How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair?


In order to create a stylish hairstyle, specialists use a large number of diverse tools. So, to make beautiful curls, different electrical appliances or old and time-tested methods are used, such as winding strands on curlers.

The tried and loyal option - curvature curlers, which in the old days did from a wide variety of means at hand. For example, for this purpose used small flasks of fabrics or pieces of thick paper. Today, papillos can be bought in any, even not a specialized store. Such curiors are a foam cylinder, inside which is placed very thin, but at the same time dense wire . Thanks to this, hair is perfectly holding hair and are very convenient to use.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_2

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_3

Basic rules of use

Hair Papillary Choose many girls and women, because the technology of their use is very simple and does not require special skills from a person. It will be enough to spin the curls to such curiors, and then tie them or just bend in the form of a boomeranga. As a result, it will be possible to get a beautiful and stylish hairstyle.

Before starting to use Papilets, you need to decide on the size of the curls.

It depends entirely on whether the diameter of the harness is so large. That's why, To properly use billion boomerangs, you need to get acquainted with the instructions.

First of all, you need to wash myself well with your favorite shampoo, and then slightly dry your hair, because Papillary is best shook at a slightly moistened strand. In order for the laying to be able to hold out as long as possible, It is worth using various means . In this case, the foam and mousse will fit. You can turn the curlers in several ways.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_4

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_5

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_6

In the first case, you need to take a thin strand, and then comb her. After that, it must be tightly screwed to the papillotch, starting with the tips of the hair and moving to the roots. Next, the foam harness must be tied either by a node or a bow. Do everything is not too tight.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_7

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_8

In the second version, the foam curlers must be fixed in a horizontal position near the roots of the hair. After that, a separately taken curl must be turned from the top and to the tip, and then it is good to tie a harness.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_9

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_10

Delicate Locks

To create soft and gentle curls, it is worth choosing a papilloscope of a larger size. Cheat bills best in the evening before bedtime, besides hair should be slightly moistened . Otherwise, they will not be able to dry until the morning, and beautiful curls will not work.

First of all, the curls need to be divided into several small strands.

The more they are, the more beautiful and the wave will turn out. Hook your hair best on straight curlers, ranging from tips. At the end they need to be reduced together or spinning if necessary. In the morning, the papillos should be promoted and straightened with hands. After that, the hairstyle will be completely ready. If you want the curls to be not clear, you need to comb them with solvents with rare teeth. However, it is necessary to do it very carefully.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_11

Expressive curls

To get clear and expressive curls, papillos should be as thin as possible. In addition, the strands also need to take small parts. For such a hairstyle needed a lot of papillotes - it is necessary to take into account before starting winding.

In order for curls to get small and expressive, you should not comb the curls after removing the papillotch, because if you do it, they will turn into a thick and magnificent mass, and return them the original look will be very difficult. That's why It is easier to make it all right.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_12

How to wind the hair of different lengths?

Hair length has completely different hair. In independence, each of them tries to look beautiful. However, not every can afford daily trips to the hairdresser or the salon to sculpt the hair and make stacking, so trying to learn how to do it yourself. In this regard, it is worth considering how to quickly wind the strands of different lengths at home is stepdown.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_13


Girls with such hair length can be easily made any hairstyle. So that in the future it is not afraid that it will deteriorate, You must first apply a mousse on the roots of the hair that will also help make curls more beautiful and lush.

The strands must be divided into several parts. In the event that the hair is very thick, papillos need to take the largest size. To get waves, turn the curls from the most tips and to the roots. It is necessary to do it very carefully, so as not to damage the hair structure.

To create a lung curl at the tip of the strands, you will need to twist curlers from the middle of the curl and to its end. It is best to do it overnight so that the curls keep much longer. In the morning, Papillary should be removed. If the girl wants to get tight curls, it is not necessary combing hair. But to create a natural and soft laying on the curls a couple of times you can walk the comb.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_14

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_15


In order to give the volume of medium length hair, as well as make them soft and structured, it is best to apply a vertical shocking diagram.

Papillary is best to buy medium or enlarged size so that in the end, the strands turned out natural and perfect.

Very nice looking curls on a kara with an elongation. In this case, the hair needs to wind from the tips and to the back of the head. In addition, 1 centimeter from the roots must be left unauthorized. After that, I need to wear a mesh on my head and only then go to bed. Starting with bed, papillos need to be removed, and the curls can neatly straighten with the help of fingers. So that they lasted much longer Stacking can be fixed by varnish of medium or strong fixation.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_16

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_17

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_18


For short hair, it will be enough to purchase only 10-12 papillotes. In addition, it is better if their size is the smallest. The diameter of the Papilote depends on the size of the curls. The more diameter there is, the greater will be curl. In order to shut short hair, they must be initially divided into three equal parts. After that, each of them should be divided into several small curls.

Next, each individual strand must be twisted on the curlers. It is necessary to start from the middle, while capturing the tips of the hair. Every papillotch must be substituted under a separately taken curl, as close as possible to the tips, besides, it is perpendicular.

For short hair, it is not necessary to leave a dump truck for a whole night. After a few hours, they can be removed in the same way as in the previous ways, straight. In this case, the hairstyle will look gently and romantic.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_19

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_20

How much do you need to keep bills?

The exposure time largely depends on the length of the hair, as well as the size of the curls.

  • In the case of short strands, it is enough to hold the papilletes for 3-4 hours, and curls will be fully prepared.
  • For hair medium length, it will take a little longer. It is enough 5-6 hours to get tight curls.
  • Papillary on long hair is recommended to keep the whole night. Only in this case will be durable and beautiful.

When the hair curlers are removed, the hair is not needed to comb, as the curls will immediately break. If you want to make curls not as elastic, it is enough to spend the comb with very rare teeth. After that, everything needs to be lacquered.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_21


Popular popularity is huge. More beautiful beauties goes to this kind of curle. They have a lot of advantages.

  1. They are very simple and easy to use. Even inexperienced person can cope with the winding of the curls.
  2. They are fixed easily and reliably. It is enough to bend a little, and then tie, and they will keep the hair right time.
  3. They can be checked even at night, because they are made of soft material.
  4. If you apply a hair dryer for drying, then after an hour, the hairstyle will be ready.
  5. Locks can be done anywhere.
  6. Papillary does not spoil the hair structure.
  7. They have an affordable price.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_22

There are deficiencies in Papilotok, but there are few of them. First of all, it DISTRIBUTY MATERIAL. As a result of frequent use, the foam rubber can start crumble. In addition, not every girl from the first time can make beautiful and smooth curls. In any case, the first time you screw the papillos on your own. It is best to refer to specialists who will show how to do it right. Or watch video on the Internet.

When buying papillotes, you must familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced masters. Choosing such curiors for ourselves, it is necessary to start to determine which curls would like to get in the end.

So, in order for the hair to appear small curls, it is worth stopping your choice on short and thin squeezes.

Those who have long and thick hair, it is necessary to buy long and large in the diameter of the curlers. If you want to create a bulk laying, buy the best dashboard of the average value. If the girl often changes the hairstyle, it will be better to buy several kits at once, which will allow it to experiment.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_23

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_24

In addition, when choosing, it is necessary to turn your attention to the material from which papillos are made. For the cheapest samples, the foam rubber is used, which is very quickly wearing. But for boomerangs, the price of which is slightly higher, take rubberized material. In this case, Papillary will be able to serve their mistress much longer.

You must also check out which wire is the basis of curlers. You need to choose the one that is softer and militant. Papillary with such a basis will not be able to damage the structure of the hair. If you choose the option with a more rigid wire in the middle, then the appearance of chances on the hair.

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_25

How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_26

    Papillary that complement small fasteners will be much more convenient to use. The cheapest models produce Chinese manufacturers. In this case, the quality of products will be much lower. However, for those who buy Papillary for the first time and wants only to try them, this option is best suited.

    Those who use papillotes on an ongoing basis should pay their attention to better products. The release of such funds is engaged in the German company Dewal or Belgian Sibel. The price of professional funds is approximately the same. It is convenient and allows you to choose convenient and available options for yourself.

    Summing up, we can say that papillos are one of the simplest tools for creating beautiful curls or curls. Therefore, it is possible to use them even at home. The main thing is to correctly determine their size.

    How to use Papilot? How to wind curm-boomerangs on medium, long and short hair? 5121_27

    The master class on the use of Papilotok can be found in the video below.

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