not appear, redoing one of the masks, it can no longer be used and it is necessary to find an alternative. Very optionally, vitamins acquire in a pharmacy, since they are in products, for example, the necessary vitamin E is contained in spinach, green peas or even broccoli. These products are just finely grinding a blender, and then add a suitable oil and apply on the hair.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_13

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_14

Very effective Mask with bran which before use you need to soak in warm water for 15 minutes. Vitamin B can be obtained from eggs, soybeans or other legumes. Even beer yeast is actively used to restore hair. They are applied to the hair without additional additives and in the mixture with oils. Specialists advise to apply a rapid oil that contributes to intensive growth, it can be used complete with castor. It is enough on one teaspoon with the addition of fresh lemon juice. Package and towel put on your head. The time of the procedure is two hours, after which the mask can be flushed off.

Regular moisturizing mask: At home, girls use bananas, dairy products, bran, butter. One of the most effective homemade hair restoration masks is a means based on the vitamin group B with the addition of aloe vera and mineral water. The mask is applied to clean wet hair and kept for 40-60 minutes, a watering head film and towel.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_15

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_16

The usual means to restore the amount of hair is Long mask. The easiest and most effective recipe: apply fresh onion juice on the roots of the hair, to massate the fingertips for 10-15 minutes, wrap the hair with a film. So you can easily treat your hair at home, without resorting to expensive means, which are not for everyone to pocket.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_17

What else can help

You can use not only specialized tools to restore your hair after extension. Among the methods that have proven its effectiveness can be called several.

  • Head massage. You can independently make finger tips or a special massager.
  • Compliance with diet. We need such diets that give the required amount of vitamins and microelements that contribute to hair restoration.
  • Therapy by oils using them along the entire length.
  • Salt compress that is preparing very simple. It is necessary to dissolve the salt to the consistency of thick sour cream and rub such a solution into the roots.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_18

Tips of professionals

Professionals in the field of hair care and restoration give their recommendations as to what to do.

  • The best way to restore natural growth is to use natural oils. Many oils today are in general affordable market. Almond, mustard, olive, coconut oil - one of the most common products for this. You can find a lot of combinations of these oils, which are recommended by herbal experts, as they not only supply the hair with the necessary nutrition, but also stimulate the growth of the bulbs.
  • Using a hair dryer, curling forceps and other procedures will need to postpone because they make hair weak. All of them suggest the use of heat, and it negatively affects the general condition. No need to use hard comb.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_19

  • The main part of the composition of the hair is protein, so you can stimulate repeated growth by consuming it in food in large quantities. Especially useful in this regard is soy protein, which is contained in milk, soy cheese and beans. Meat is also a good source, as it contains all the necessary amino acids necessary for hair growth.
  • Sometimes hair loss can be a side effect of some drugs that a person uses for the treatment of a particular disease, so the extension may be at all at nothing. If so, it is worth asking the doctor about it and try to find a way to get around it.

How to restore hair after extension? Hair restoration and subsequent care, basic procedures for the treatment of extensive hair 5504_20

    • Shampoos with excessive chemical composition can provide temporary gloss with hair, but they gradually weaken them. It is better to buy one, which is based on natural ingredients.

    For hair care, use only those tools that are suitable for your hair type.

    About how to restore hair after building up, look in the video below.

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