Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors


Each girl seeks to look fashionable and stylish. Very often, the fair sex is experimenting with the color of the hair. The excellent solution is tortured funds, since they not only change the color, but also feed hair.

Tint funds on blond hair are made today in different versions - tonic, shadowing balms and shampoos.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_2


Sandy shampoo

Tint shampoos are innovative developments that not only take care of hair due to the presence of detergent components, but also contain chemical dyes. Each time your head washing your curls will slightly change color. These tools often contain harmful substances like ammonia, sulfates, but manufacturers also enrich shampoos with vitamins, nutritional components, proteins and keratin to reduce the negative effect on the structure of the hair.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_3

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_4

Shampoo has many advantages:

  • It can be used more often than paint, since it is designed for frequent use.
  • This tool perfectly paints seeds, and also perfectly copes with the yellowness. You do not have to regularly tint the hair with harmful paints.
  • If you correctly pick up the composition of the shadow shampoo, it will suit natural blond hair, as well as for gray or melted.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_5

Tint balsam

Tint balsam contains coloring pigment that does not cause harmful effects on the scalp. He seems to be enveloped. The shade is not delayed for a long time, after each head washed, the color becomes less noticeable. Thanks to this property, you can safely experiment with a new tint.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_6

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_7

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_8

Balsam carefully cares for your locks and scalp. It is practically no different from ordinary balm, only additionally contains coloring pigment.

The main advantages of using tint balsams:

  • Components do not have a negative impact. Hair remains healthy regardless of the number of staining.
  • Balm's unstoppostability allows you to change shades to select the most suitable option.
  • After each use, hair becomes silky and shiny.
  • After staining, hair does not need special care.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_9

The Tonic Tonic Balm Balsam is a good dye for blond hair. It allows one or two tones to change its natural color. It gently acts on the hair, there is no ammonia in its composition. With it, you can give shine, refresh the color of the curls.

A variety of shades provides the opportunity to choose that tone that will fully satisfy your wishes.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_10


Shada hair for hair possess the following advantages:

  • Sanding media on blond hair are represented by a wide range, so each owner of such a beautiful color can make a few tones lighter or darker. Tint means can be used constantly because they do not harm the structure of the hair, but, on the contrary, they feed them and strengthen them.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_11

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_12

If you didn't like the color, you can not be upset because it is enough to wash your head several times and you will return your natural hair color.

  • Each means is completely safe in use, since it contains a small amount of ammonia. After using a shadower, there is no need for the acquisition of balms or rampage shampoos.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_13

Another advantage is the available price. Tonic or skeleton shampoo will cost cheaper than expensive paints.

  • Lightly blond hair can be painted in any color. Blonde will make it possible to refresh the natural shade, make it a little lighter. To make light blond curls a little darker, the perfect choice will be chestnut or chocolate color.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_14

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_15

  • Girls with dark rusia hair can use a shade of blond or blonde. These decisions will give a native saturation of saturation.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_16

Today, the rules of the girls are represented by a wide range of various satellites that allow the tone to clarify the hair or make them a little darker.

Each manufacturer offers its product, emphasizing the advantages. Choose a suitable shade is not a difficult task. To pick up the desired tone, you should repel from the natural color of the hair. For example, light-colored beauties can use different tones.

Bold girls often give preference to violet or white color.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_17

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_18

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_19

Cold shades are ideal for light skin. You can try white or ash tonic. For carbonous girls with a warm skin type, the color of chocolate, golden-blond or redhead will be the ideal solution.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_20

For green-eyed girls with matte skin, the shade of ash-blonde is perfect. The owners of another colorota should be attentive when choosing this tone, as it can give your appearance of dullness.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_21

For dark-brown girls, you can use a black color tonic, then you can achieve chestnut color. An excellent choice will be a shade of blond, because it will help to clarify them. You can use a gray tonic, it will help add new notes to a natural shade. Many girls choose a shade of chocolate color, as it allows you to make a natural hue on several tones darker.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_22

To achieve a shade of medium-born, it is enough to apply a tonic to one or two tones lighter natural.

Is it possible to clarify the hair with a tonic or sample shampoo?

Tint shampoo or tonic allows you to clarify blond hair, the main thing is to choose the right shade. You can independently clarify your hair into a few shades.

If you dream dramatically change your image, and paint your hair into the blond, then you should seek help from a specialist. Before staining, the strands should be lit. which is harmful to hair, so it is often necessary to perform this procedure.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_23

Alone should not clarify blond hair, it is better to invite a girlfriend, because the tonic can take unevenly.

Is it possible to make Ombre?

Coloring of hair tips is called Ombre, this technique is ideal for blond girls. The tips can be somewhat darker or lighter than natural shade.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_24

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_25

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_26

Bold fashionista is often used bright and unusual colors - purple, green, pink.

Ombre can be made even with a shade. Hair should be divided into three parts, and to paint each of them. Next, the tips are wrapped with foil and leave for a certain amount of time so that the hair is painted. After it is worth the head of the shampoo.

Professionals are recommended to produce a staining procedure again to obtain a more resistant result, but the tonic can already be left for only 10 minutes. Re-action will create a smooth transition between the main tint and tone of the tips.

For more information about Ombre Collection Technique, the following video will tell.


A large number of famous brands produce high-quality shadaments on blond hair:

  • L'Oréal Professional Shampoos are greatly popular. With their help, it is possible to achieve not only even color, but also to give cracks of shine and healthy radiance. All products with ease is washed off from the scalp. Tonic from L'Oréal Professional is very popular, so it is hard to find it on the store shelves.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_27

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_28

The company offers a wide range of hints for men and women. She stands on weekly, but the excellent quality is worth it.

  • Another famous foreign manufacturer of sample shampoos, balms and tonic is Bonacure Color Save Silver. Means allow you to change the shade of blond hair. They are convenient to use, as well as them with ease can be washed. But with the brand shadow media it is worth being very neat, since the brand products often cut the curls.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_29

  • Brend "Tonic", which is engaged in the manufacture of sample shampoos, uses in great demand. It can be found in every store. Color long keeps on her hair. With shampoo, it is very easy to purchase the desired shade.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_30

But it should be remembered that the company's products contain both harmful components, so it should not be used often.

  • A good alternative is the products of Irida. The brand offers a wide range of tones, and also has an acceptable price. Many girls prefer tools for staining from Rocolor. They cost cheap and are harmless to the skin and curls.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_31

A significant disadvantage can be called that the tonic is difficult to wash off the scalp.

Instructions for use

First you need to purchase a shade with the desired color. It is worth picking shades that are different from natural on one or two tones. Then you will look exactly stylish and unique.

Before painting, you need to pre-prepare all the tools - the brush for staining, gloves, calcination and towel.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_32

The procedure for applying a sample agent:

  • First, the hair should be divided into separate parts using the calcination. Each strand is separately able to paint with a special brush. Make it yourself quite difficult, so you can enlist the help of a friend.
  • So that the neck and ears are not painted during the process, they cost them to anoint cream for children. If the skin has blocked after staining, you should moisten in alcohol and wipe them.
  • If you have chosen a dark shade, curls and roots should be carefully painted. So that the salted agent is evenly applied to all areas, after staining there is a combing hair.
  • To get a spectacular and bright color, skeleton shampoo or balsam should be left on the hair for 30 minutes. If you are interested in a minor effect, then the paint needs to hold only 10 minutes.
  • After staining, the head must be thoroughly wash. Clean water is an indicator that the paint is all washed off from the head.
  • It remains only to wipe and suck.

Result before and after: reviews

Tint funds are very similar to representatives of a beautiful sex, because with their help you can change your natural tone of hair. Many attracts that the tonic does not hold on the curls for a long time, and it allows you to often change your image.

Modern fashionists often prefer the products of Tonic, because it is inexpensive and characterized by high quality.

Tonic on blond hair, skeleton shampoos, balms (33 photos): What a shade is suitable for light blond hair, black, gray and purple colors 5279_33

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