Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use?


The word "patch" is known not to every man, but this term is not just familiar to the female floor - many ladies in practice have tried the effect of this cosmetic tool. Although the tool is difficult to call - for such a gentle agent is a coarse word.

It acts gently, helps quickly, pleasant and comfortable for the user - here he is a patch that over the past few years has become one of the most running cosmetics products.

Description and appointment

Another name of the patch - Cosmetic plaster. This phrase more accurately describes the principle of action. And if you translate the word into Russian, it will simply get a "patch". Anyway, the patches for the face produced a real boom in the cosmetic world, and today they produce a huge number: different types, compositions, appointments.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_2

Experts say that Patches are the means of emergency skin care. Hydrogel-based patches are created or, as an option, cotton wipes that are impregnated with valuable composition. This may be cream or serum with various ingredients. Apply such a remedy for different parts of the person, leave until complete drying or so much time as indicated in the instructions.

There is an opinion that the patch is more efficient than other means for the face.

The logic is as follows: if the cream is on the skin, the composition of at least part, but evaporates from the dermal layer. And if you put a cosmetic patch on the face, a greenhouse effect is temporarily created - the cream does not evaporate, and its components are completely penetrated into the skin layers.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_3

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_4


Patches can be cleansing, dried, moisturizing. In the first case, you can count on getting rid of blackpoints and those skin cells, which have already served your own, and it's time to remove them from the face. If you take a dry patch, you can hope that the negative features of oily skin is a cosmetic tool. A moisturizing patch will help dry skin or give the necessary felting to the Derma in the hot season.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_5

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_6

Types of patches are distinguished by a large variety.

  • For eyes. Bags under the eyes like nothing else, spoil the female appearance. Even the right features and beautiful oval faces are not saved if the bags or dark circles under the eyes. You can use a collagen plaster mask, which brightens and refreshes the skin around the eyes, smoothes small mimic wrinkles.

The skin becomes smooth and elastic again. If hyaluronic acid is present in the eye piping, it helps the cosmetic product to hold moisture and contribute to deep moistening. Using similar means, you stimulate cellular metabolism.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_7

  • Patches for face with deep purification . Their goal is to clean the clouded, then, mud, cosmetics of pores. You may not unpack your face before the cleaning procedure. You simply glue the patch on the purified and slightly wet skin, and the water action activates the components of the patch, and they pull the contents of the ports from them. In 15 minutes to get rid of black dots - it is very effective.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_8

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_9

  • Medical patches. The composition of these means is salicylic acid or bactericidal triclosan. Stick a sticky piping at night (strictly on the problem area of ​​the skin), dry the inflamed place, disinfect. At the same time eliminating fatty excess. And by the morning the pimple, which spoiled you the mood, goes away.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_10

  • Moisturizing plasters. These funds manufacturer carefully impresses mineral water, and then the effective strips are pasted on different parts of the person or even the body. In the cosmetic agent there is collagen, polymers that hold moisture in the skin and deliver nutrient elements into epidermis cells.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_11

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_12

  • Smoothing patches. They produce them from cotton or non-woven soft material. The effect of condensation is preparing a person to apply meckap. The patch mask of this type can be used after 30 years often, several times a week.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_13

  • Plockers for lips. Designed for deep moistening of the skin of the lips and even a small increase in them in volume. Hyaluronic acid, amino acids, of course, collagen and natural oils are responsible for moisturizing in this product. The increase in the same volume occurs due to reinforced blood circulation: it, in turn, provoke pepper and menthol (and hyaluronic acid too).

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_14

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_15

  • Patches from mimic wrinkles. In the beauty industry this is a relatively new product. These patchwork are applied to the inter-block zone, as well as nasolabial folds. Narning wrinkles in these zones decreases - an excellent rejuvenating effect. Such plasters are usually created from very dense tissue, and use them recommended at night. The main secret of success is the regularity of application.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_16

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_17

  • Patches for lifting the contour of the face. Such products are usually inherent V-shaped, and the device resembles a bandage. The texture of the patch itself fixes the skin, and the active substances in its composition return the elasticity of the derma, and the one comes to its original position. It helps oval faces to be elastic and young.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_18

Round, arcuate, in the form of masks - patches are different. They help get rid of black dots in the nose area or remove the first mimic wrinkles. Some patches in 20 minutes of action refresh the face, give him a natural blush, demonstrate express rejuvenation. It is worth noting that beauty sphere actively offers today and patches for other parts of the body: for example, neck and chest.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_19

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_20

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_21

Best manufacturers

There are a lot of them - from domestic to Korean, Belarusian and French, branded and little-known.

We offer the rating of the best manufacturers of patches.

  • Petitfee Black Pearl & Gold . The basis of the product is a natural gelling agent, it is stunningly moisturize the dry skin of the face. And among the ingredients there are black pearls, as well as colloidal gold, and therefore the developer does not know how much skin rejuvenation and the rapid smoothing of mimic wrinkles.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_22

  • Elemis. . Seaweed, plankton extract, hyaluronic acid and chlorella - a quick lifting effect Such a composition simply cannot but give. Removes dark circles under the eyes, smoothes wrinkles.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_23

  • Golden Collagen Mask Bioaqua . Increases skin tone, gives it an elastic look. These are actually famous gold patches, only the milestone works for the whole person. Collagen impregnation is high, during the application of such a mask you will only feel a pleasant coolness.

Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_24

    • Collagen patches Daralis . Remove dark circles under the eyes, moisturize the skin and insure from the appearance of new wrinkles. The tool perfectly copes with dry skin. In the jar - 60 disposable patches.

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_25

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_26

    • Skyn Iceland. . Excellent product, if you need emergency assistance during swelling and redness. Elastin as part of the patch makes the skin denser, and antioxidants protect the epidermis from the negative effect of external natural aggressors. Excellent Icelandic, but still, Korean developers can find interesting products cheaper. For example, such as the next product in the ranking.

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_27

    • Berrisom Placenta. The means to which it clearly should be supervised by women of category 30+. Judging by the reviews, the month of using these patches gives a real "wow effect" - the skin looks rampant, and many think that a woman made a suspender or another radical procedure. Excellent leveling of relief and tone, skin renewal, elimination of shallow wrinkles - and all this for more than an acceptable price.

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_28

    • SECRET KEY PINK RACOONY . It looks like a box with this means is even too nice, as if this is a girlish (if not a children's product). But infantile "clothes" does not interfere with the adult effective work of patches. Patchwork can be used for eye zone, and for nasolabial folds. For dry and sensitive skin, it is almost the perfect option.

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_29

    • PAYOT PERFORM LIFT PATCH YEUX. Without this, the rating will not be complete. The ideal preparation for the evening makeup is bags with patches. The skin around the eye will shine, the turgor of the skin will improve, and the tone is leveled. True, the price of such a fund in the traditions of elite French cosmetics is very high.

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_30

    • Meso patches "Belita". Gorgeous budget remedy, quickly removing fatigue traces, which serves an excellent magic base, allowing to effectively pull the skin. The accumulative effect of the Belarusian product is present.

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_31

    • EVSI. The Russian brand represents nutritious plasters with algae and pearl powder. The swelling is perfectly removed, the dark circles under the eyes are lightened, they give a lifting effect. Packing 60 pieces - grabs for a month of daily use.

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_32

    Recommendations for choosing

    Choosing patches, do not guide the principle that it can only be expensive. All cosmetics before entering the market is tested. But some patches will work faster, the effect of others will have to wait a little longer. Finally, no one has canceled the board for the brand.

    Tips for choosing patches:

    • If your task is - Remove swelling and dark circles under the eyes , look for patches, as part of which will be caffeine, as well as horse chestnut extract or wine (operate in such patterns of compositions that improve dermis drainage functions);
    • if you want to Overcome age wrinkles , as part of patches must be hyaluronic acid, collagen, retinol, peptides;
    • If the skin is abide in a state of stress , stop the choice on micrometers with amino acids and antioxidants, as well as vitamins C and E.

    And, of course, read the instructions carefully - the time of action, the removal method, the regularity of use can be different.

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_33

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_34

    How to use?

    Before use you need to carefully clean the skin. There is no unparing her needs, but it is necessary to remove the cosmetics. It is necessary to wash the way you do it before bedtime. Remove the hair so that they do not interfere with the procedure, otherwise you will still wash them too.

    Here are some recommendations for use from specialists.

    • After removal of makeup, spend your face with a cotton disk, moistened in tonic. And minutes 2 give a relaxed dermis.
    • A light massage of the face will not hurt - the blood flow will improve, and the epidermis absorbs microcomponents of patches more efficiently.
    • Patches themselves moisten with water and warm exactly how to use them, always indicated on the package.
    • How to apply depends on the purpose of application. If you are struggling with eductions and circles under the eyes, cover the plasters from the inner corners of the eyes to the temples. If you are aimed to remove mimic wrinkles, you need to attach a micromaster closer to the outer corners of the eyes.
    • Never overlap the patch close to the mucosa - retreat at least 2 mm.
    • Hold as much as the instruction offers (no longer needed).
    • Remove patches in the same sequence as they imposed them.
    • The residues of the composition whipped with delicate soft movements.

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_35

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_36

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_37

    Hold patches on the face after the suggested time actions simply makes no sense. If the mask already gave all the components of the skin, after the drainage, it will start them again, canceling the whole effect. Such is the property of the hydrogel. If the instructions are written that the tool can be left overnight, and do it. But still most patches are valid for 20 minutes.

    If patches slide, you violated some point of instructions. Or just you have very moisturized leather. Wash face after action patches are not needed. But if you beat the residues of the composition, and the skin is soapy, then it is worthwheeling this layer with a regular behalf for washing (not very intense).

    Patches for face (38 photos): What is it? Features of masks-patches and Korean eye patches. Why do they slide and do you need to wash your face after use? 4985_38

    Watch out for the storage conditions of patches, do not use them after the expiration date. And be sure to listen to yourself: so you will definitely find the ideal for you express the means of this category.

    About what patches for the face are looking further.

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