Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair?


Today, thin hair is not a problem, at least for the female half of humanity. hair extension technology has advanced greatly over the past few years. But in this case requires not only the master's hand, and high-quality material, but also their own, even if only a basic knowledge. Luxury material for hair extension are Slavic hair. This article will provide a description of Slavic hair and describe in detail about what they are better than other types of curls.

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_2

What it is?

The so-called Slavic hair is the most high-quality material for hair extension. These strands are carefully selected by hand. These locks do not fall short, low-quality or gray hair. Because each hair is laid in one direction scales like hair does not get confused. After selection, they are thoroughly cleaned (disinfected), and then subjected to paint in the desired color.

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_3

The resulting all treatments hair folded and held together with rubber bands or Tress. As a result, we can confidently assert that the Slavic hair extensions are of high quality - this is the best material for building. Hairs in such ringlets rather thin, they are not confused with each other, they have a healthy glow.

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_4

Such hair is exposed minimally processed and painted only sparing compounds. "Homeland" of these strands is to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, which is why these locks are best suited to girls Slavic appearance.

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_5

Features, advantages and disadvantages

Slavic hair extensions are several key features, which is important to read before you choose for themselves a kind of artificial curls.

  • Since the "Slav" is practically no treatment, there is a likelihood that the balance can remain live bacteria. This can become a risk factor for people with frequent attacks of allergy.
  • The average term of socks such locks - 5 years.

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_6

  • Hair easily withstand exposure to hot air - a hair dryer and hot climatic conditions.
  • The weakest point is the mount. This area should not be subjected to direct and close to the hot air or chemicals.
  • Very obedient - easy to fit, do not require long and careful waving or other treatment.

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_7

  • Most often Slavic hair available on tapes, in other - less.
  • In recent years become popular Slavic hair barrette, which are much easier to carry than accrued. They are easily removed and dress, do not require special care, and the hairpin is almost not visible.

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_8


  • This type of hair can be worn for a long time, they do not deteriorate and do not lose their beautiful appearance;
  • Locons do not differ from natural;
  • can be used when reconciling;

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_9

  • Soft to the touch, do not confuse;
  • In stock There are a large number of colors;
  • perfectly tolerate any technology of extension, including microcapsular, hot, cold, on the tapes;

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_10

  • well sufficient painting and twinks / straightening during socks;
  • In Slavonic curls, it is possible to make and other types of clarification can be made (as a rule, a solution of hydrogen peroxide is not more than 1.5% percent);

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_11

  • It is possible to acquire both direct curls and curly or even curly;
  • With such curls you can go to the pool, bath, sauna, because they are well tolerated the drops of temperature and humidity.

Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_12

    By minuses of this type of hair, their high price can be attributed - almost 10 thousand rubles, and subtlety. The latter is inconvenient by what you will need a rather large number of curls during the extension procedure if you want thick hair. Also because of its high prices, such curls are often faked. Asian hair, which are the cheapest material for extension, are often issued by the Slavs for the Slavs.

    Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_13

      In addition, there are reasons to argue that, despite its high price and quality of the material, "Slavyanka" is not suitable for everyone. Girls with dark color hair and a dense structure should choose Southhouse or even Asian curls. The same applies to the ladies with dense from nature by hair, on which thin Slavic curls simply lose their charm.

      Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_14

      Correct care

      Consider some features of care for artificial curls.

      • When the curl sock is needed several times a week to wash the head with a special shampoo for extensive hair.
      • Masks, balsams, air conditioners and oils will be a good complement to care, and nutrition for both natural and extensive hairstyles.
      • It is best combed with a brush with natural bristles, since it is precisely the least of all damage the place of attachment to natural hair.
      • Like natural hair, extensive cannot be combed in a wet or wet - the risk of damage increases.
      • It is not recommended to twist and delay the hair with rubber band or hairpins.

      Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_15

      In no case can not fall asleep with wet or wet after the shower head. Fractional hair in the morning can be seized in the mounting places.

      Difference from other types

      Each type of hair for extension has its own characteristics, pros and cons. Most often, Slavic curls are compared with Southhouse and European. Let us dwell on the differences.

      • If Slavic hair can be painted in any color, then among South Russian curls there is no blond and some other bright shades.
      • Unlike "Slavs", South Russian hair is pretty tough to the touch.
      • If "Slavyanka" is practically not confused, then South Russian strands arises light confusion and fluffiness.

      Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_16

      • The main difference, and perhaps the advantage is much more profitable than that of Slavs, the price of Southhouse hair. Considering the fact that the relative level of hair quality in both species is almost the same.
      • The hairstones in South Russian curls are thicker and more dense than in Slavic, which involves a much less consumption in building up. South-Russian strands can add a significant volume of hairstyle even in small quantities.

      Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_17

      But the difference between "Slavic" and European hair is celebrated at the very initial stage of selection. European curls are a by-product from deducting the Slavic strands, so they are very different.

      European strands are confused, as they cannot be folded on the general direction of the scales, each hairs is different.

      The term of the socks of European curls is greatly reduced compared to the Slavs. In addition, European curls cannot be rearranged. After each procedure, the head wash, they can lose their attractive appearance and are very confused. The advantage is the available price - about 3 thousand rubles per 100 strands that are enough for a complete extension of hair per person.

      Slavic hair (18 photos) features such as hair extensions. How does it differ from the southern Russian and European hair? 5500_18

        In conclusion, it is worth noting that When choosing a material, it is quite easy to encounter fake. Purchase material for extension is worth only from proven sellers or contact the specialists in this matter. Otherwise, largely spend money on low-quality curls is quite real.

        About what hair to choose for extension, Slavic or European, see the next video.

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