Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus?


Modern women are becoming more and less used cream masks for the eyes. Today, patches are used for this purpose or, as they are also called, "the" eye plasters ". Special shape stickers are saturated with useful substances that remove external signs of fatigue and make the skin around the eye gently and well-groomed.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_2

What is it and what are they needed for?

Patches are a modern way to care for gentle skin. Cosmetologists are recommended before purchasing carefully examine the composition. Some components can cause allergic reactions, and if you have a tendency to allergies, you need to use any means with caution.

Another criterion of choice should be the expected effect - to remove dark circles, remove the swelling, smooth out the shallow wrinkles, give the skin around the eye shine.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_3

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_4

Such an unusual mask will help solve various skin problems around the eyes. There are patches for sensitive, dry, thin skin, against "bruises", swelling, from wrinkles (both small and deeper). But you need to remember that The cause of edema can be not only fatigue or sleepless night, but also the pathology of the urinary system and cardiovascular diseases.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_5

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_6

Among the huge amount of species, hydrogel eye patches can be distinguished with snail extract that will help solve different problems:

  • remove swelling from the lack of sleep;
  • reduce the manifestation of dark circles;
  • smooth out small wrinkles;
  • Moisturize the skin.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_7

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_8

After use, the skin is quickly restored and acquires a healthy radiance. To achieve the desired effect, just just one procedure And if you use patches regularly (daily or every other day), then your view will always be irresistible, the skin around the eye is moistened and well-groomed.

But first of all, patches with mucin are suitable for sensitive skin, prone to dryness, girls from 18 to 30 years. It is at this age that the skin lacks a lack of moisture, which manifests itself with a slight darkening under the eyes, tired, small wrinkles.

As part of hydrogel patches with Muzin there are no components for smoothing deep wrinkles, so if your skin problems around the eye are connected only with dryness and other external manifestations, then patches with mucin are perfect.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_9

The main components in the composition

The main component of the patches is Muzin - Purified snooze mucus. Additionally, the composition of the hydrogel is enriched with colloidal gold. Unechny Muzin has a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes and increases the production of its own collagen, and the aqueous solution with gold particles penetrates into a deeper layers of epidermis and synthesizes hyaluronic acid. Such a double action allows you to keep moisture in skin cells and smoothing it.

Patches are impregnated with a special caring composition, which includes a mucus of a black or grape snail. This substance is rich in elastin, glycoprotein (protein that is in human skin cells actively participating in the production of hormones), copper peptides stimulating collagen synthesis.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_10

In addition to gold and mucin, patches may contain (depending on the manufacturer):

  • Castor oil (makes skin soft and tender, has a bactericidal effect);
  • Grapefruit extract (helps to update the skin, reduces redness and pigmentation);
  • Holly extract (removes swelling, pulls and smoothes the skin, heals small cracks and inflammation);
  • Extract of fruit YUZU. (moisturizes and rejuvenates);
  • Extract bamboo stems (normalizes blood circulation, brightens the skin);
  • Betaine (Keeps moisture in deep layers of epidermis).

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_11

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_12

Also as part of patches with Muzin there may be other plant components - extracts of lavender, lilies, calendulas, mint, which refresh and tone the skin.


Now on store shelves and on the Internet, you can find many types of patches with mucin from different manufacturers. But women are popular with the following brands.

  • Petitfee & Koelf - South Korean trademark, which produces various cosmetics. Among the products there are gold hydrogel patches with a hatching mucin. They have a jelly-shaped shape, are impregnated with the active ingredients and effectively protect the skin from negative external factors, improve the overall skin condition.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_13

  • Evenlip. - Another popular brand of South Korea. The firm produces patches with a black snail mucus, they tighten the skin well, hide shallow wrinkles. The main component - mucin, penetrating the epidermis, begins to act at the cellular level, contributing to the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid cells.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_14

  • Esfolio - Popular Korean brand. Among its products there is also a hydrogel with mucin and gold. Funds are suitable for girls from 18 years old with fine sensitive skin. These modern eyes for the eyes are well coped with their task: remove traces of fatigue and sleepless night, restore the cells of the epidermis.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_15

  • THE SKIN HOUSE. - The Korean brand produces patches with mucin and gold, which brighten the skin, remove the swelling, moisturize and tone the skin, provide saturation with vitamins and amino acids of deep layers of skin. The effect is enhanced if you pre-put a jar with patch into a cool place.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_16

  • Trimay. - The popular South Korean firm specializing in the release of caring cosmetics. In addition to gold and mucin, manufacturers added to the composition of caviar extract - the most important source of proteins, amino acids and vitamins. Hydrogel patches have an instant effect. Their action is directed to moisturizing, nutrition, antioxidant protection, fighting with traces of fatigue.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_17

How to use?

When using patches with mucin, you need to remember several rules.

  • Do not impose all night. For some reviews, prolonged impact enhances the positive effect of Muzin and other components. However, the manufacturer is not in vain recommends keeping patches no more than half an hour - this time is quite enough for active substances to penetrate the epidermis and began to act.
  • Use the eye mask in the morning. If you apply it before bedtime, you can no longer see a positive action.
  • Use patches regularly . It is regular skin care that will allow you to forget about "bruises", edema, dim and dry skin.
  • You can store packaging in the refrigerator, but this is not a prerequisite for long-term storage. . Patches with mucin are made on the basis of hydrogel, which has a cooling effect. It is possible to extend the shelf life if you extract patches with a special blade, which will prevent the pathogeful microflora to the container.
  • After use No need to use additional care products - The composition of the patches contains all the necessary components.
  • Patches are suitable not only for the area under the eyes They will help to cope with problems in the nasolabial part, on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_18

Patches with Muzin Snail: Features of uncut patches for the eyes, overview of patches with Esfolio and Trimay snail extract. How much to keep patches with mucus? 4986_19

    You can use patches in different ways, depending on the effect you want to get. To remove the swelling and "bruises", the hydrogel is glued with a wide part to the inside of the eye. To smoke wrinkles and give the skin radiance - a wide part of the hydrogel is located with the outer part of the eye.

    Another option of using patches is to dissolve them in warm boiled water and use as a tonic for face and neck.

    About how Muzin Snails transforms the skin, look next.

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