Faberlic serum: Select the serum antistress and active with collagen, "The protection of youth skin" PROLIXIR, reviews


Beautiful makeup is possible only with featuring health and smooth skin tone. But it is not so easy to achieve this, because today, women are constantly faced with stressful situations that do not most effect on the state of health of their skin. Faberlic has developed an amazing line of the beautylab quick action. Here are funds that are very quickly improving the condition of the dermis. One of these means is the serum-antistress for Faberlic face.

Product Characteristics

The newest composition of the serum can saturate the skin already from the use of several drops from a comfortable bottle with a pipette. The composition is liquid, like water, so the skin absorbs product very quickly, and no trace remains. This means drinks skin covers, which is why the appearance is brandly transformed. The skin acquires natural radiance, and it seems healthy. And all this for a very short time.

The base of serum is a whole totality of the substances of PhylDerm Vegetal C2 which run the cell renewal, and, therefore, carry out the processes of skin regeneration. Also, this complex protects the skin from adverse environmental impacts.

Faberlic serum: Select the serum antistress and active with collagen,

Faberlic serum: Select the serum antistress and active with collagen,

Why are you needed?

Serums are an integral part of the care. They include in their composition effective substances in active form, which provide a whole range of actions: nourish the skin, moisturize, struggle with stress, reinforce and complement the effects of other drugs.

After such means, the result obtained is noticeable immediately . In that case, if you apply serum, and then the usual leaving creams, then the existing components of them are well absorbed by the skin, and it looks young and well-groomed.

It is better to use serum before applying a night cream, because it is at this time that the skin absorbs the necessary substances well. You need to apply a few drops on the cleaning skin, which is very convenient to do with a pipette, and then the standard leaving agent applies.

Faberlic serum: Select the serum antistress and active with collagen,

Types of serum Faberlic

Serum on vegetable raw materials "Oxygen radiance"

It helps to feed the skin, saturate it with oxygen.


  • restoration of skin cover and cell renewal;
  • elimination of redness, peeling and itching;
  • The active aggregate of vegetable substances gives the skin smoothness;
  • The newest technology, on the basis of which this product was manufactured, contains a unique formula of NOVAFTEM-O2 substance and tume microcapsules, protecting cells from negative substances;
  • When serum penetrates deep layers of skin, it restores and enhances its protective properties.

Reviews for this product are mostly positive. The main favorable moments are the following:

  • This serum is well suited for dry skin;
  • When it is used, the result is noticeable immediately, and during long-term use it is only fixed.

Negative reviews are not available.

Faberlic serum: Select the serum antistress and active with collagen,

Serum Activator Platinum

It is directed against aging, has a rejuvenating effect. In addition, it contains a platinum complex that contributes to the restoration and rejuvenation of skin cells. The SYN UP complex makes the skin soft and enhances its resistance to negative impacts. Cube 3 complex moisturizes well and contributes to restoration, removes wrinkles.

Tripeptide substance contributes to the production of hyaluronic acid And thanks to this, the relief is aligned from the inside. Since wrinkles are smoothed, the skin becomes smooth again and elastic. This product is available in ampoules. Before use, it needs to shake and break the tip, squeeze the serum to the hands and distribute the face. Serum is not stored, the substance from the ampoule needs to immediately apply. You need to use mostly overnight, during the week. Can be applied without cream.

Reviews for this product are ambiguous, there are also positive, and negative. Among the positive are as follows:

  • Improved face color;
  • The wrinkles decreased.

And the negative belongs that there is no powerful rejuvenating effect declared by the manufacturer.

Faberlic serum: Select the serum antistress and active with collagen,

Serum for the face of the protection of the skin of the skin of the PROLIXIR series

It differs from the fact that in its composition there are many hyaluronic acid, which contributes to moisturizing the skin. When using it, even small irregularities that are almost invisible, disappear.

This serum contains a complex concentration of Telosense, which does not allow cell aging.

Faberlic serum: Select the serum antistress and active with collagen,

Active serum for face with collagen from the Expert series

This serum contributes to the production of natural collagen, produced with a rejuvenating effect.

The principle of its action is as follows:

  • The skin forms a kind of protection, which saves moisture in the skin, and its softness;
  • eliminates small wrinkles;
  • slows down the aging processes;
  • acts as protection against negative phenomena.

It is recommended to apply under daily night cream. To obtain a pronounced effect, use two months.

Reviews for this serum are mostly positive. Women celebrate the effectiveness of this fund. Serum really eliminates the first wrinkles, improves and lines the tone of the face. Negative reviews were not detected.

Faberlic serum: Select the serum antistress and active with collagen,

Tonal cream-serum

This remedy tightens the relief well, removes wrinkles. Made on a vegetable basis, it moisturizes and nourishes skin cover, makes them elastic, helps to withstand negative factors. After applying this tool, the skin looks much younger. Special pigmented particles ensure the absence of oily shine for a whole day. He has reflective particles that hide disadvantages, the skin seems beautiful and smooth. Does not cause allergic reactions.

Reviews for this means are also basically positive. The following effects are noted:

  • good masking;
  • Creates the effect of a well-kept person and highlights it from the inside;
  • It has a light texture.

Negative reviews include the fact that the product does not have the claimed rejuvenating effect.

Faberlic serum: Select the serum antistress and active with collagen,

Further see an overview of the three popular Faberlic sera.

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