How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means


Hair coloring from time immemorial was for women one of the effective means to change and improve appearance, emphasize the attractiveness, comply with the aesthetic requirements for society.

But often a campaign to the salon may prevent quite objective circumstances: the cost of the service; lack of time; The desire to use natural means for painting or those that change the color or shade of hair for a short time; Desire to experiment.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_3

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_4

In order for the result of staining to meet expectations, and as a result of this process, do not damage the hair, not to get a chemical burn or an allergic reaction, it suffices to follow a few simple rules.

The process of self-painting hair can be divided into several stages:

  • The choice and acquisition of the dye,
  • Preparation of the necessary equipment,
  • Conducting an allergy test
  • directly coloring
  • Fixing color
  • Further care.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_5

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_6

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_7

Choosing a dye

The right choice of paint is often not a very simple task, since the incorrectly chosen color will simply do not fit simply, but at worst it will emphasize the disadvantages of appearance.

That this does not happen, you need to decide on the basic color type of appearance.

There are several classifications, but for everyday use the most convenient - at the time of year.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_8

"Winter" type is distinguished by bright appearance with a predominance of cold shades . The natural color of the hair is rich - from the ash and white to the dark. For hair painting, cold tones should also be chosen: black, brown, brown, plum, ash. Contrast in coloring quite admissible.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_9

"Summer" type is also cold, but the contrast for him is hardly suitable. The natural color of the hair is more often light: ash, blond, so unloved by all "mouse". Very feminine appearance requires cold ash, platinum, blond tones when painting. This type can be a yellowish skin color that golden shades will only emphasize.

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Heat and softness - distinctive features of the "spring" and "autumn" types. Most of all are suitable for red, copper, chocolate, brown, blond tones with a golden chip. Woman "Spring" should pay attention to bright shades, and the "autumn" woman is on the more dark.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_12

Deciding with the color, it is worth thinking about the fact that natural or chemical dye choose. Even the best professional paint contains components that harm not only hair, but also the skin of the head.

Natural funds do not destroy the structure and natural pigmentation of the hair and most often have an additional strengthening, healing and careful effect. The only disadvantage will be that many desired shades will be very difficult or almost impossible to achieve, or to achieve the desired effect it is necessary to conduct a procedure several times. There are several time-tested recipes for the preparation of natural dyes, which are based on such components like henna, bass, cinnamon, lemon, tea, coffee, chamomile.

The easiest way to use the natural ingredients of blondes. The more porous structure of light hair and their natural pigmentation will reflect any shade, and it will continue on such curls much longer.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_14

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_15

Dark hair, as a rule, smoother, dense and thick. Natural tools will give such strands rather shade than radically change color. The most noticeable redhead will give the henna, slightly lit cinnamon and chamomile, bass gives the depth of natural pigment.

Henna is considered one of the best natural dyes. The color that she gives hairstyle depends on the country from which it was brought. In pure form, Indian henna stains her hair into more red, bright colors, Iranian - in more muted copper. Very often, manufacturers mix it with other components. Such paints are sold already in the finished form and allow you to vary the color gamut. The result will depend on the concentration of composition and exposure time.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_17

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_18

Prepare this dye to use is very simple - the instruction is most often given directly on the packaging. The mixture is flooded with boiling water, hot or warm water, heats up on a water bath, applied to the hair in warm form in the same sequence as other coloring agents. The head will then be covered with a film and warm to wrap.

It is possible to consider the disadvantage that such a procedure is carried out for quite a long time, but it is impossible to damage the hair as a result. The composition will saturate the hair with useful substances, they will better endure the negative impact of the environment, as each hairs will be in a kind of protective cocoon. Strands will become more obedient, smooth, dense and elastic. In addition, externally they will seem thicker and volume, they will get a beautiful shiny shine.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_19

Additional components such as honey, olive, ray, grape oil, essential oils designed to care hair will help to strengthen the therapeutic effect. With a certain amount of free time, besides the coloring effect, it is possible to create a very effective caring mask on the basis of the henna, useful and for the hair itself, and for the scalp.

At the end of the procedure, the composition is washed off with shampoo, it is necessary to wash the hair until the water becomes bright. Next, care for the hairstyle can be carried out with the usual means.

The regular use of such a hair care method will allow not only to keep the color for a long time, it is safe to paint gray, but also significantly improve the condition of the hair.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_21

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_22

Get darker color - from chocolate to black - allows a mixture of henna with a bass. The result of staining will depend on the proportions of the source components. You can use a ready-made mixture, and you can first independently prepare the basis of the henna according to the basic recipe, add bass powder in the desired proportion, mix up to uniformity and apply to hair.

In its pure form, the bass as a dye is not recommended to be applied, as it is the likelihood that the strands are not very pleasant bluish or greenish.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_24

Very effective coloring, toning and caring masks can be prepared on the basis of cinnamon. If you do not mix it with other dyes, then the reddish strands will acquire reddish shades, darker - golden chill, light strands will become brownish.

A mixture of cinnamon with lemon and honey slightly brightened hair, such a mask with regular use stimulates their growth, makes shiny and silky.

The unique glitter will give the hair of a decoction of a lime color. To paint gray and change the color with it is impossible, this tool will slightly clarify dark hair, and light hair will get a light golden shade.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_26

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_27

Chamomile is another plant whose decoction will allow with regular use to hide the seed and slightly clarify the hair. A pronounced coloring effect This means will not give, but in fairly concentrated form will provide gold overflows, and due to the antiseptic properties it will eliminate itching, peeling and other unpleasant phenomena. The result will depend on the concentration of the solution. The same effect is possible and when using a ragger of onion husk.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_28

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_29

The decoctions of these plants are preparing in fact one recipe. The desired amount of raw materials is poured with water, boils on slow heat for a time sufficient to evaporate about half of the liquid. Next, the composition is cooled, applied to the hair or applied as a rinser.

Beautiful chocolate shades can be obtained using strong tea and coffee solutions. The use of these funds tones and strengthens blood circulation in the skin of the head, which brings considerable benefits: strengthens and speeds them.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_30

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_31

Natural coffee scrub is useful to massate the head - it will eliminate dandruff. First, massage should be done, wash off the scrub, apply a warm coloring solution, cover your head with a film, wrapping and leave for about an hour.

Staining with strong tea (two tablespoons are brewed on 200 g of boiling water) is carried out in the same way, it is possible to massate the head using a certain amount of beverage. Tea and coffee can also be used as a rinse.

Dry hair after using natural compositions follows in vivo.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_32

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_33

Freshly squeezed lemon juice, in equal proportions mixed with water, after several rinsing is capable of brightening the hair on one or two tones. In addition, Lemon gives a beautiful shine and cleans the head of the head.

But it should be remembered that the juice of this citrus representative should not be applied with dry hair, as it has a drying effect.

It is possible to quickly and radically clarify the hair at home using hydrogen peroxide. This time tested and a fairly safe remedy is widely used in everyday life, and in medicine. For cosmetic purposes, used for teeth and hair whitening.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_34

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_35

This procedure is pretty light and very budget. The result is fast and persistent. But it should be remembered that the peroxide is not suitable for all types of hair. Dry, thin, brittle hair is bad to move its impact. On dark hair, the effect can also be quite unexpected.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to analyze the state of strands, if necessary, carry out restoring procedures, preliminary testing and observing precautions.

Despite the safety and even undoubted benefit of natural painting funds, the leading position occupy all the same professional dyes that allow you to choose the most suitable shade.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_37

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_38

Three large groups of chemical dyes are black, chestnuts, blond - have ten more additional subgroups: from the first, denoting rich black kel, up to a tenth, corresponding to the brightest white. Inside these subgroups there are still additional shades.

This information is usually contained in the numbers on the package, the first of which denotes the main group, the other remains - the color subgroups.

In addition, this information is accompanied by illustrations on the package, which shows the original hair color and the estimated result. Solid manufacturers are attached to their products an additional palette with all shades.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_40

By purchasing paint, it should be borne in mind that on a similar illustrative material, samples of painting healthy hair of a certain natural shade are given and, subject to all the accompanying rules of staining. When deviating from these conditions, the result may also be different.

Chemicals for hair coloring is difficult to call safe, even if they do not contain ammonia.

That is why when choosing paint, it is worth navigating not only on color, but also on the composition.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_42

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_43

The effect of dyes can differ significantly in time. There are three main categories of coloring compositions.

  • Shampoos and balms. It is impossible to radically change the color with their help, and they wash off pretty quickly. With such means, you can paint the hair temporarily or for the purposes of experiment.
  • Semi-free dyes. They do not contain ammonia, but it is sometimes replaced by pretty toxic amines. Create a color to 1-2 tones and for not very long time. It is hardly possible to paint with a high quality and for a long time.
  • Persistent means. Contain ammonia, allow you to drastically change the color, reliably eliminate the seeding, long hold on the hair. But it is necessary to apply them with caution, since the manifestations of allergies are possible, with improper use you can damage the hair and skin cover of the head. In addition, the resulting roots must be periodically tint, otherwise the hairstyle will look untidy.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_44

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_45

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_46

What do you need?

A set of means and tools for dyeing hair at home is very simple and only depends on the length, hair lungs and the selected dye. It includes a number of necessary ingredients.

  • Tool for staining.
  • Dishes for paint breeding , necessarily glass or ceramic, can be plastic.
  • Cape to protect clothing. It can be an old towel, bathrobe, waterproof fabric, soft polyethylene.
  • Polyethylene gloves (often attached to the paint) or thin rubber.
  • Set of two non-metallic combs: Normal with frequent cloths and quite large, with rare large teeth.
  • Tassel for painting. It is advisable to purchase a classic, rather soft professional, 4-5 cm wide. If the hair is long, it is more convenient to use a wider and rigid brush, to color individual strands - more narrow. At home, the tassel may well replace the sponge.
  • Plastic bargains Or hairdresser's hair clips.
  • If there is a fashionable staining of feathers or other types of complex painting, then add foil Or thermal paper for wrapping a strand and a special blade for a separate locker laying. With ordinary staining, these devices are not needed.
  • Any fat cream or vaseline which is applied along the hair growth line for paint protection.

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_47

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_48

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_49

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_50

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_51

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_52

It is very important to prepare everything you need in advance, since the rapid, neat and thorough applying of the dye is one of the most important conditions of uniform staining.

How to paint your hair yourself?

Hair coloring at home should not be spontaneous. In addition to choosing a dye and prepare a set of tools, it is necessary to evaluate the condition of the hair, concentrate the secant tips, make several healing and moisturizing masks.

Be sure to carry out a test for allergies. Even if a permanent dye is used, the manufacturer can add a new component capable of causing a negative reaction.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_54

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_55

With caution, you need to approach the painting of gray hair or darkening light curls by more than 3 tones. Avoid an undesirable greenish shade will help prediges. Many manufacturers produce special tools for this test.

Each paint necessarily attached instructions. It must be carefully read. In some cases, the dye is applied on dry hair, sometimes they need to pre-wet. From how much the rules of staining are followed, not only the result, but also the health of hair and skin is depeted.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_57

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_58

To correctly, evenly and beautifully paint the hair itself, you need to observe a certain sequence of actions.

  • Combing your hair, throwing them from side to side.
  • With the help of the clips, divide the strands, fixing them in the occipital, painful and temporal parts.
  • Apply cream or vaseline along the hair growth line.
  • Protect shoulders, clothes from paint contact with the help of prepared material, put on gloves.
  • Prepare the color mixture in accordance with the attached instructions. As a rule, you need to mix the paint and oxidizing agent. For short hair, one package is enough, for medium and long it will take 2 or even 3.
  • Apply and smear the resulting solution near the ears, along the samples and hair growth line. It is very important to act quickly and neatly, especially if it is supposed to make hair on 2 and more tone lighter.
  • Free from the clamps and divide the hair on one of the four zones on thin strands.
  • Apply the paint first on the roots of each curl, then carefully and evenly distribute over the entire length.
  • Also proceed with the whole mass of the hair, processing alternately every zone.
  • Caught with rare teeth carefully several times combing hair in different directions, thus allowing air to circulate freely.
  • If necessary, fasten the strands of the hairpins and leave for the time specified in the instructions. Often hair are dry in roots or on the tips, in this case the coloring time must be reduced. Paint the paint on the hair is not worthwhile - the long-term chemical impact of benefit will not bring.

  • Approximately 10 minutes before the end of the procedure, the hair is slightly moistened with water and massage them along the entire length for a more uniform paint distribution.
  • Withstand the time, washed off the composition of warm water. Most modern dyes are already included with detergents, so the use of shampoo for flushing is most often optional.
  • After washing off paint on the hair, it is necessary to apply the accompanying air conditioning, and if possible, carry out additional treatment. This can be a constantly used balm or a caring mask based on natural products (honey, egg yolk, vegetable oils, healing herbs). Even the most careful modern paint is a chemical compound, damaging the structure of the hair.
  • If the hair has already been stained before, and you only need to paint the roots and refresh the color, the dye is applied to the root part. A few minutes before the time specified in the instruction, emulsification is carried out (the hair is slightly wrapped with water and massage movements paint is distributed over the entire length).

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_60

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_61

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_62

Filling color

Once paint hair, the more resistant paints, not enough. It is important to save the result for a long time.

This technique does not represent much difficult. To do this, it is worth purchasing a special shampoo for painted hair. This name is not a marketing stroke, the composition of this fund is somewhat different from the usual shampoo. A properly chosen detergent will make strands with softer and silky, allow you to save and update pigmentation.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_64

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_65

In addition, there are additional funds for consolidation and color recovery. They are applied on the hair for a short time, do not have hard chemical action, easily washed off with water.

How long to preserve the color of the painted hair, it is worth taking care in advance. Pre-care does not require hiking in the salon, expensive means and for a long time. The color obtained as a result of staining will allow for a long time to retain smooth hair with a dense structure.

It is possible to restore porous damaged hair, abandoning about two weeks before painting from any aggressive procedures for laying: drying with a hairdryer, hanging on curlers, chemical curling.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_67

Damaged secant hair ends need to be concentrated. Any carious masks based on vegetable, essential oils, as well as herbal, acetic rinsing will be very helpful.

Do not resort to the help of expensive stores, which are based on chemical components.

As a rule, the manufacturers are applied to the dye and the color fixer. If it is not, then it is worth the acquisition of it.

It is important to remember that the coloring pigment is fixed on the hair for about two days, so you do not need to wash your head at that time. Visiting the pool, saunas, any rooms with high temperatures or chlorine evaporation content should also be limited.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_69

Further care

Coloring is a complex chemical process. Permanent means destroy the natural structure and pigmentation of the hair, any violation of technology can lead to an unpredictable result.

Dyes dried hard, so it is very important to take care of the subsequent moisturizing and nutrition. Very simple and effective means will help restore the natural balance: masks based on egg yolk, honey, vegetable decoctions, oils.

Natural coloring agents will also help for a long time to fasten the color. Henna, Basma, Chamomile, Tea, Coffee - For the conjunction procedure, they do not need to be applied for a long time, quite regular rinsing, can be held on the hair for some time and washed off with cool water.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_71

Hair is useful. Next very budget procedure: In the proposed natural composition for restoring and fixing the color, add some vegetable oil (a ray, grape) is particularly useful to shock, cover the heat, warm and leave for any time. Wash off shampoo. Such a mask will allow not only to keep the color, but also make hair soft, obedient and shiny.

The same effect can be achieved by rinse with acetic solution. It is enough to dilute a few drops of acetic essence in a liter of warm water and rinse hair: the result will not be worse than using expensive means.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_73


Getting started to the process of staining, you need to know and, if possible, avoid quite common errors, In order not to get in the end tough, dull, not too beautiful strands.

  • One of the most frequent mistakes is the expectation that the hair color will be the same as on the package. The source and structure of the curls are crucial. Blonde hair is thinner and porous, they are well amenable to pigmentation and retain the color longer. On dark hair, the result is less noticeable, they are usually thicker and tightly light, radically litter them at home is quite difficult, and the result obtained may be far from the expected. This process must be divided into several stages, having previously tested on a separate unauthorized strand.

  • Another common mistake is disregarding testing on allergies. Science does not stand still, even in a constantly used dye, the manufacturer can add a component capable of causing an unpredictable reaction: damage, hair loss, redness or burns of skin, breathing problems.
  • No need to neglect such protective equipment as gloves and cape on clothing. Even a very small droplet, the means is capable of hopelessly damage the fabric.
  • For mixing components, hair combing should be used only non-metallic devices. Any metal will inevitably enter the chemical reaction with the dye.
  • Wash your head, use the means for laying specialists are not recommended for 2-3 days before staining.
  • At each chemical agent, the time of staining is indicated. It is not recommended to break it. You can get a more resistant result if you repeat the procedure after a while (2-3 weeks).
  • Change the original color more than 3 tones. Persistent paints deeply penetrate the bulwaway, destroying the natural pigment. An undesirable result is quite difficult to fix at home.
  • The neglect of the safety measures specified in the instructions may lead to health consequences.

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How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_75

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_76

How to paint your hair at home? 77 photo Proper hair coloring home home professional paint and natural means 5415_77

    Soft, obedient, healthy and beautiful curls are a dream of any woman. To achieve this, do not need expensive and costly procedures. It is important only to carefully comply with the specified simple rules.

    Further, see the master class on hair staining at home.

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