How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes


The skin around the eye is the most tender, vulnerable and susceptible to age-related changes. You can overcome the last problem if you contact high-quality patches. Similar funds with high efficiency smoothed skin cover in the specified zone. Thus, the ladies manage to return the youth of the skin.

In this article we will get closer with such cosmetics and learn how they need to be correctly used.

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_2

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_3

What it is?

The current market of cosmetic products is rich and varied than ever. A fine sex representatives who care about their beauty have the opportunity to find a means of almost any action on sale. Special patches intended for delicate skin around the eyes are very popular today.

Patches are a kind of mask who won the love of many fashionistas. For the first time, such products began to produce manufacturers from Korea. Soon the idea picked up the European brands that began to offer consumers no less high-quality products.

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_4

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_5

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_6

Patches are special devices in the form of cosmetic false pamperies . Their form is very similar to the crescent. But patches are not only sickle, but also round. The latter are manufactured to perform rejuvenating procedures on other sites.

In such elements there is a special impregnation with various cosmetic solutions of high concentration.

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_7

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_8

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_9


Relentlessly growing popularity and patches are easily explained - these cosmetic products have many positive qualities causing delight among modern ladies. Consider what good products are good.

  • They are sold in Sealed packaging.
  • Easy in applying. Procedures for laying patches as simple as possible and understandable - any girl will easily cope with them.
  • Most products are very pleasant, but Unobtrusive aroma which many people like.
  • Patches Multitasky - They are allowed to be laid not only to the area around the eyes, but also on other sites.
  • The funds under consideration are capable of providing Highly efficient humidification of the skin.
  • With the help of patches It is possible to significantly reduce mimic wrinkles - Common problem of many fair sex representatives.
  • Usually during the use of patches Do not cause burnback, no itching, nor redness.
  • Quality products demonstrate High efficiency and fast expected results. This is especially true of original corporate products that are sold in specialized stores.
  • Wide range of - Another weighty plus patches. You can find products having different compositions and effects. There are rejuvenating, smoothing and many other effective options.

Pronounced shortcomings, the specified leaving products has no. These can only be problems caused by the individual intolerance to one or another component. In some cases, the disadvantage can be considered Prices for this product are quite high.

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_10

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_11

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_12

How often can you use?

Nowadays, many women are addressed to the use of patches. However, only little to choose high-quality and efficient products. It is equally important to use them, adhering to all the necessary rules. It is necessary to take into account how much cosmetic products can be operated. According to experienced specialists, skin around the eye needs regular use of high-quality patches. It should be borne in mind that such products are greater than the accumulative effect. If you want to forget what bruises or swelling, use patches or 1-2 times a week, or a specific course.

Permissible application every other day. If you resort to the use of these products solely in an emergency or one-time, according to some reason, the good and noticeable effect will be expensive.

Of course, patches are allowed to apply both in emergency situations, for example, with strong overwork or before a responsible event. However, in this case, the action of products will still be much weaker.

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_13

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_14

Terms of application

There is nothing difficult in working with these products - each fashionista can cope with the rejuvenating and refreshing procedures. If you do not allow mistakes and clearly follow the uncomplicated instructions, you can hope for a good effect that will have patches.

We will analyze on separate items, as it should be properly used by the considered cosmetic products in the area around the eyes.

  • The first and basic rule that cannot be forgotten when applying a patch is that It can be applied solely on clean and dry skin. Only in this way will achieve the complete penetration of all existing components in the deep layers of the demes.
  • Professional cosmetologists advise most carefully and scrupulously remove absolutely all decorative cosmetics applied to face . Pollution with skin will also need to be eliminated. For this purpose, high-quality micellar water should be used. Special hydrophilic soap is suitable. After applying the listed compositions, the skin will be needed to thoroughly wash with water using a foam or gel for washing.
  • Recommended Pre-massage of the problem zone around the eyes . It is necessary to do as much as possible and carefully in order to accidentally not get damage - the skin in this zone is vulnerable. At the expense of these actions will be able to achieve a higher efficiency of the use of patches.
  • Having completed massage preparatory procedures, you can proceed directly to the imposition of patches . They are applied to the surface of the skin under the eyes (at a distance of 2 mm) adhesive side. Here, cosmetic devices need to withstand at least 15-20 minutes. True, experts advise to keep patches in the area under consideration a little longer - 30-40 minutes. If we are talking about applying fabric materials, it will be necessary to keep them longer - 1-1.5 hours.
  • Patches need to be correctly removed. Make it with careful and neat movement, moving from the nose to the temples. If a small part of the cosmetic solution remains on the skin surface, it does not need to rush it off or wipe dry. Instead, it is better to gently distribute the remnants on the skin under the eyes, making the lungs, cover the movements of the pillows of the fingers.
  • If special tissue patches are applied, for them, skin should be prepared otherwise - It is necessary to moisten it a little.
  • If you plan to use popular helium patches, then before that It is recommended to lose a little in your hands, then remove the protective layer.

Only after that it is allowed to lay patches on the problem areas of the person.

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_15

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_16

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_17

No method of use of patches will be faithful and permissible if the girl suffers from such ailments as:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • Cooperoz;
  • available wounds;
  • Inflammatory processes passing in the area around the eyes.

Often, many are wondering how to correctly apply patches for the night? Most women are confident that with similar use of the cosmetic products under consideration, their effectiveness certainly increases, and put them on problem areas overnight. But cosmetologists warn that such a statement is not true. Sleep left under the eyes of patches not only will not deliver any benefit, but also can lead to undesirable consequences, Because the hydrogel or silicone products are capable of stopping the returns of the useful substances at some point, enchanting such an action by their fence from the dermis.

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_18

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_19

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_20

The only options for patches that without restrictions are allowed to leave on the skin around the eyes all night, have a woven structure. But the said measure is allowed only in emergency circumstances (in the form of one-time application). Before laying such cosmetic products all night, It is necessary to read all the instructions left by the manufacturer. If the company's representatives do not indicate the opportunity to apply funds for the night, then from such an idea it is worth refuse to not harm themselves.

The time of use of patches can be any - each girl chooses for itself the best time interval for carrying out such a rejuvenating procedure. So, many prefer to lay them on the zone under the eyes in the morning, in order to wake up more and easier, to reduce the swelling. In the evenings, patches can become an excellent tool to get rid of fatigue. Especially effective in solving such tasks are modern, so-called gold products in which there are gold ions.

Similar types, according to the approval of manufacturers, differ pronounced soothing and relaxing effect, easily remove the "blue".

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_21

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_22

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_23

How to store patches?

The popularity of the patch is growing every year. The high efficiency of the cosmetic products under consideration makes them in demand and attractive for modern beauties. For patches "worked" as needed, they are required not only to correctly apply, but also to store, observing some requirements.

  • Woven and helium Disposable copies need to be stored only in a comfortable room temperature.
  • Hydrogel Reusable or Popular Silicone Products Upon completion of the application, it will take carefully, rinse slightly under clean water. After that, the specified products will be needed to be transferred to the refrigerator, placing in a separate sachet or container.

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_24

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_25

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_26

Useful Tips and Recommendations

If you planned to purchase and use high-quality patches for eyes, You should arma some useful tips and recommendations.

  • Do not neglect the ban to use patches with such damage to the skin, as abrasions. With these problems, it is better to refuse to apply cosmetic products.
  • Choosing good eye patches, it is recommended to give preference High-quality corporate products . Many of them have a high cost, but are characterized by excellent efficiency and safety, easily justifying the price.
  • When I want to overcome bruises under the eyes It is best to buy patches, in the content of koim caffeine, wine acid, pearl powder and panthenol.
  • If the purpose of the use of patches is smoothing the skin under the eyes Here, the most effective compositions containing antioxidants and peptides will be most effective.
  • If characteristic swelling occurs on the forehead and cheeks , they also do not interfere with the moisturizing effect. For this, the patches are ideal too, because they can be imposed not only on the area under the eyes.
  • If you use patches not every day, but resort to application courses for 5-7 days, then Such procedures are better to spend 1 time per month. If you resort to the specified method, you can achieve very good results.
  • Selecting high-quality and highly efficient patches, It is important to pay attention not only to the manufacturer, but also product packaging . In no case should be dents, chances, torn units and other possible damage. The goods must be packed hermetically and reliably.
  • Many ladies dream to smooth out wrinkles and make the skin smoother. This is perfectly helped in this. Modern hydrogel patches.

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_27

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_28

How to use eye patches? How it is right and how often can I use? Ways to use patches for the skin around the eyes 4997_29

These products are recommended to use if the skin is dehydrated - in such conditions, the specified means is maximum efficient.

About how to properly use patches for the eyes, see the next video.

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