Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings?


Properly chosen hair shade can not only make a lady attractive, but also rejuvenate her face, adding freshness and charm. But for this you need to know which tones are suitable for each type of appearance, and not to make mistakes inherent in many women - in search of a new image, they radically change the color of the hair, without considering the subtleties of this choice.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_2

What shades are considered warm?

The warm palette includes a huge number of tones and halftone, which include not only brown, brown, red and brighter gold, but also intermediate shades: honey, wheat, caramel, strawberry. Warm also includes various options for light chocolate and blond. Perhaps the distinctive characteristic of such colors is The predominance of naturalness.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_3

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_4

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_5

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_6

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_7

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_8

The main advantage of similar shades is the creation of a soft, gentle and sensual way in relation to both young girls and mature ladies older than 40 years old. Basically, these colors are combined with light skin, which can have a golden tan or peach, cream. The color of the eyes may be different.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_9

We should not forget about those women who "not fit into the framework" of the usual types: cold and warm. As it turned out, there is also a third type - neutral, which is difficult to determine the "temperature", but it will also be relevant saturated natural gamma.

Who are suitable?

Warm shades of hair look harmoniously, complement the image and emphasize his femininity. They are relevant in relation to two color.

If the girl belongs to the "Spring" color, then it is characteristic of her features.

  • The skin of nature is pale and translucent, but having a light dairy blush, and sometimes moles or freckles.
  • Basically, such ladies are browns or they have natural blondes, wheat hair.
  • The eyes are usually bright, but with deep shades of green, blue, cornflower. Especially interesting eyes with light kay, nut, amber or honey iris.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_10

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_11

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_12

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_13

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_14

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_15

In most cases, the "spring" girls skin covers are extremely sensitive, so they sunbathe badly and can burn, if they are long under the right sunny rays.

The autumn color is the brightest among others and has its own unique characteristics.

  1. The skin can be a shade of ivory, or golden, olive, bronze, peach. Some representatives meet a natural, more dark blush. Freckles are simpleness of such women, and skin cover is usually not predisposed to such problems like acne and acne, face clean and healthy, and warm hair tones are able to emphasize its immaculateness.
  2. Often, the "autumn" woman has a dark rainbow shell, but there are also green, gray, blue. For brown eyes, the presence of a golden or amber lowbow.
  3. The natural hair of this color tree is distinguished by a thick, pomp and the volume, and the colors prevail saturated: dark and light brown, red, chestnut.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_16

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_17

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_18

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_19

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_20

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_21

For these two types, it is ideal for painting in various warm tones other than natural color if the goal is to refresh or change the image.

Color Tones for Staining

For girls with light and olive skin and genuine hair of golden, wheat or copper color, various warm blonds are suitable, With the exception of ash and silver tones:

  • amber blonde able to pay blue, green and brown eyes;
  • caramel color The combining overflows of red and gold tones is suitable for dark and tanned beauties with any eyes;
  • sand tone suitable for multicolor coloring;
  • Wheat blonde Looking the most natural and capable of decorating blue-eyed girls;
  • Warm milk blonde, Implizing light unobtrusive yellowness, "harmonizes with dark eyes and a golden tan.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_22

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_23

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_24

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_25

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_26

Also, the warm palette includes other types of blonds: honey, apricot, strawberry.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_27

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_28

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_29

Warm gamma of blond shades can be used for any appearance, since it includes a plurality of halftone that will revive the hairstyle of dark-haired women, and the blondes will make brighter. It includes the following tones: Bronze, nut, cappuccino, copper-blond, caramel, etc.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_30

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_31

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_32

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_33

For warm chocolate tones include:

  • milk chocolate - relevant for light-eyed and ceiling ladies;
  • red chocolate Suitable for "autumn" women with light brown or green eyes;
  • With bright cornflower or green iris, you can use chocolate chocolate;
  • Caramel chocolate - Perfect color for dark girls with brown eyes, in which there are golden or amber splashes.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_34

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_35

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_36

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_37

Warm brown paints are not a solid brown tone, but a variety of halftone and shades that make painted hair overflowing. Perfectly look in combination with brown eyes and a light leacion. The palette includes such tones: chestnut, red-brown, amber, almond, cinnamon.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_38

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_39

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_40

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_41

Redhead colors are suitable not only to girls with light skin, but also in darkness . The main types of paint - fire-red, golden-red, fire-red, red tree, ruby. It is clear that only the most courageous representatives of the beautiful floor can be applied to such colors, as well as women with original red hair color.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_42

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_43

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_44

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_45

How to choose how to correctly pick up?

Modern women are accustomed to combining the work and care of the house, children, so fatigue and stresses that make the face pale and inexpressive, make them resort to such as staining. But in this matter it is necessary to clearly understand what color it is to be painted so that the image is not causing, but organic. With a successful choice of dark or light warm tone, the face and without "makeup" will look winning, but for this you should know some rules.

  • With a round front part with reddish brown, Dark peach or strongly tanned skin can not be chosen by dark hair colors that make it excessively complete. It is better to choose bright intense shades that hide face shortcomings.
  • It should also choose bright colors of paints if the features of the face angular and pointed. This concerns the chin, cheekbones and nose. Warm saturated shades will give the image of elegance and nobility.
  • Because how contrasting among themselves is the natural colors of the lips, eyes, eyebrows, depends on the choice of paint - any dark and light shades are allowed. The most important thing is that they be bright, with small discrepancies in the intensity, it is wiserfully selecting bright colors.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_46

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_47

Such requirements help to make the image harmonious, but, with the condition that the shades of hair, eyes and skin are not the same.

And a few more landmarks in order to choose warm tones for their hair:

  • On the face there are freckles and moles;
  • Color of dental enamel - white or cream;
  • There are golden splashes on the iris, and the color of the eye proteins is yellowish;
  • The color of the veins on the skin is not blue, but greenish;
  • The skin of the face is suitable cream shades of powder.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_48

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_49

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_50

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_51

If the face is prone to redness, erythema, due to the expansion of vessels, as well as to acne, then the warm reddish tones of the hair should be excluded.

Recommendations for staining

At home, every woman can paint hair if it is not decided to radically change your image, which is associated with many difficulties and probable errors. Because of this, the complex process is better to charge a qualified master.

Professionals advise adhere to some rules that will help avoid errors and create a trendy warm color:

  • If you need to clarify or darken the natural shade of the hair of only 1 tone, it is better to do without potent chemical compositions damaging hair, especially since various shades can be achieved with natural dyes (henna and bass), as well as chamomile beams, oak bark and other herbs ;
  • For the same reason, girls with thin blond hair are desirable to use special tinting paints or shampoos;
  • Brown (brown) hair is not necessarily painted completely - it is enough to highlight individual strands that easily change the general view of the hairstyles;
  • Dark-haired ladies, if desired, paint into bright warm tones will first have to clarify, which must be carried out with great care, strictly following the instructions.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_52

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_53

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_54

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_55

If a woman decided to drastically change the color of the hair, it is always better to use high-quality branded paints, which, as a rule, contain mitigating oils and other important components that preserve the quality and structure of the hair.

Probably, along with this, it is worth considering modern trendy trends. Now the hair is no longer stained completely, but they allocate their tips, strands with the help of the technician of the armor, Bouqual, Ombre, thus creating a beautiful view of the chapels and at the same time keeping hair health.

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_56

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_57

Warm hair shades (58 photos): Who are the warm colors fit? Tones of paints for staining in warm shades. What tones hide face shortcomings? 5268_58

On how to distinguish cold and warm hair shades, see the next video.

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