Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews


We all dream of a beautiful and even tan, but get it difficult. In the cold season for this, it is resorted to the help of a solarium, and the summer uses natural sun rays.

To obtain a uniform, golden skin color, various cosmetics are used that protect us from burning and contribute to the correct distribution of UV rays. But the most suitable are natural products that possess not only protective, but also the nutritional properties.

One of these means includes sunflower oil.

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_2

Product Characteristics

This is a product obtained from sunflower seeds. Depending on the method of obtaining sunflower refiner is divided into several types.

  • Unrefined cold spin oil - Get under the action of the press without the use of high temperatures. Such a product retains all useful components to the maximum.
  • Cold pressing After pre-roasting seeds - this method kills most of the valuable elements.
  • Refining - Raw materials passes a lot of processing stages, including chemical agents and heat. Naturally, the benefits of such a product of speech is not conducted. But it does not have a precipitate at all, since finely and largely dispersed components are removed from it.

Thus, the most useful is the unrefined cold spin oil. It is primarily appreciated by the content of fatty acids in it: stearin, Miristinova, palmitic, oleinova, linoleic and linolenic. And there are Omega-6, unsaturated fatty acids.

From vitamin variety in oil fluid, vitamins D and K. The leading position belongs to Vitamin E, which, by the way, is the main antioxidant of our body.

And also unrefined oil contains wax, phosphorus-containing substances, non-residential impurities. Given that this is a vegetable product, it does not contain cholesterol at all. At 100 g of the product accounts for 99.9 g of fats.

The use of unrefined sunflower oil for sunflower is a decent solution, as it has all the necessary qualities to obtain a similar effect.

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_3

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_4

How does it work?

After applying oil fluid on the skin As a tanning agent, it forms a fat film on it.

  • It contributes to the preservation of moisture in the layers of the dermis, thanks to which the skin does not dry, retains elasticity and does not fill.
  • The film is protective: it smoothes the effect of the aggressive sun. The fat layer heats up and dispels the UV rays, achieving their uniform distribution on the skin. Thanks to this, it acquires a beautiful golden shade.

Oil drinks the derma with vitamins and fatty acids. The skin becomes silky, shiny and velvety to the touch. In addition, the product helps regenerate the upper skin layer.

Sunflower refusaging has 100% naturalness, there are no preservatives, fragrances and stabilizers. Therefore, it is almost never allergies. It is a safe and fairly effective means for obtaining the desired tan.

The result will not make yourself wait a long time: the combination of oil and the sun enhances the rate of formation of melanin, which is responsible for the darkening of the dermis.

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_5

The fatty film is preserved on the skin surface for quite a long time and is not washed after swimming in the sea. The maximum time, during which you can sunbathe after applying oil is 4 hours. In principle, this time interval is quite enough to enjoy solar baths.

But if you want to extend the pleasure, apply a remedy. But consider the fact that you risk getting into dangerous time interval from 11.00 to 15.00. And in this case, even sunflower oil you may not help.

Sunflower oil is shown to smear not only before going to the beach, but also before going to the solarium. It is used in a couple of hours before visiting the establishment. At the end of the procedure, the skin should be repeatedly moistened with an oil solution.

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_6

How to apply?

Before applying, the skin must be prepared. Previously it is worth punish. This will remove the dead cells of the epithelium, align and clean the skin. After this procedure, the oil intensively absorbs and efficiently acts.

It is best to smell with an oil solution to a moisturized dermis. And it is necessary to do it 30-40 minutes before going to the beach.

During this time, the oil absorbs the skin as much as possible, and the residues should be removed with a napkin or a towel. So you will save your clothes from pollution.

To apply the means, it is necessary for its small amount to be confused in the hands and circular soft movements to mash in the skin from the legs and moving up. It is superimposed with a thin layer for maximum absorption so as not to leave traces.

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_7


Sunflower oil is an excellent means to protect against the sun and getting a beautiful dark skin color. The remedy is so common that you can see its ready-made option in a pharmacy and on the shelves of cosmetic stores.

But despite all his positive qualities, you should know some of the features of its application.

Given that the oil refusal has a low protection factor of the Sun, only 4, it is used in the case when the body is slightly torn. For too white leather, the tool does not fit.

It should be responsible to apply oil. If it is poorly absorbed, dust and other contaminants are to the body. They clog pores, leading to the formation of skin rash.

Due to the dense oil consistency, the product is not recommended to be applied to the front area, since the skin is more porous.

After sunbathing, the oil dispenser is recommended to lubricate the skin to protect it from cutting.

But in the case when you got a sunburn, the oily liquids should not be used. They do not give the skin to breathe, besides this, contribute to the development of pathogenic flora. In such cases, rational use anti-rims so as not to cause the progression of the process.

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_8

Application options

In the form of a sunscreen, sunflower oil can be used in pure form. The main thing is that it is high-quality. Make sure the product does not contain sediment and extraneous impurities. Natural sunflower oil has a golden brown color.

But if you want to change it, then add any essential oil to it:

  • mint;
  • cedar;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • shi;
  • avocado;
  • Gerani.

Any of these ingredients is enough to add no more than 10 drops per 100 ml of oil. This is enough so that the solution acquired a pleasant fragrance and eradicated the smell of sunflower. And thanks to such essential additives, oil refusal will strengthen its nutritional properties.

Jojoba oil and coconut oil are mixed with 100 ml of sunflower in an amount of 50 ml. You can add olive oil.

But it is worth considering that citrus essential oils are not used.

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_9

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_10

Popular is a recipe with wild carrots:

  • 100 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 20 droplets of Wild Carrot Ether;
  • Jojoba oil and coconut 5 drops.

But it is also possible to breed an oil fluid in half with mineral water.

The resulting mixtures are poured into suitable bottles from cosmetic tools that are comfortable to take with them to the beach or to the salon. They are allowed to store no more than 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

Features of the use of sunflower oil for sunburn: Is it possible to use such a tan product in the sun? How to face them and sunbathe? Reviews 4899_11

People who experienced the effect of sunflower oil in such an unusual role, leave a lot of positive feedback. Beautiful attractive color, pleasant sensations and natural base get more and more adherents of such a sunscreen.

High-quality sunflower oil is perfect for protection against UV radiation and acquiring a cherished tanning both in natural conditions and in the cabin. Follow all the rules of its use, and soon get the desired result.

On how to make the oil for sunburn, see below.

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