Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them?


Fire-red hair is bright, stylish, fashionable and modern. There may be far from every woman or a girl on this variant of staining, although it really is very much. About whom this is suitable for the color of the curls, how to choose it to choose and achieve the necessary shade, we will tell in this article.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_2

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_3

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_4

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_5

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_6

Who will fit?

Before painting strands in bright red, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations of professional hairdresser stylists. To whom, like them, it is best to know about the intricacies of choosing the right color of the curls for changing the image. This hair is suitable confident girls and women under the age of 45 . It will be the ideal choice for those Who is not afraid of public attention, on the contrary, seeks to attract him to himself.

But choosing such staining, It is necessary to be ready not only to surprised views and compliments, but also, perhaps, to misunderstanding from the public, especially towards mature women.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_7

It is important to remember that the hair color should be combined with the common style of clothing and behavior.

Fire-red hair in combination with a strict suit will sometimes look just ridiculous. But boobo style fans or causal such staining is suitable as it is impossible. And also bright red and even fiery curls are suitable for those representatives of the beautiful sex, who have brown or green eyes, as well as those who are from nature brown or black hair and necessarily dark eyebrows and eyelashes.

Blondes of such a shade of strands are suitable in rare cases - most often it is simple to steal their natural beauty.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_8

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_9

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_10

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_11

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_12

What shades to choose?

There are several varieties of bright red hair. They differ from each other with their overflows depth and color intensity.

  • Rich dark red. Sometimes it is also called "eggplant". This variant of staining is suitable for dark girls with green or dark gray eyes.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_13

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_14

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_15

  • Copper-red - It is bright, you can even say the bold color, which is perfectly suitable for girls with light skin and dark eyebrows and eyelashes. He immediately attracts the views of people and increases the self-esteem of the girl itself.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_16

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_17

  • Fire-red. This is one of the brightest red shades for hair, but also the most capricious at the same time. It is possible to achieve it on curls only after their preliminary clarification.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_18

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_19

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_20

  • Shade "Red Tree" With properly selected original hair, hair will look bright, noble and stylish.

But here it is worth understanding that The final color variant depends on the set of factors - the state of the hair, the composition of the paint, the accuracy of the compliance with the entire staining procedure.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_21

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_22

That is why stylists hairdressers strongly recommend painting hair in bright red color exclusively in beauty salons.

Only so you can be confident in obtaining the desired result.

Who does not fit?

There are also certain categories of girls who are such an option to paint hair contraindicated. On their hair, bright red will look inappropriate, and the existing defects will only emphasize even more.

  • The owner of porous, brittle and split hair from such a color should refuse. It only stronger will emphasize strands, and it will not be able to preserve the resulting result of staining.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_23

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_24

  • Girls with skin problems, such as acne, acne, redness should also refrain from painting strands in red. The new tint of curls only stronger will emphasize all these defects.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_25

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_26

  • Wrongs of the skin with a yellow tint. Use of such bright red paint for curls is categorically contraindicated. In this case, the age of the lady visually increases, and it will look more tired.

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_27

Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_28

It is important to remember that it does not suit such a hair color and those who do not like unnecessary attention and fuss and leads a rather closed lifestyle.

    Reflecting the hair into a bright red color, such people will be in the spotlight, which can lead to mental and emotional discomfort.

    Options for staining

    Professional hairdressers stylists allocate 4 major hair staining options in bright red color.

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_29

    Staining along the entire length

    The easiest and fast version of changing the color of strands. In this case, the mixture is applied to dry and wet curls throughout the head and for all their length. After the manufacturer specified by the manufacturer, the paint is washed and the hair is dried. Such a procedure It is quite possible to do and independently at home If you do not need to brighten the strands.

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_30

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_31

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_32

    Painting only hair tips

    This option is suitable for girls, the length of the curls of which are lower than the middle of the neck. In this case, the composition is applied only to the ends of the hair about 2-5 cm up. Withstand the paint the specified time, and then wash off warm water.

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_33

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_34


    The ideal option for those who want to look at how much the selected tone is suitable. Melting should produce a master It is he who helps to choose the optimal frequency of the strand and their correct location to achieve the optimal painting result.

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_35

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_36


    This coloring technology assumes the so-called room of the red hair painted in their bulk mass. Unlike the melting, Locks are scored not throughout the entire length, but only where the line of cheekbar ends and up to the tips.

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_37

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_38

    Whatever the painting option was chosen, it affects the hair in any case.

    And in order to save the result for a long time, It is necessary to correctly care for painted hair.

    Correct care

    To paint longer survived on the hair and looked as if you were only from the salon, Multiple basic rules should be followed:

    • Wash your head only as it is contaminated and no earlier than in two days after painting;
    • During the first 10 days, do not use a hairdryer, iron and abandon the chemical curling hair;
    • All leaving and cleansing means for curls must be intended for painted hair;
    • Once a week it is necessary to use the appropriate tint tint to maintain the color depth.

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_39

    Bright red hair (40 photos): who go fiery red colors and how to achieve them? 5303_40

      Bright red hair requires a particularly thorough care for the hair. Therefore, choosing it, It is necessary to bother in advance about the condition of the hair, and the acquisition of suitable care products for them.

      About how to paint your hair in a bright color, look next.

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