Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette


Brown hair shades are at the peak of popularity. The choice of paint depends on its combination with a haircut, skin type and eye coloring. The rules of staining at home and leaving the color of the curls to learn easy.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_2

Who comes up?

Color type has seasonal shades. Spring and autumn colorings are reduced to warm colors, winter and summer include a cold range of colors. Each person can choose a suitable flavor. To determine its type, it is enough to look at the wrist veins: a greenish tint happens at the heap of a warm type, a bluish color indicates the presence of a cold variety.

Spring representatives are owners of white leather and light eyes. Golden shade is present in their hair, eyebrows and cilia. Summer type It has karium or gray eyes, blond and dark curls with ash or silver thaw, porcelain leather, to which the natural tan sticks well.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_3

TO Autumn type The redheads of the lady with freckles, peach or slightly dark skin, with the eyes of green, kargo or gray. Winter type Inherent in dark-eyed brunette black eyelids. Occasionally, artistic representatives of this type with a more delicate skin shade are found. Sand shade of hair can transform them just fantastic.

The naturalness of the image gives the change in the natural color of strands by 1-2 tones in a brighter or dark side. Burning brunettes do not recommend light brown flavor. He greatly harmonizes with blue, green, gray and brown eyes. Black-eyed beauties should not be resorted to hair staining with similar tones.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_4

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_5

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_6

Holders of dark skin is best to choose a darker color. Brunettes are recommended when painting in brown to add red notes. The walnut gleam looks perfectly on straight strands of Chernobrovy Durenok. Golden glare gives portrait beauties with olive skin of romanticity and ease.

With caution, it should be resorted to the use of the Golden Glaves of the Ladies of the Summer Type. Golden tump does not fit the pale balls. The shade of Mokco is perfectly combined with Slavic appearance. It gives the image of elegance and aristocraticness.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_7

Light brown strands Wonderfully look at the lady of the autumn type with the skin of a beige or golden shade. A light brown gamma is amazing the spring and summer type, but it does not recommend it in winter beauties. Melting gives strands the effect of hair burned under the scorching sun.

Skinnye green-eyed beauties recommend a brandy tint. Girls with bright skin girls are amazingly suitable color of milk chocolate. He gives them naturalness and beauty. Business women most often give preference to dark chocolate color.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_8

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_9

Dark brown tone Bridges brightness. Saturated colors are particularly well combined with green and brown eyes. The dark meter emphasizes all the flaws of the face, so the owners of light skin need to choose the corresponding shades for hair color, otherwise the focus on wrinkles will be made. If you use flavor a little lighter of natural tone, then the rejuvenating effect is guaranteed to young ripe age.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_10

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_11

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_12

From ash coloring should be abandoned by the owners of large features of the face, as the ashes kel emphasizes all flaws. However, he wonderfully suits the cold type, which will give the effect of rejuvenation. Ash ash is amazing in combination with white face skin.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_13

Mature shades

There is no other color belongs to such an abundance of shades, like a brown gamma. The palette of brown notes is diverse: from warm dark to gentle peach colors. Some otlocks with warm brown gamma can have a cold tide: metal, frosty, golden and silver splashes.

Hair paint, regardless of the manufacturer, has a tone number. Starting from the unit, increasing numbers indicate the transition from a very dark color to a brighter shade. The figure "1" means black, and the latter in the numbering number fixes the rich blond. Intermediate numbers show shades in descending order: from burning black to very light colors.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_14

The digit, located after the comma, hyphen or the point indicates About saturation means for staining and availability of suitable pigments:

  • 1 - sandy or ash fold;
  • 2 - green tack of pearl overflow;
  • 3 - gold and golden gleam;
  • 4 - reddish or copper glare;
  • 5 - reddish shine.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_15

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_16

Zero testifies to the naturalness of the pigment. The seven is extremely rarely present in a light brown gamma. It usually shows the presence of a red-brown pigment.

In the sale often appear paints with unexpected new highlights. Painted in chestnut hair with magnificent red flicker give the image of uniqueness and elegance. Luxuriously looks a combination of tons of bitter chocolate and caramel. When mixing the very dark color under No. 1 with a neighboring tone, a stagnantly saturated chestnut coloring can be obtained.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_17

To obtain a natural color, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Locks are ready for new staining after discoloration or complete flushing of the previous color;
  • Special attention should be paid to the structure of the hair.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_18

How to choose paint?

There is a huge selection of a variety of coloring agents.

  • Indian herbal paint Recommend to apply on dark strands. The color gamut begins from the golden light, copper tone, and ends with shades of dark chestnut.
  • German manufacturers Offer a large selection of brown shades: from a light sandy glare to the color of bitter chocolate. There are very resistant coloring agents and limited quickly washed cream-paints, with difficulty cleaned by seeding.
  • French manufacturers Pleased with saturated brown tones: pearl and rainbow chestnut, juicy red wood, frosty chocolate, cappuccino and shining bronze color.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_19

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_20

Good professional paint diverse brown shades is represented by many manufacturers. Sedina hides the Palette well. Deep tones saturate hair with a special glitter. Nutrient components fill their useful elements, moisturize. In the palette there is a color of cocoa, honey chestnut, golden grill.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_21

Italian paint Kapous. Usually used in professional staining. Proteins available in the medium nourish hair and head. Hydrolyzed silk protects his head from ultraviolet radiation and provides the highest tone resistance. The paint is allowed even very deep gray.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_22

ESTEL Attracts employees of salons and many women who are independently using this hair painting. Paint is often used for weakened strands. It has an emulsion saturated with vitamins, microelements and having healing properties. Hair acquire health, lifeless and wonderful look.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_23

One of the most popular paints that the ladies of all ages prefer to use at home are Garnier and Syoss. Garnier enriches its products with natural oils of jojoba, avocado, olives, wheat sprout extracts and other useful substances. They nourish, moisturize strands, contribute to their growth, provide protection against the negative impact of chemicals. Popular Syoss products are fully ready for use. Homemade staining is easily and easy.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_24

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_25

Cream texture of painting American brand L`oreal Easy to use. Products are often used at home, but also professionals are sometimes painted by this means. Rich resistant pigments do not harm the texture of hairs. Thanks to herbal extracts and natural oils, painted hair is protected from adverse external factors, protected from moisture loss.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_26

The budget option is a resistant cosmetic product. "Rowan" . Beautiful texture of the tools contributes to uniform staining. Components included in the composition, leaving curls. The paint is represented by a palette from sparkling golden, copper tones to very dark shades.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_27

Rules of coloring

It is impossible to mix the coloring agents of different manufacturers, because it is not possible to ensure that the result that I would like to see. The required color is obtained by mixing paint with a difference of 1-2 tones. The degree of scope is due to paint exposure time, the boron type. It will take about 180 ml on the staining of long hair, it will take 120 ml for medium length, a short haircut will limit 60 ml of the means.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_28

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_29

Break paint exclusively in glass, porcelain or plastic dishes. Metal cups cannot be used. Because of a peculiar contact with air, the paint becomes unsuitable for staining after half an hour after mixing, so it is necessary to apply the tool immediately.

Obtaining a beautiful golden shade is possible only with the top of the semicolon, the hyphen or point in the tone numbering on the tube. Before painting in ash color, it is necessary to brighten the hair. Sometimes green tump appears, but in this case the use of golden balm will help.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_30

There are folk methods of hair coloring by natural dyes:

  • It is necessary to dissolve the cold and bass, their proportion must be 2: 1, about an hour they keep the mass on the head (all means for washing hair are used not earlier than in a day);
  • Golden gleam is obtained as a result of thoroughly washing the head of the chamomile tincture: a tablespoon of dry flowers is poured with a glass of hot water;
  • Thanks to rinsing hair of the husk onion, golden, brown, copper shades are obtained - the longer to withstand the husk, the darker will be;
  • The blonde shade is achieved when pouring the cool water of the tablespoon of a finely affected root of rhubarb, boiling it for 15 minutes and adding 3 tablespoons of vinegar (parallel to the liquid will help get rid of excessive fatty hair);
  • The dining room of tea or coffee is poured with steep boiling water, after half an hour they are applied to the head and keep from 15 to 45 minutes, depending on the desire to get a slightly or too saturated tone.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_31

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_32

Color care

After staining, the pigment is fixed within two days. Wash your head in this period is undesirable. The yellowness is very quickly washed off from the hair, so the periodic use of golden balm is necessary. Means for hair restoration can be taken after 2 weeks, otherwise the coloring pigment can be cleaned.

Recommended rinsing herbs. A well suits the decoction of daisy flowers. It should be noted that it can change the shade of light hair, as the chamomile gives the hair of yellowness. In these cases, its weak consistency is used. Copper shade gives tea carcade hair. His strong infusion is recommended to red-haired and girls with copper notes painted by strands. The owners of dark brown hair are advised to use black tea or coffee while washing the head. It must be remembered that all procedures are completed with pure water rinse.

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_33

Brown Hair Paint (35 Pictures): Bright and Dark Shades, Beautiful Golden and Copper Colors, Warm and Cold Tones in Palette 5455_34

How to get a deep chestnut color without rims, see the next video.

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