Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints "Rose Gold" and "Pink Tree", Pastel Pink Shades and Pink Pearls


With the help of modern paints for hair from a variety of manufacturers, you can get completely any shade. As for pink paints, they entered the fashion still in the distant 70s, but the most popular began to enjoy in the past few years. Pink hair paint is chosen by the representatives of the beautiful sex of various ages, because with the help of this shade, it is possible not only to emphasize their individuality, but also in the root to change the image. In this article, you will get acquainted in more detail with the peculiarities of the juicy color "Barbie", we will find out the main varieties of paints and the brand that you should pay attention to.

Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints


Before dramatically repaint your own hair color in raspberry or peach, We recommend to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of pink paints for hair, as well as their advantages and minuses.

  • Advantageously pink dyes and shadow shampoos of this color choose girls. Many psychologists associate this with the fact that young women subconsciously want to be similar to the legendary Barbie doll. Pink color is very popular with representatives of various subcultures, especially often with pink hair colorful hair or plug punk, emo, anime genre fans and some others.
  • Pink color highlights its owner from the crowd, which is a big plus. But if you move to a hairstyle and bright shades, it will, of course, will be a big minus.
  • When choosing a shade is very important to take into account the mass of the nuances, including the skin color and eyes. For example, free-skinned ladies and owners of a porcelain skin hue is best to pay attention to brighter shades of pink. Girls with a tan or blacks are perfectly suitable pink-purple shades and powdered pearl color.
  • As a rule, it is impossible to achieve pure pink on her hair without their preliminary clarification. The fact is that if we stick with pink dark hair, you can only get a light glitter pink, but in no way pure color. And this is a substantial minus, because not everyone wants to lighten the chapel. In addition, this shade on dark hair will quickly wash.
  • It should be remembered that pink color cannot be worn so long as any dark or redhead. In fact, pink color is just a temporary tone on the hair, which needs to be regularly updated and tinting in the cabin, and this is, of course, requires certain pretty. The colored pigment is washed out of the hair with each subsequent use of shampoo and head of the head, which means that every day the color will fill up, if not used to revitalize special leaving products from lines for painted and tinted hair.
  • Choosing an unusual shade for staining of the foresters, it is advisable to find a professional coloraist master who will not only perform high-quality staining, but also advises tinting shampoos to maintain color at home.

Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

Today it is not difficult to make staining in the cabin or at home. In addition to professional dyes with pink shades, many firms producing mass-market products offer this type of products that are freely sold on supermarket counters.

However, it is worth understanding that Professional coloring compositions are very different from those that can be purchased freely access.

Professional means not only gently toned the hair in the right color, but also hold on the curls for a long time long, while ordinary coloring compounds with subtock can harm the hair due to the presence of aggressive components in them. Of course, here the choice remains behind the client.

Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints


    Today you can purchase a variety of hair paints. Pink paint may be next.

    • Professional. It can only be purchased in professional stores and beauty salons, such paint is practically not sold in free access. It is expensive, but the quality justifies this nuance. Prepared with special proportions. With the help of professional paints, you can get the most pure tone from the first session of staining. Also, such paints perfectly paint gray and do not injure their hair. Resistant professional paints in the desired shade can be found in the following brands: Redken, L'Oréal Professional, Schwarzkopf Professional, Wella Professional, Londa Professional and Keune.

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    • Conventional (household). Sold everywhere. Easily prepares without taking into account any proportions. Adapted for home use. Conventional paints, which can be easily prepared independently, can be found at brands: L'Oréal Paris (shade of strawberry with cream, as well as pink from the washed line Colorista), Garnier Color Sensation (Shade Pastel), estel (Scandinavian and polar blond with pink Topic).

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Purchase pink coloring compositions with a long-term effect can be in the following brands:

    • Crazy Color (Pink shades: tender souffle and sugar wool);

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    • Bouticle Expert Color (shade cold pink crystal), the paint from the Italian brand is a permanent cream-paint for hair with low ammonia;

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    • Manic Panic. In the shade of pink pastel. Fully non-ammmonic permanent paint, not traumating hair, juicy and rich shade remains long enough, especially if staining is carried out on pre-clarified hair.

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Of course, this is not the entire range of colors that can be purchased in the domestic market. Recently, many brands began to produce paints of exactly such a shade, since it is considered very popular. Therefore, it is possible to find this tint in virtually any brand that is engaged in the production of coloring products for the chapels.

    Who goes?

    Pink hair color is suitable for almost all wonderful sex representatives regardless of hair length and age. The only rule for successful staining and getting the desired shade is light or light-blonde hair color. Different shades of pink equally can be supplemented with shortbob, square or bizarre long curls.

    It is not recommended to paint and tint the hair with very young girls up to 16-17 years old, because it is believed that until this age, the hair onions on the head were not fully formed and if they were injured by paint, then in the future hair weakened and will be more susceptible to all negative factors from the outside.

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Recently, the pink shade is very popular with the ladies who have a fastener or ombre on hair. They are painted only a light part in a pink shade. The effect is very original. Gently pink or light pink paint can perfectly add a warm blond, and the bright pink is cold. However, the brightness of the color should be neat, but no one has canceled experiments, especially if the lady is bright. Very often, experts combine several shades of pink, creating luxurious overflows and stretching color.

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    How to choose a suitable shade?

    A suitable shade of pink should be chosen solely from its own preferences for this color, as well as considering the advice of a specialist who can suggest which hue is holding on her hair longer. For example, the owners of long hair and light fasteners are recommended the following shades:

    • pearl pink;
    • smoky-pink;
    • pale pink.

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pearl-pink shade or it is also called the "pink pearls" perfectly suitable ladies with a cool blond hair color or platinum. A cold pinkish shade will become a real highlight of the owner of bright porcelain leather, such a color in the best form will emphasize the aristocratic view of the girl.

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    The "ash-pink" or "pastel-pink" shade is perfect for self-confident agents that are not afraid to experiment with dolls. The shade with the unusual name "Rose Gold" combines not only pink, but also beige. Such a color looks perfectly on warmth, and on a cold blond, as well as on brownish and girls with Ombre.

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    With the help of a gentle shade "Pink Magnify" you can allocate only a few strands. The effect will be stunning. On blond hair, it is possible to make unusual models with alternating gentle and contrasting pink shades, for example, "Fuchsia", "Flamingo" and "pale pink". Shades "Pink Tree" and "Pink-Red" are perfectly suitable for girls with tanned shiny skin.

    Especially winning look at the long slightly twisted hair. Such shades are best to wear with beautiful styling or braids.

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

    How to paint?

      Depending on which paint was chosen, it will depend on how to cook and apply it. Whether it is professional or ordinary in the box, always follows:

      • carefully read the instructions;
      • Make a test for allergies.

      Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

      Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

      And only after the execution of these two items, you can start mixing all the ingredients and staining the chasis. Coloring hair at home is easy, the main thing is to take into account a few moments and adhere to step-by-step instructions.

      • It is undesirable to paint the newly washed hair, however, they must be well spherical along the entire length. If the hair is thick, they are best divided immediately into several zones and consolidate that they do not interfere.
      • It follows next to the mirror, preferably large to be a good review.
      • Before proceeding with staining, it is necessary to make the paint properly. If she is usual and purchased in a simple store, then here you just need to mix all the ingredients in the order that is specified in the instructions. Must happen a homogeneous mass. Speaking of pink colors, in many brands it is necessary to wait for the color to manifest itself, and therefore the coloring composition should be a little standing in the container. Usually not more than 10-15 minutes, and only then it can be applied to curls. The moment is always indicated in the instructions. It can not be ignored, because the color directly on the hair may not appear.
      • Before applying paint on the hair is very important to cover the neck and shoulders with a special cape. Do not forget about the basic safety requirements - it is necessary to work solely in gloves.
      • To accidentally do not paint the forehead or ears, you can apply a bit of a bold cream or an ordinary childish, not reaching the hair growth line. This method will not give the paint to penetrate the upper layers of the skin, the tool will be much easier to wash off.
      • Staining hair along the entire length is best started from the occipital zone, gradually moving to the temporal. Upon completion, the hair is optionally to cover with something, it is best to fix them with the help of the clamp and wait the necessary time.
      • After a certain time, the paint should be thickened with hair, while light water does not stick. Wash hair with shampoo and balm for painted curls, dry.

      Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

      Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

      Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

      Whatever paint for pink shade's hair is chosen, the desired shade can only be obtained if the original (source) hair color is light. Otherwise, the pink shade can not be expected, on dark hair it does not appear.

      Recommendations for care

        If painting in pink color was performed good professional paint, It will have to be suitable for maintaining the color.

        • For hair wash, it is best to use a special shampoo and air conditioning (balm) for painted hair. It is best to acquire options from professional brands.
        • To save the color, the appropriate sample shampoo or even a sketching mask with a leaving effect may be selected.
        • Very dry and brittle hair is recommended as often as possible to feed with useful components. Once a week you can make a nutritious and restoring mask for painted hair, as well as smearing the tips of the hair with oils, such as coconut.

        Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

        Pink Hair Paint (39 Pictures): Resistant Color Paints

        However, it is not necessary to get involved in hair masks with cinnamon, honey and olive oil, because all these ingredients wash the coloring pigment and, having imposed such a mask, you can completely wash the color.

        About how to paint your hair into a pastel pink color, look in the following video.

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