How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews


Before many women and girls can stand the need to change the color of the hair, in particular, black. In order to change the most safely as possible to change or make the basic tone, a little lighter, there are several techniques and compositions, the competent use of which will help achieve the desired result and save healthy hair.

How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_2

Why is it difficult to display tone?

Today, it is possible to remove the dark pigment from the hair alone, as well as using the beauty salon professionals, however, this procedure is not considered fast and simple. It is due to the need to understand all the subtleties of color, since It is the black pigment that is stronger than everything in the cuticle of the hair, which complicates its washes.

This feature of color will require a time to carry out a minimum of two procedures, as well as ensuring specific hair care after the selected pigment removal procedures.

How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_3

How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_4

Professional means

Manufacturers of paints and hair cosmetics offer consumers a number of professional products, the purpose of which is washing a dark color. Among the large range of such compositions, the most popular and efficient options should be allocated.

"L'Oreal Efassor"

Such products are powder implemented in small sachets. Before using funds It must be diluted with hot water, after which it is necessary to use by analogy with a conventional shampoo. The decapping composition foams, leave on the head for a certain time Depending on how long a black paint was used to dye curls , then wash off.

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How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_6


A set of several ammonia-based funds.

The emulsion removes the pigment, after which, at the request of the client, tinting is carried out in the selected shade.

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How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_8

"Hair Light Remake Color"

The composition that does not include chemicals, the interaction with the pigment occurs with the help of fruit acids. This feature of the components used will allow after one application to change the black hair color, lightening it to a couple of tones.

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How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_10


Similar products offer several well-known brands.

There are chemistry in the composition.

How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_11


Pretty popular composition for bringing the pigment and discoloration of hair that stands out With its budget value.

How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_12

As a rule, all the above compositions interact with the hair rod at the deep level, which guarantees the result, But the degree of clarification will be directly dependent on the amount of procedures conducted and the frequency of the hair of black paint.

How to make a wash?

The wash is taken to be a session removing the coloring pigment from the cuticle of the hair rod. However, this procedure will be effective only in the case of one-photon change of hair color. Most often after such a procedure, the curls acquire a reddish shade.

The first step in this process will be Conducting allergotes for the drug used. For this, the composition is applied to a subtle strand in the middle of the hair.

Withstood the required time, it will be possible to determine how the organism reacts to the cosmetic products and its components. In addition, it will become clear to what degree brightening the hair.

How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_13

Despite the information in many advertising campaigns, Use the composition of the same trademark as the paint, which the hair was painted before that, not necessarily. The essence of the procedure is to process the hair selected products based on its type and method of use.

To clarify previously colored curls, one may need one-time use if there is a need to get out of a black shade into chestnut or dark-bound. If the hair is discolored after black completely, then The compositions are used with a time interval of at least 6 times.

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How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_15

Folk ways

In addition to the manufacturers of funds from a professional hair line, There are a lot of options that allow you to get rid of the boring black by homemade. Such methods most often have a particular effect on hair rods, moreover, allow a woman to save money. Among the most sought-after methods it is worth allocating several.

Kefir-based mask

The composition of the tool will include 40 grams of gelatin, as well as 1 cup of fermented milk product. The ingredients are mixed, left for a while for swelling, after which the remedy is heated in the water bath or in the microwave oven, applied to the hair.

At home the kefir mass must be kept on hair For 3-5 hours, shook the head with a towel, then the remedy is washed off with warm water. This embodiment will allow to get away from dark color gradually. Typically, the procedures are repeated with an interval of one week before reaching the desired shade.

Distinctive advantage of the method is to change the hair color without harm.

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Composition based on cinnamon and honey

The tool prepare houses from the following products:

  • 30 grams of honey;
  • 30 grams of cinnamon;
  • egg.

All components need to be taken, then apply to curls, leave for 2-3 hours. This composition can be used more often.

Usually it is possible to quickly get rid of the black for 3-4 applications of funds for one week.

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How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_18

Using natural oils

Many oils have the ability to withdraw a dark pigment with hair cuticle with regular use. Among effective products it is worth highlighting Linen, olive, rapid and even ordinary vegetable and butter. To properly make a nutritious and clarifying composition, you can use margarine or butter, which melts on a water bath, then applied to the hair.

It is necessary to keep it on my head at least 3 hours. Natural essential oils together or separately are applied for the entire length of the hair, they are covered with a towel, are kept for interaction with a dark pigment about 8-10 hours.

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How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_20

Lemon-based mask

It will also be possible to get rid of black with a fresh lemon pulmonary pulp or juice. To prepare a natural washing need to do the following:

  • The citrus needs to be released from the peel, after which makes Cashitz from it with a blender or kitchen combine;
  • Fresh cashem should be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, put on a cap or bite the curls with a towel;
  • After 30-40 minutes, the remedy must be flushed, put the ray of therapy or castor oil on the hair;
  • After a quarter of an hour, it was washed off.

Also, lemon can be used for this algorithm:

  • squeeze juice from one or more fruits;
  • Mix with 1 liter of water.

Such a liquid needs to rinse the head after each hair washing.

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In addition to the above products, among the folk remedies used to combat the dark pigment can be applied Mustard-based compositions, soda, aspirin or the same household soap. Such formulations do not guarantee the transition to a beautiful blond, but to achieve brighter shades on hair will necessarily help.

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How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_23

Lightening and painting

In addition to washing and folk versions, there are effective and more radical options for transformation - discoloration with subsequent staining . This option is quite difficult to call gentle for hair, but partial clarification will cause low curls. Among the technician used today, it will be possible to get rid of black.

Melting with additional tinting of some zones

A popular method of lightening parts of hair in blond, platinum or caramel tone. Also used Options with less contrast with basic color.

In this option, it turns out to make black not so sharp, the transitions of several shades will provide an update of the image, as well as the removal of dark paint.

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Similar version of working with hair, however, several shades will be used during such staining. At the request of the client, bright colors can be taken or natural transitions, for example, in brown, which will provide a calmer way out of black shade.

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The essence of this technique is to combine existing dark curls with light. But this option will provide a beautiful result only subject to work with the hair of a professional colorist.

Immediately become a blonde or light, it will not be possible, but applying gradually bright colors, it turns out to repaint hair from black in a brighter option.

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How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_27

Useful recommendations

A similar change in the color of the hair in most cases has a detrimental effect on their state, so after a radical or partial exit from the dark, it is necessary to provide a good care for damaged curls. Also, setting the goal of removing the pigment, the best adhere to such tips.

  • It is worthwhile that professional products interact only with artificial coloring composition, while natural pigment remains in the cuticle. Therefore, for those who wish to return to their natural color, such products will be a real find.
  • Change black, if it was obtained using bass, it will be very difficult. Therefore, experimenting at home is not recommended.
  • All work with chemical compositions should be carried out in gloves. In some cases, it is necessary to pre-apply the cream on the skin to avoid contact of the aggressive components with the epidermis.
  • All stages of extracting compositions to get rid of the dark pigment should be strictly monitored by time. In the light of which, in order to avoid burns, it is worth navigating the instructions for the use attached by the manufacturer.
  • The number of procedures conducted on December should be selected on the basis of the structure of the hair rods, as well as the total frequency of the use of ferrous paint. Therefore, it should not be focused on feedback from other clients.
  • You can paint or remove the black pigment, however, the subsequent care should be carried out with the help of restoring balms and air conditioners. You should also give preference in the further series of soft shampoos for damaged hair.
  • Before using discoloration means, it is worth being ready for what they will be removed from the cuticle and the natural pigment.
  • Color hair after washing is required not earlier than 14 days later.
  • It is not worth abuse of even folk remedies in the fight against a black pigment. Therefore, the frequency of use should be thoughtful. In particular, it concerns the acidic compositions in which the mustard, hydrogen peroxide or soda will be present.
  • After washing, bleaching or painting, it is necessary to temporarily refrain from using hair dryers or iron, tight rubber bands and hairstyles, do not use brushes with metal cloths.
  • It is also recommended to avoid direct sunlight and use for washing the head of chlorinated water.

How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_28

How to bring black hair color at home? 29 Photos How to quickly get out of black tone without harm? How to repaint curls in blond? Reviews 5339_29


    Since it is resorted to the removal of black color quite often both at home and with the help of specialized store compositions, among the representatives of the fine floor there are many responses about a similar procedure. In general, the struggle with a persistent black pigment will necessarily bring results. A professional series will help make it faster, and when using folk masks, it may take a little longer.

    But in each individual case, the degree of lightening curls and the duration of the washes will be different. Adhering to the recommendations on the algorithm for changing the color of hair, as well as in competent subsequent care, you can reduce the negative implications for the health of strands, as well as achieve the desired shade.

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