How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them?


The most tender and thin on the face is the skin around the eyes, so it is also called a delicacy zone. The environment sometimes causes her tangible harm to its negative impact, why the skin is experiencing tremendous loads in this place. It is clear that the preservation of the youth and improvement of the condition of the skin around the eyes will contribute to good sleep, stress resistance, rational nutrition.

However, the modern rapid rhythm of life dictates its own rules. Still, there is a way to improve the condition of the skin around the eyes - use specialized patches. What it is, how long to keep them, and tell this article.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_2

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_3

Express care with the instant result

This innovative Korean product is familiar with the many women in different countries and has become frequently used tool to care and restore the skin around the eyes. This unique beauty-novelty will be able not only to increase its tone, moisturize and remove all signs of fatigue. The main advantage of the miracle patches in their action as a drainage: remove the swelling, brighten the dark due to stress stain around the eyes. Even these beauty products are able to smooth out small wrinkles.

This special care has many indications for use. For example, contributes to the leading of the effectiveness of cosmetic procedures or is used for instantaneous skin restoration after night wakefulness or in the case of a long flight.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_4

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_5

What is the use of time depends on?

Patches are used as an urgent method to restore skin. They are able to minimize traces of fatigue in the shortest possible time and give everything a more recent appearance. At the time of using this popular care product, the features of their bases are influenced. Currently, manufacturers in the beauty industry are presented five of their varieties.

  • Non-woven - inexpensive, but ineffective, water-soaked with water with vitamins, to power the fraginal tissues in the off-season.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_6

  • Tissue with collagen - Allows reduce bags that often appear under the lower eyelid. It is possible to use to eliminate fatigue traces. However, fabric species never catch up with the speed of exposure time and, accordingly, in terms of efficiency hydrogel.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_7

  • Hydrogel - They dissolve and can be absorbed into the skin. They include concentrated hyaluronic acid, which allows for a very short time and for one procedure to get rid of small wrinkles. The effect of the hydrogel plaster mask is more pronounced.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_8

  • Collagen - Guaranteed instantaneous, but a short result.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_9

  • Silicone - spectacular rejuvenating strips, fixing the skin and thereby smoothing wrinkles.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_10

In addition to the above criterion, The wearing time of mini-plasters depends on the concentration and activity of the action of all components: Amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and many others. Different problems imply different composition of the active components of the plastering mask, respectively, determining how long you need to keep patches under the eyes.

Also, a significant impact on how long you can walk with them, have a purpose to use: smoothing, nutrition, moisturizing, restoration or drainage.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_11

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_12

How much to keep?

If we talk about patches in general, then the minimum time to obtain a visible effect - from 15 to 20 minutes, the maximum is 25 minutes. During this time, the skin absorbs from this leaving all the useful substances in sufficient quantities for itself, which is why it does not make sense to leave it on her face longer. Thus, the valuable substances absorbed by the skin on average in 20 minutes create the effect of rejuvenation of no less than eight hours. It is categorically impossible to wear patches to their complete drainage and thinning.

Nonwoven masks keep around 13-15 minutes, then they dry and are already unsuitable. Woven, as well as silicone, it is recommended to keep a little longer - up to 20 minutes. Also quickly dry and remove collagen strips. A very significant advantage of hydrogel patches - the possibility of wearing up to 40 minutes In the meantime, the skin will absorb even more moisture and nutritional components, so necessary for such a sensitive fragility area. Increased use of the hydrogel is due to the fact that it slowly melts from body temperature and also slowly penetrates the skin.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_13

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_14

Many mistakenly decide to apply any patches for the night, assuming that a greater effect is achieved. However, this will be justified after the attentive reading of the instructions from the manufacturers of these modern effective products. If the manufacturer's recommendation does not mention such an opportunity, then it should not be done. For example, cosmetologists warn from sleep with hydrogel and silicone overlays under the eyes, as such a rest will not bring benefits.

When all the useful substances go from the microme to the skin and overnight the liquid will evaporate in it, it will start all moisture and components to take back. This is due to the properties of hydrogel and silicone. And the situation with the skin around the eye is only aggravated when negative manifestations in the form of irritation and dryness appear instead of the expected effect.

After removing the patch, we should apply the cream. No need to wash or wash off the remnants of the means. Mandatory rule: If the skin is prone to allergies to the oil components included in the composition and different to rash, then these leaving facilities cannot be worn longer than 20 minutes.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_15

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_16

Frequency of use

There are no sebaceous glands in the skin around the eyes, because of this she dries. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of this area as much as possible and preferably daily. The frequency of use is an absolutely individual factor. . And so that the effect of the mask is maximum, it is important to carefully examine the instructions of a particular brand, adhere to its rules of use. In addition to one-time application, all patches can be applied regularly. This will help to achieve a long-term effect.

All plaster masks, except hydrogel, are recommended to use 1 time per week. Collagen and hydrogels are suitable for more frequent use - 2-3 times a week . As for hydrogel express masks, with constant use, they achieves the necessary rejuvenating effect. Modern cosmetologists advise to apply this popular leaving product as one-time, and several times a week. Then the active components will moisturize the skin, and it will be shining. In the morning you can apply patches over the daytime cream to enhance its action. In the evening it is possible to apply these beauty products on the purified face or over the night cream.

Going to some kind of event, mini masks apply before making makeup.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_17

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_18

Even one-time application of patches will really give the skin a healthy look, what can we say about daily use. The effect will become accumulative and more pronounced if applying patches three times a week on a regular basis. And if the selected brand means allows, they can be used once or twice a week for several months. A ten-day course with daily use is able to give a more resistant noticeable effect.

The actors declared in the composition will make the skin under the eyes more elastic and will not cause irritation. During this time, minor wrinkles will be collapsed, but it is worth noting that patches will not be able to get rid of deep wrinkles. This will require stronger tools that will have to use regularly.

In general, patches are products for disposable, which are released after use. And only samples on the hydrogel basis are reusable and overlap to the maximum of nine times. And after each use, they are stored in the refrigerator, separately from food.

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_19

How much time to keep patches under the eyes? How many minutes do you need to wear patches? How long can you go with them? 4990_20

How long to keep patches under the eyes and the time depends on, look in the following video.

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