How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron?


Each woman wants to be the owner of dense, strong and obedient curls laid in a beautiful hairstyle. It often happens that constant stacking and curling curls of the catch or iron lead to hair damage, a decrease in their volume and reduce quality. To prevent unwanted consequences of styling, it is important to competently use the iron.

    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_2

    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_3

    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_4


    To begin with, all the necessary means and tools should be prepared:

    • hair iron;
    • Comb for splitting;
    • Comb with rare teeth;
    • varnish;
    • means for thermal protection;
    • Studs, clips and gum.

    Checking with any electrical appliances should be started with high-quality head washing. It is best in this case that the shampoo is suitable for giving volume. Professional stylists recommend twice to apply and flush shampoo, carefully massaging strands from the roots and cleaning the scalp. The wash process ends with applying a mask or balm to close the cuticle of each hair, which makes strand smooth to the touch and adds glitter.

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    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_6

    After washing the head, it is important to dry wellons well, use hair dryer undesirable. With a shortage of time on natural drying, you can use the cold drying mode. It is very important when drying the hairdryer and the application of iron to use a high-quality thermal protective agent. Well, if it is spray. Such a means can be easily distributed through the hair, adding an additional amount to damaged areas.

    After cleaning, moisturizing and protecting the hair, you can proceed directly to the curling process. It is best to do this in a well-lit room in front of a mirror.

    For security purposes, we should not use electrical appliances in the bathroom.

    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_7

    Main ways of curling

    There are several ways of hair curling. Before proceeding with the procedure, its nuances and variations should be studied in advance.


    The classic version of the curling at home is the curls of the middle thickness, coated on the not too wide iron.

    Stages of creating a classic curling iron look like this.

    1. Separate all hair on 5 relative to smooth zones.
    2. The curl of the middle thickness is to lay the ironing between ceramic plates, trying to make it as close as possible to the roots.
    3. Gently go through the iron along the entire length, simultaneously scrolling the device 180 ° and trying to keep it in a vertical position.
    4. In the same way, turn each of the strands. When creating Hollywood waves, the circle is carried out only in one direction. The front strands will look beautifully, if you put them away from the face.
    5. After the surround curls are cooled, you can immediately put them in the desired hairstyle or use a comb with rare teeth. Upon completion of all procedures, the hairstyle of varnish should be fixed.

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    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_9

    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_10

    Natural curly kudri

    The natural beauty of the hair can be emphasized by creating beach curls that have not come out of fashion for several decades. Such are hairstyles using world-famous couturiers and celebrity photos. At first glance, such a hairstyle makes the impression that the owner of a careless broken strand just returned from a beach holiday.

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    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_12

    Such a spectacular twist can be done by holding the following instructions:

    1. treated with nutrient and protective means dried strands to divide by 3-4 equal parts;
    2. Choose a thin strand, minimize the harness, after which it is ironing along the entire length, briefly lingering on each site;
    3. twist so every strand;
    4. Create hands the effect of light carelessness;
    5. Secure the resulting hairstyle varnish.

    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_13

    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_14

    How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_15

      If it is necessary to make a hairstyle quickly, then you can split your hair for only 2 parts, roll into the harnesses and walk along it is a preheated iron. In this case, the curls will be larger, but the curling will turn out more natural. This option is easy to make yourself, without recording in the salon. Some for this purpose use special hair dryers with nozzles.

      Interesting for the whole beach version of the curling will look at the toned hair with shades of blond, caramel and chestnut.

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_16

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_17

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_18

      Light small strands

      Previously, when there were no tools and styling tools, girls and adolescents made a joke of small strands on a pencil or went to bed with braided pigtails. This effect can be achieved, step by step following further instructions.

      1. Thoroughly dried and the hair treated with thermal protective spray needs to braid into the pigtails, then leave for a few minutes.
      2. Align each of the braids with ironing iron heated to 180 degrees.
      3. Smoothly carry out the device for each of the pigs, well fixing them between the plates. It is advisable to walk on each pigtail several times.
      4. Wait until the pigtails are cooled to room temperature, then spread them.
      5. Combing curls and fix them with varnish. Important moment: only thin hair is combing combing to give them an additional volume. If combing thick thick hair, then they will be more like a dandelion.

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_19

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_20

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_21

      Beautiful waves

      Wavy hair always attracts the attention of others. Not everyone was lucky to get strong wavy strands from nature, so often a fair sex is resorted to a little tricks to achieve the desired effect. Large beautiful waves can be created using a curl or iron for hair straightening.

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_22

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_23

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_24

      Stages of creating locks Ironing:

      1. Wash thoroughly, dry and comb hair;
      2. split hair into several segments;
      3. take a large strand of hair and put it between the iron plates at the desired height;
      4. Moving the iron, you need to rotate it vertically, following the position to be strictly perpendicular to curlly curl;
      5. In the same way, make a twist of each strand;
      6. To put the strands with your hands or comb, fix the hairstyle.

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_25

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_26

      Often hair curls with foil, which provides uniform heating over the entire length.

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_27

      Hollywood curls

      Hollywood wave creates a luxurious image of a wealthy and well-groomed lady. This style is perfect for important evening events. The main difference between the Hollywood style from the ordinary curling lies in large sizes of strands.

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      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_29

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_30

      Stages of creating Hollywood hairstyles look like this:

      1. Choose a thin strand of hair, wind with your finger, attach to roots;
      2. In the same way, to prepare all hair for twigs;
      3. strongly squeeze iron plates each strand, then pull out;
      4. Untrect curls can be repeated;
      5. Fix the hairstyle varnish.

      How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_31

        An important part of the creation of hairstyles in Hollywood style occupies the correct laying:

        1. Separate a strand at the temple on the side of the laying direction and fix it between the back and ear;
        2. Carefully combing hair;
        3. Make a small nobody;
        4. lay curls to the desired hairstyle;
        5. Fix the hair with varnish.

        Hollywood retro style is also popular with celebrities. For his recreation, it is necessary to fix hair with hairpins treated with modeling agent, and after some time, remove the hairpins.

        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_32

        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_33

        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_34

        Laying for different hair lengths

        Hair different lengths require different care and hairstyles. Each hair type is needed a separate curling tool, which affects its end result.

        For short

        Short it is customary to take hair to the middle of the neck. Since short strands are impossible to turn several times on the iron, a number of hairstyles and styling for the owners of trendy haircuts becomes inaccessible. And yet, using a rectifier, you can make many hairstyles for short hair.

        On short hair, use narrow nozzles for iron with the minimum area of ​​the heating surface. When choosing a type of curl, it is very important to take into account the form of a person. For example, large curls will ideally look at the owners of an oval face, and small curls will be suitable for a round form, which will hide the outgoing parts.

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        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_36

        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_37

        Hair with a length of no more than 10 cm It is desirable to wind towards the inside. The procedure should be carried out quickly, lingering in one section no longer than 5 seconds. If the hair is healthy and strong, you can increase this time up to 10 seconds. It is very convenient to make such a twist alone. Longer curls for convenience can be divided into several segments. First, the upper segment (in the field of temples and the backbone) is frowning, after which it is possible to start the rest of the zones. The curl is especially popular in this way.

        For the formation of natural curves, it is best to choose thick strands and carry out an iron with minimal heating on them, gradually increasing the temperature.

        If the curl did not work, you can repeat the process, pre-cooling the hair.

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        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_39

        For middle

        The average length is the most common. Such a length allows you to experiment with stacking and twigs. Take the length of the hair if you plan to use the iron. Depending on the view of the curls, the hair will visually decrease by several centimeters.

        For short strands of medium density, it is better to use narrow tips. Controlling the angle of inclination and the degree of compression of the plates, you can get large, small, light, or bulk curls. The tips when using the iron is better not to touch. Due to this principle, the length will last, and the laying will look interesting and stylish. When selecting hairstyles for medium hair, it is also important to repel from the face form. African minor curls will only increase the round face. To remove the extra volume on the cheeks, soft smooth waves of small size will be suitable.

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        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_41

        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_42

        Here are some win-win options for hairstyles for medium hair.

        • Busty volume. To increase the volume of the roots, you need to put the iron at the base strands and turn a little. Then remove, and then, waiting for the cooling of the curls, consolidate the effect of varnish. After such manipulations, the volume of hair will increase significantly, and their initial length will remain.
        • Large curling in the face. This option can be performed in just a few minutes. You will need an iron, comb and ordinary gum. It is necessary to tie the tail on the top of the top, then combing and twist each strand. After removing the gum, it turns out an interesting hairstyle with cute curls.
        • Style "Afro". This option never comes out of fashion, and the number of hairstyles on such hair is regularly updated. Thin strands can be coiled in the usual way, stretching the iron from the base to their lower.

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        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_44

        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_45

        For long

        The number of hairstyles on long hair is limited only by the fantasy of the owner of this wealth. Stylish beach curls, large Hollywood wave, playful minor curls - all this is quite accessible for long hair.

        At the same time, hairstyles on long hair require additional consumption of fixing means to stack for a long time to retain the form. If you do not want to overload the hair by laying means, you can consider twigs from the ear and below. In this case, the weight of the hair does not prevent wavy curls to keep the desired shape.

        The third type of laying with a minimum varnish is a thin afrozavivka.

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        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_47

        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_48

        It is important to remember that at the stage of preparation for heat treatment, long strands need careful care that is impossible without a large amount of moisturizing and nutrients. A great importance for the quality of the future hairstyles has a choice of antistatic agent, which will avoid the effect of fluffyness. Special attention should be paid to the tips - the most brittle areas that are most exposed to heat. Do not hold the iron in this zone for a long time. Simplify the hair care will help regular campaigns to the hairdresser, which will remove damaged ends.

        For a uniform curling along the entire length, it is necessary to put the device vertically, and then smoothly move to the bottom of the strand, supporting the curl free hand. The larger the waves are required, there must be strand of hair. It should be remembered that the qualitatively twisted curls become shorter than several centimeters.

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        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_50

        Consider popular options for long hair hairstyles.

        • Small curls. They will require high time costs if you wind each thin strand separately. But there is an express option: to heat your hair into small pigtails, and then warm them with ironing. Small curls look great by themselves, and can also become a base for a variety of high hairstyles or all types of tails.
        • Hollywood wave. Stylish beautiful view of hairstyles for evening dinners in a restaurant, hiking in the theater or museum, holidays at home and parties with friends.
        • Classical curling. A universal option that is suitable for both evening and ceremonial events and for everyday socks.
        • Beach curls. This is a stylish, but at the same time does not require careful care option.
        • Retro waves. This is a hairstyle for a special case.

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        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_52

        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_53

        Useful advice

        Finally, we will give several useful tips about the choice and use of styling funds.

        • A good rectifier device is able to reduce the harm caused by hair. It can be iron with ceramics plates, titanium or tourmaline. The presence of heating modes in the model will allow to protect thin hair from harmful effects. Most models of styllers and iron are equipped with a special temperature regulator. So, for healthy hair, you can configure 150-degree mode, for brittle - reduce the temperature to 120. In the case of thick long strands, it is recommended to use a 180 degree mode.
        • It is best to make a twist at an angle of 45 degrees. This will control the slip speed of the Iron, lingering longer in the root zones and minimize the heating in the tips area.
        • Many girls make a gross mistake, after which the hair becomes brittle and begin to sneeze. This happens if you start twigs immediately after using the heat protection agent. It is necessary that the hair is dried after processing by sprays. Otherwise, skin fat and dust sealed in the hair, creating a sloppy look and damaging the hair itself.
        • If there is no experience in laying an iron, then you can practice with a cold device several times, then proceed to the process of creating the necessary hairstyle. So it will be possible to avoid extra harm to health strands.
        • Before fixing, lacquer is important to wait for the cooling of the hair to get a long-term styling effect. Only after the curls are cooled, they can be combed, put in the right direction and fix the styling agent.
        • Varnish is important to distribute not only on the outer, but also on the inside of the hair.
        • At the very beginning of the curling, it is possible to check for its stability on one strand. To do this, you just need to pull down the curl. If his form changes, an iron temperature should be increased by 10-15 degrees.
        • To achieve a larger volume, you should pull the hair towards the face.
        • The time of using combs on the twisted curls should be minimal, otherwise they will turn into a wave.

        If necessary, you can restore the twigs in a day, applying a little dry shampoo.

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        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_55

        How to make curls iron? 56 photo How to wind your hair in curls and put them in a wave using a straightening iron? 5059_56

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