What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color?


Now many people want to change the color of the hair in order to become more distinguished and unusual. But it is very important to understand which color it is for you. He can make your appearance more expressive, or maybe, on the contrary, emphasize the shortcomings.

How to choose a color?

Here are some factors for which you need to navigate when choosing a color:

  • Did you ever stain your hair;
  • initial color;
  • Presence of seeds;
  • short or long hair you have;
  • The result you are striving for.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_2

First of all look at the eye color. Blonde is very good for blue and gray blue, but ashes, wheat, blonde and bronze shades. Dark tones can be used to gray eyes. They benefit their color profitable. If the eyes of Brown, then it is necessary to look at dark colors, but if they are light brown, it is better to paint the hair into warm and light tones: golden, caramel, the reddish will also come true. With green eyes combined many tones - saturated red or just reddish, chestnut, copper and golden, but these colors can make eyes more faded.

Several shades of leather are isolated: olive, dark, pale, very pale and light. They are divided into three subtones: cold (has a blue or pink shade), warm (yellow shade) and neutral (mixing cold and heat shades). You can get to know your subton, considering the color of the veins on the wrist. If the veins look green, then your skin with warm subtock. Violet and blue veins characterize cold subtle leather. The emergence of difficulties with the choice of color at the veins determines the neutral subtleteen of the skin.

Especially often it meets with an olive skin.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_3

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_4

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_5

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_6

Select the appearance in the color

Four main color pieces are allocated.


It is characteristic of it features: black, brown, blue or gray eyes + light, pale leather + brown or black hair. This color is the most time dark and cold colors, such as ashes-dark blond, black tree. Ginger and blonde will not fit.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_7

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_8


They are inherent in such features: blue, light brown, gray-blue, gray-green eyes + light skin, often with pinkish subtock or ivory color + light or bright hair with a yellow tint. This color is honey, amber, light brown shades.

Not recommended black, dark chestnut and red color.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_9

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_10


It features such features: gray, gray-blue, light brown, green eye colors + pale leather, cold subtend + light-blond, dark brown and ash colors. This type will suit light and cold shades, such as ash, light-blond. It is better not to paint into warm shades.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_11


It is characteristic of it features: blue, brown, brown, saturated eye colors + light skin, often with freckles and pink subtock + red, reddish hair colors. There are tones such as light chestnut, warm shades, red.

Do not advise blond color.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_12

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_13

Other nuances

Many women are interested in how to choose hair color to refresh the face of 30, 40, 50 years old. First of all, you need to choose the right hairstyle. Also worth trying to add a cheek into the image. The main thing is to avoid graphic forms.

Now go to the color. He can completely change your appearance and its perception. Experts recommend bright shades, they go almost to everyone. However, it is impossible to deteriorate greatly, it will give vulgarity. It is worth understanding that if a natural color is lighter than the one in which you are painted, it will only make you older. On the contrary, it is necessary to choose hair shades that are brighter natural, but close to it. It should not be painted in intense, very dark and rich colors, as they will create a strong contrast with the face. It is also necessary to take into account your color.

Everything is very individual. Someone is suitable for a certain shade and will do younger, and you will have disadvantages and age.

Colors may look different even depending on the choice of haircuts.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_14

It is worth paying attention to the form of a face. If you want to visually narrow it, then you need to use more dark tones, but not too much. You can try highlighting, it can visually create volume and hair will seem thick, and bright strands refresh the face.

Examples of colors that are able to rejuvenate a woman:

  • Cold chestnut color;
  • caramel shades;
  • ginger;
  • light brown;
  • Melting.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_15

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_16

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_17

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_18

Features of different shades


This palette is pretty in demand, despite its complexity - aggressive impact on the structure of hair and difficulties with the creation of the desired shade without yellowness. But such a color has many advantages: visual rejuvenation, many tones, masking of seeds, versatility.

Some of the most famous shades are cold blond, ash, wheat, caramel, sandy, beige, golden, peach.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_19

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_20

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_21


It has a lot of shades, it looks spectacular and natural. The main advantages: versatility, there are natural paints, the shade can be chosen for any color, and age; Hair is not injured, so you do not need to make a lot of effort to care. Fashionable shades: ash and brown, light brown, golden and cold shades of chestnut, dark chestnut and dark-blond chatene.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_22

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_23

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_24

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_25


Redhead color is an excellent way to stand out, but with such a shade of natural, although, of course, there are exceptions. Cons: Someone does not like the attention of people, and with this color the likelihood of this is big, besides, it is not universal. Pluses more - redhead always in fashion, there are natural paints that do not strongly spoil the structure of the hair, a diverse palette. Examples of shades: red-blond, dark red-brown, chocolate, orange, carrot and paprika.

The latter shade is suitable for dark and black girls.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_26

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_27

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_28

Color dyeing

There is an incredible set of variations of staining techniques - from just a monophonic bright color to painting different zones on her hair in rainbow colors. They make it possible to mix different shades to obtain a certain color, use a huge palette of bright and more pale, pastel tones.

There are different methods of color staining. Here is some of them.

  • Colombre - It is essentially bright ombre, the transition from one color to another. It moves from a bright or natural shade in color.
  • DIP-DYE. Here, in contrast to Ombre, a very sharp transition of colors.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_29

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_30

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_31

  • Bright roots. They are brighter than the rest of the hair length.
  • Double dyeing - One half hair is different from the other.
  • Color opal - mixing various pastel colors that are beautifully overflowing into different shades.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_32

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_33

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_34

  • "Oil slick". On black color, violet, blue and green strands are created.
  • Rainbow dyeing - A clear transition of rainbow colors on her hair.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_35

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_36

The most famous staining techniques

  • Melting . It is characterized by lighter and darker strands.
  • Coloring . Hair painted in several natural shades.
  • Arming . Ensures staining some strands along the entire length.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_37

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_38

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_39

  • Majimesh . Hair brightened by 2-3 tones. Such staining makes on natural blond hair. It does not injure them.
  • Ombre . Very famous staining, the essence of it is that a soft transition from one color to another is performed.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_40

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_41

  • Toning . The hair is painted by means, which soon wash off.
  • Shatuch . The effect of burnt strands is done.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_42

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_43

  • Staining with shallow hair. Easy way to temporarily paint strands in bright colors. Only these dyes will dry their hair.
  • Crazy Color. Also an interesting method, with which you can paint your hair into different shades.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_44

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_45

Selecting paint

Select paint in daylight. There are a number of 10 basic shades. The first digit on the box means what kind of paint is light or dark. It is important to understand that the paint picture shows only an approximate effect, so when you select, you need to rely on the color scale, which is reflected in the second digit in the digital shade code. It consists of 8 shades: 0 - natural, 1 - ash, 2 - pearl, 3 - golden, 4 - copper, 5 - red, 6 - purple, 7 - brown, 8 - pearl shade. It turns out that the first digit determines how much the color will be dark, and the second is the main shade. But some brands use their way, for example, Estel, Schwarzkopf.

There are three kinds of paint: semi-performent, permanent, shade. They are divided into I, II and III category. The category I is quickly flushed, because it does not penetrate the hair structure. Category II - This paint is suitable for long staining. It contains ammonia and brightly stains her hair. III category contains peroxide, so it is capable of hard to damage the hair. Such paint is suitable for painting gray hair.

Also paints differ in origin: natural, chemical, physical.

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_46

What color to paint your hair? 48 photo What color is it better to choose girls with blue, gray and other eyes? How to understand your appearance color? 5241_47


  • Gray strands are best painted with natural shades;
  • Before painting, check the result of staining on one strand;
  • Be sure to look at the shelf life of hair staining;
  • Consult before painting with a specialist if your hair has been subject to any chemical procedures, were painted with natural dye or lightened;
  • After any staining, especially clarifying, you need to seriously treat hair care;
  • It is better to paint at the Master, no matter how confident in their abilities.

Any girl and woman will be able to make hair coloring and find a perfect shade for themselves, which will make it even more attractive, it is only necessary to try to quite a bit.

Read more about how to choose hair color, you will learn from the following video.

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