Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails


Not every girl boasts long luxurious hair donated by nature. Fortunately, modern technologies allow you to achieve impressive results of every beautiful sex representative. To do this, it is enough to contact a specialized salon and make extension. All that will be required of you is a few hours of free time and money. The main thing is to choose the right technology of this procedure correctly.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_2

Today we will tell about such a proven way as hair extension on a pigtail. It is also called the buildup of the Trest, African, Japanese, French and Hollywood buildup. Thanks to this procedure, you can buy a chic champper without using aggressive chemical compositions and hot tongs, which is especially important for those who are afraid to spoil their hair.

This technology allows you to grow strands where it is necessary: ​​on the back of the head, temples, bangs. According to the practitioners of the masters, the extension is suitable for hair of any type, structure and color, can be used even on curly hair.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_3


Hair extensions on pigtails is performed by weaving thin braids in the roots across the head. Then the cracks are sewn - wide ribbons from hair. One such tape is attached to each pigtail. It is necessary to do it as close as possible to the root, then the hair will stay in place longer. To adjust the hairstyle, the master washes a client's head, dries and twisted braids. The main thing is not to braid them on the site where there were pigtails before that, otherwise the curls in this place can be powered.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_4

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_5

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_6

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_7

To fix the cushion on the pigtail is used needle. It is not necessary to be afraid that the master is inappropriately lean your head: the so-called sailing needle is used for the sewing - thick and rounded. Thanks to such a design, it enters the hair cover and does not hurt the skin. The sewing is carried out along the entire length of the braid.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_8

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_9

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_10

There is an opinion that the technology of increasing the braid from Africa has come. Women fought with naughty curls and to get smoother hair, began to attach hair ribbons to the pigtail.

With all the simplicity of this method, a specialist from the salon or at least an assistant owning this technique is needed for making a pigtail. Make it will not work independently, as the elements are attached, starting with the nape.

Moving above, the master sews a sufficient amount of cracks, after which it cuts them to the desired length. Narrow strands usually come on the temporal part of the head, and the wider ribbons on the occipital.

To create a thick lap by a mouse method, it is advisable to have your hair at least 15 cm long, it is possible and in short, but not less than 7 cm. The resulting result is 2-3 months.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_11

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_12

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_13


As mentioned above, this method is called Safe. It does not require heat treatment and various chemicals, spoiling the structure of the hair, as well as capable provoking allergies. In addition, the technology has other positive features.

  • Supporters of hair extensions on pigtails noted that the thin bases with strands do not cause discomfort to their owners, unlike hair, which are attached to a capsule method.
  • If necessary, the tape is easy to remove without damaging them. At the same time, the cracks can be used repeatedly.
  • With such curls, it is allowed to go to the beach, in the sauna, solarium, use the hairdryer and the catch. You can not be afraid that the glue will lose its properties and the strands will disappear, since it is not used with this technology.
  • The linings do not change the length when correction, and with careful use can be worn for months and even years.
  • This method does not apply to progressive and high-nesthetical, but at the price it is the most acceptable.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_14

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_15


Before making a choice in favor of such a way of extension, Some disadvantages accompanying the procedure should also be taken into account.

  • The owner of such hair can afford not all hairstyles. For example, a high tail will open the pigtails and make noticeable fastening locations.
  • Because of the tight weaves, the first days may be painful. There is an opinion that wearing tight pigtails with crawled cracks are no less harmful than applying other methods of hair extension. Therefore, it is hardly possible to name this method as the safest hair.
  • Due to the features of the fastening of hair and difficulties with their quality combing, koltuns may occur.
  • Building to the pigtail does not allow to harmoniously combine a few shades.
  • With the average hair growth rate, the correction may be required in a month, and even before.
  • Some do not like the fact that the hair is not increasing with thin strands, but they are sewn, which looks not too natural.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_16

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_17

Selection of hair

To create a magnificent maternity lap with a masting on a pigtail, you can use different materials. Natural strands are more expensive, but allow you to achieve a more natural result. Artificial, respectively, more accessible by price. In addition, synthetic strands can be painted in bright unusual colors and they are not flexible when washing. They also hold the shape well if you decide to initially create corrugated or twisted curls.

European tapes from natural hair are considered to be leaders among the servers. India and China do not produce such durable products, but they are cheaper. In addition to the quality of the material, the wizard levels is not less important to obtain a good result.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_18

Choose experienced and proven specialists who have a portfolio that heard positive feedback from girlfriends or Internet users.


They are the same as other types of hair extensions. It is necessary to refrain from the procedure if you are:

  • psoriasis, seborrhea and other diseases affecting the scalp;
  • tendency to baldness;
  • weakened, unhealthy hair;
  • Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy and feeding.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_19

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_20

How to care

To hairstyle as long as possible had an attractive look, It is necessary to follow the unacceptable rules of care.

  1. Before you wash your head, curls need to comb well. It is better not to throw back the head, but keep it straight. Use your usual shampoo and balm. Only the means for washing dry hair are not recommended, as they contain oils.
  2. Carefully wrap your hair with a towel, do not "squeeze" them, twisting the harness.
  3. Go to bed only before drying the head.
  4. Sostly enough to turn the braid at night - then in a dream you do not damage the hairstyle. You can also remove your hair into a regular tail.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_21

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_22

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_23

Extension by the method of woven

There is another way that is often mentioned when it comes to building up with braids. It is performed differently: the master divides the hair on the smallest strands and induces artificial curls to them from the roots. This is how this technology, also called Brazilian, looks step by step.

  1. All hair is divided into 4 parts - two tops and two from the bottom with a thin long combs. On each "tail" put on the clamp.
  2. The master begins work with one of the halves of the occipital region, pulling out one strand in 5 mm. He applies an artificial strand to it, folded twice, and turns it.
  3. After that, the usual thin moster of 8 mm is brazed.
  4. The wizard creates a nodule from the invoice straight and fixes them a micro pigtail, or uses a special thread.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_24

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_25

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_26

This method was obtained thanks to Brazilians, who decorated themselves to the traditional carnival, inserted colored ribbons or hair into the lap. Now he was taken to armared the master from around the world, and everyone who wanted girls can try Brazilian technology on themselves. It allows you to change the length and thickness of the hair or simply decorate myself for the holiday by adding bright accents with the help of unusual multicolored strands.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_27

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_28

The method of hair extension on the pigtail has both fans and opponents. For a long time, it has proven itself as an inexpensive, reliable way in which glue compositions and hot technologies are not used. Perhaps, therefore, even in our time of constantly improving technologies, he remains a lot of fans.

Hair extension on a pigtail (29 photos): Features of hair extensions with a mouse method with interference, extension using micro-pigtails 5502_29

If you protect your hair from various aggressive impacts, do not plan to do high hairstyles or have a predisposition to allergies to various chemical compositions, you can try this method.

About how hair extension is performed on a pigtail, see the following video.

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