Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use?


If you need to quickly refresh the skin around the eyes, modern girls use cosmetic patches. This agent also eliminates other problems: wrinkles, dark circles, swelling. Most of the products on the market are Chinese patches for eyes.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_2

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_3


Patches were invented by Korea specialists. To date, this type of cosmetics make companies worldwide. The lining from various materials, impregnated with special composition, affect the sensitive skin around the eyes. As a result, its condition is improved. The product can have a different action. Some patches help to cope with the tired view, others update and heal the skin. Some species have a healing effect.

Standard shape - crescent. With the right selection of funds, the positive result will be noticeable after the first application. Patches are sold in compact packages, so that they are comfortable to take with them.

The linings that are securely attached to the skin are not separated from the execution of everyday affairs.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_4

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_5

How to use?

To use modern patch is easy, the main thing is to adhere to certain recommendations. First, it should be verified in the absence of an allergic reaction. Spend a test for sensitivity by attaching the handle on your hand or other part of the body, and evaluate the result. The use of patches occurs in a certain way.

  • Skin must be prepared. It is cleaned and dried.
  • Before sticking the lining, you should hold it in the palms so that it is heated.
  • Then you need to gently remove the protective film and glue the patch to the desired area of ​​the skin.
  • The lining must be securely secured without folds and chances.

When using tissue products, it is recommended to moisten them with several water drops. To get rid of dark traces, patches should be applied close to the inner corners of the eyes. Placing a cosmetic product next to whisms, you can get rid of wrinkles. In order for the effect of using patches to be long, you need to apply them regularly. And Do not forget about additional care, including moisturizing, toning and cleansing.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_6

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_7

The lining hold on the skin from about 20 to 30 minutes. This time is quite enough to ensure the necessary effect. However, some species should be kept long: about an hour. Exact information is indicated in the instructions for use in each drug.

If cosmetics are used to rejuvenate and refresh the skin, enough 2-3 procedures over the week. Regularity is important, otherwise the result will not be saved. After 2-3 months, it is recommended to take a break for about 3 months so that there are no over suit and irritation. Next, the lining apply once in 7 days.

Wash your face after removing the patches do not need. The remains of the cosmetic agent carefully rub in the skin with massage movements.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_8

Best tools from China

The market of cosmetic Chinese products offers buyers a wide selection of eye patches. The goods differ in price, composition, appearance, effect and other characteristics. Consider the most popular and demanded product options.

  • COLLAGEN GEL EYE MASK . The product from the brand Meiking has a pleasant green. The impregnation is based on natural algae extract and pearl powder. The main purpose of the lining is to rejuvenate the skin, apply them is recommended no more than 2-3 times a week. As well as a luxury drug nourishes the skin and eliminates fatigue traces. Patches attract attention with stylish packaging and safe composition. Most ingredients have natural origins. Packing 60 pieces.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_9

  • Crystal Collagen Eye Mask. The product from Pilaten is sold in individual packages for 2 pieces. The basis of the material is silicone. The linings are quickly heated upon contact with the body, which improves the process of penetrating the useful elements into the skin. In developing the composition of this fund, specialists used natural aloe extract, seaweed and collagen. Patches are remarkably feeding the skin, returning elasticity and elasticity after each application.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_10

  • EFERO GOLD CRYSTAL COLLAGEN EYE MASK. Patches from the EFERO brand have a similar effect. The goods are sold in separate packages for 2 pieces. Golden linings are easy to use. The composition includes the following elements: vitamins (E, C and B5), collagen and hyaluronic acid. The product has a powerful soothing and cooling effect. It delivers pleasant sensations, refreshes the skin, eliminating fatigue traces.

A positive action will be noticeably after the first use. The skin becomes an elastic, smooth and shining.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_11

  • Vital Eye Green Mask. Schvyog patches have a rich green color. The product attracts attention to the original composition, which includes the following natural extracts: cactus, orchids, olives, brown algae and natural pearls. The lining feed and refresh the skin, quickly returning it a healthy look and removing traces of fatigue. At the same time, they are not able to deliver deep wrinkles and strong edema. Patches are securely attached and do not interfere with everyday tasks. The product has a cumulative effect, which is why the result will be more noticeable with each application.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_12

  • COLLAGEN EYE MASK RED GINSENG. Saturated red patches from EFERO have a significant moisturizing effect. Components penetrate deep into the epidermis. It is worth noting a pleasant smell. And the product eliminates the dark circles under the eyes and swelling. At the heart of the composition of ginseng extract. The product is sold in compact packaging. It is necessary to get the lining with a special spoon, otherwise they can break.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_13

  • Bosqua Golden Osmanthus Eye Mask. The product from the well-known company BioAqua is packed in a transparent bank. The lining is enchanting with a pleasant rich smell. Osmantatus is an evergreen plant with useful aromatic inflorescences - used in the manufacture of this means. And it was also not without essential oils. The lining have a strong regenerating and antioxidant effect. Patches cover the top and lower eyelid. In the center of each lining there is a cut.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_14

How to choose?

You need to choose a cosmetic, given the desired result.

From dark circles and bruises

Patches, which makes caffeine, are remarkably suitable to combat dark circles from fatigue and lack of sleep. This component increases the tone of the vessels. As well as the necessary effect, antioxidants and organic natural acids are rendered. The packaging should indicate that the drug is intended to solve this problem.

Bruises are a similar problem, but similarity only visual. Fully get rid of them difficult, but it is possible to significantly improve the skin of the skin. It is recommended to make a choice in favor of linings containing aloe extract or grape acid.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_15

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_16

From bags, swelling and edema

To get rid of these imperfections, lining is recommended, which includes the following components:

  • Vitamins and natural oils;
  • Extracts of horse chestnut and ginkgo biloba;
  • Peptide Acetyl Hexapeptide-8.

And there may also be covers that need to keep for a long time (about 1 hour).

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_17

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_18

From wrinkles

Whether age or mimic wrinkles, from this cosmetic defect want to get rid of. In the fight against it, collagen is actively used, so pay attention to the presence of this component in the composition. He makes skin elastic and taut. And the manufacturers use sea algae. To get a positive result, it is necessary to apply a cosmetic for several months.

The required result also has patches with hyaluronic acid and peptides. They satisfy skin cells moisture and securely hold it inside, which leads to a rejuvenating effect.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_19

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_20

What differ from Korean?

Asian cosmetics are very popular. The largest manufacturers are China and South Korea. Many modern buyers are interested in the question, whether there are differences between the products of 2 countries, and what they conclude.

The main difference of goods is the cost. Chinese products are much more accessible, because of which some consumers make a choice in favor of trademarks of the Middle Kingdom. The following difference is effective. According to most buyers who personally tested the goods from different manufacturers, Chinese patches are less efficient. This is due to the fact that the compositions of Korean products are more balanced and effective.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_21


Given the popularity of Chinese cosmetics, the network has many reviews from real buyers. The main part of the reviews is positive. Satisfied customers celebrate a rich choice and efficiency. Patches from swelling as a magnet remove swelling and refreshing the skin. As negative sides, buyers note irritation after using some patches. Most likely, this is an allergic reaction to individual components in the composition.

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_22

Chinese Patches: Instructions for use for the eyes, the best patches from China. What differ from Korean? How to use? 4959_23

In the next video, you are waiting for the review and feedback on popular Chinese Patches for the skin around the eyes with the extract of Golden Osmanthus from Bioaqua.

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