Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair


Recently, the procedure called Caramel Melting has become extremely popular. This is explained by the fact that this option can be considered universal, because it fits almost all - and blondes, and brunettes. What is caramel highlighting, which shades should choose and how to care for such hair - will be told further.

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_2

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_3

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_4


    Caramel Melting is the same formation as classic. However, in this case, natural and light color are chosen as a painting shade. The main feature of this procedure can be considered what it fits almost all girls with any color of the hair. In addition, the process of coloring does not occupy a lot of time.

    This is a truly elegant procedure, therefore it is worth treating it carefully.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_6

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_7

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_8

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Of course, such a plot has a number of its own advantages and the minuses with which it is worth familiar with how to resort to staining. The stakes of caramel lingop can be attributed as follows:

    • The minimum harm for hair is due to the fact that only half of the women's hair beams are exposed to staining, harm decreases at once several times;
    • Caramel color is distinguished by its naturalness, so the painted curls will not be strongly rushing into the eyes;
    • An excellent solution for those who want to be slightly rejected - caramel will make an image more spectacular;
    • After the implementation of the procedure, the hair acquires an elegant volume;
    • Through the roots will not be very highlighted, the same applies to the seeds.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_10

    Despite the large number of advantages, such staining has disadvantages, namely:

    • Among hairdressers and stylists, such a procedure is considered rather difficult, therefore, at home, it is not recommended;
    • Harm caused by hair, of course, small, but nevertheless it is available; You can eliminate it if you do not forget about further special care;
    • The complexity of choosing a suitable shade.

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_11

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_12

    Before carrying out the procedure, it is very important to take into account the following contraindications:

    • In no case cannot be resorted to the felting of those girls whose hair was painted by natural means - henna, Basma and others;
    • It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if the hair is distinguished by dryness and fragility; The first thing curls must be cured and only then to hold filling;
    • Women with chemical twist should also be forgotten about this staining.

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    How to pick up a hue?

    The most difficult task in this business is to choose the desired shade, which will emphasize the basic color of the hair and their beauty. It is best to do with a stylist, but for those who solve themselves, there are several tips.

    By type and color of hair

    It is worth paying attention to the following recommendations:

    • For those girls whose hair has a cold shade, a color is suitable with ash subtock; If the shade is close to warm, then stop the choice is better on golden or honey color;
    • Girls with dark hair should be refracted from staining sites located near the roots, instead you can safely paint the tips - make them lightly; It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to work with dark hair, because it is extremely important to achieve not just a light shade, but the most natural possible;
    • The most suitable for caramel staining hair - blond; It is on them that this shade will look best.

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_14

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_15

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_16

    By type of face

    Such a selection is able to perfectly emphasize the shape and features of the face. To achieve this, real professionals paint individual parts of hair, such as bangs, roots or tips. Many choose the desired shade, focusing on the skin color. For example, tender caramel colors are suitable for girls with light skin and blond eyes. For darker skin, it is recommended to take warm colors that can emphasize the darkness of the face.

    Based on the type and color of the face, you can create a really amazing and bulk hairstyle.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_18

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_19

    Types of string

    In addition to the type of hair and face, it is recommended to take into account the main types of timing.

    • American. Such a procedure is better than others able to give the shine and shine curls. Applies, as a rule, 3-4 shades.

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_20

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_21

    • Balayage It is designed specifically for short hair. Only tips on separate strands are covered here. Staining must be carried out only with the help of foil.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_23

    • Avant-garde. It is carried out only at the tips of long hair.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_25

    • Reverse. It is suitable only for blond hair, allows you to make a transition from light shades to darker. It is used, as a rule, in the case when the hair suffered from unsuccessful lining is an excellent opportunity to change a bit.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_27

    • Partial. In this case, only those strands are exposed to stains that are on an oval of the face.

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    • California. Here with the help of foil paint the hair of a blond color so as to create a smooth transition from dark roots to bright tips. The procedure is very popular among girls of all ages. This is due to the fact that the roots in this case are growing very slowly.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_30

    • French. This type of silver is considered to be the most gentle of all, but can only be carried out on light hair. Thanks to the staining of some strands in brighter tones, you can create interesting glare.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_32

    • Bright. This species is suitable only for already melted hair. The procedure is carried out by means of a special coloring gel. This technology does not use popularity, because the result is flushed pretty quickly.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_34

    • Contrast. This is an excellent option for dark-haired girls. The width of the strand is chosen arbitrarily, and the coloring color differs for several tones from the main one.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_36

    • Venetian. This technique is used to create the effect of burnt hair. It is best suited for dark chapels, especially if sandy or honey will be chosen as the coloring shade.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_38

    Also, the lining is divided into such varieties:

    • Frequent - implies painting of many small strands; In this case, the paint is applied at least 70% of all hair;
    • Rare - In this case, only a few quite large strands are taken;
    • Longitian - The whole hair length is painted in different shades of one color;
    • transverse - One strand is divided into several parts and is also painted in different colors.

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    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_40

    How to care for hair after the procedure?

    Further care is a very important thing about which in no case forget, because when painting hair suffers the strongest stress. Melted hair care does not require special efforts, it is enough to purchase specialized shampoo and some other means. With the choice of shampoo problems, there should be no need - any means intended for painted hair is suitable. It often happens that the necessary shampoo may not be on sale. In this situation, it can be made independently using preparations from the same line.

    Another important point is a moisturizer. Mask or balm - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that the effect is appropriate, since when painting the hair becomes very dry and brittle. It is recommended to refuse absolutely from all means that have a large amount of oils, because it is they who contribute to the fact that the dye is washed too quickly. The same applies to the facilities, iron and other electrical appliances - these tools cause harm, not allowing them to fully recover.

    Caramel Melting (46 photos): What is the color of the hair best combined with melting under caramel? Features of the procedure for dark, bright and blond hair 5368_41

    As for the wash itself, it should be carried out no more than 2 times a week. To maintain brightness, you can apply a toning shampoo. Upon completion of the washing, it is desirable to use the nutrient balm. It is extremely important to know that after such staining, in no case cannot be resorted to the use of folk remedies - chamomile beams, sage and others. Such ingredients often react with dyes and create an unpredictable shade. To avoid mechanical damage, you should refuse conventional metal combs in favor of wooden scallops.

    Sew the strished hair is recommended as natural as possible - without the use of hair dryers or towels.

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    Beautiful examples

    To accurately understand what kind of melting is best to choose, You can view pretty beautiful examples.

    • Locks stained on American timing technique. Looking at this hairstyle, you can see the presence of several shades at once and the smooth transition between them.

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    • Reverse Melting Hair. A very elegant combination of dark shades with light.

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    • Contrast caramel highlighting. Excellent example of a light shade on dark hair.

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    As follows from the article, Caramel Melting is an excellent option for those who are tired of their own image. It does not require special costs, but difficulties are still available. You can achieve a stunning result by choosing a suitable shade and a good specialist.

    Read more about how to make caramel highlight, you will learn from the following video.

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