Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews


Every year the number of girls who prefer natural cosmetics to care for the derma and curls are growing tirelessly. Such a tendency is due to the fact that many fair sex representatives in the desire to be beautiful do not want to harm their body with cosmetic means that contain aggressive chemicals.

Features of the product

One of the latest innovations among the facial care products is hydrophilic oil. This product is a combination of various oils that are used not only to remove contaminants, selection of sebaceous glands, but also saturate the skin with useful substances.

In addition to applying hydrophilic oil on the skin of the face, it is still used for washing hair.

Despite the fact that such products can be easily acquired in a store specializing in the sale of cosmetics, many girls are interested in how you can make hydrophilic oil with your own hands.

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_2

Consider the most popular recipes for the preparation of this product at home.

Main components

Before proceeding with the direct manufacture of hydrophilic oil with your own hands, you need to purchase basic components.

Main components belong to several substances.

  1. Basic oil. Acts as the main ingredient. It must be selected depending on the type of skin or from the needs of the dermis.
  2. Emulsifier. This is a special substance that is added to the hydrophilic oil so that it is easily flushed without leaving the fatty film on the face. Oleic acid obtained from olive oil is used as a similar means. It is also called polysorbat-80. But you can also purchase polysorbat-20. Please note: the greater number is indicated as a label on the product label, the greater the ability to emulsify it possesses. That is, the emulsifier with a large number will contribute to a better dissolution of hydrophilic oil under water. As an emulsifier can also be Oliverm. In essence, such a substance refers to hydrogenated fat.
  3. Essential oils. Not only a pleasant aroma of the finished product to care for the dermis, but also provide a certain result.

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_3

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_4

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_5

In addition to the data of ingredients, vitamin E can also be added or other components characterized by a solid structure. Such non-soluble particles will give hydrophilic oil an additional effect, as from using a scrub for washing.

All components can be easily acquired in specialized stores for self-production of soap and cosmetics for skin care and hair.

What to pay attention to?

Going to the store or making an order on the site on the Internet, By purchasing basic or essential oil, it is necessary to consider the skin type.

  1. Representatives of a beautiful floor with a fat derma is better to stop their choice on sesame, grape or jojoba oil to use it as a basic basis. If we talk about the essential components, then the optimal option is grapefruit, tea, lemon or hemp essential oil.
  2. Girls who have dry skin, it is better to purchase oil based on flax, shi or coconut to create a base. An additional component of the optimal option will be bergamot, jasmine or rose oil.
  3. For combined skin, as well as epidermis, prone to various rashes and acne, better buy oil obtained from peach bones or almonds. Stop your choice on mint, lemon and tea essential components. Such components in the process of washing will not only have a refreshing, but also soothing, as well as a disinfecting effect.
  4. If the age of a woman has exceeded the mark of 30 years, then as a base is better to use oils obtained on the basis of rosehip, macadamia and wheat germs. As the essential components, it is better to buy extracts of patchouli, neroli or rose oil.

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_6

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_7

So, consider the most popular options for the preparation of hydrophilic oil.

For dermis prone to fat

Take a small container and pour 9 milliliters of oil obtained from grape seed. Pour 10 milliliters of polysorbate-80. The bottle must be a thoroughly shake so that the liquid is well mixed.

We add in equal proportions of 10 droplets essential oils:

  • rosemary;
  • tea;
  • peach.

Capacity is closed with a lid and carefully shakes. As a result, you turn out a homogeneous suspension. If you add water to it, it will become similar to white milk.

Such a means will narrow the pores, as well as contribute to the establishment of the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_8

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_9

For combined skin

As a basic basis, unrefined forest nut oil is used. It will be required to take in the amount of 40 milliliters. There are 5 milliliters of polysorbate-20 and 2 millilita polysorbate-80. All components need to mix well. Pour 20 lemon oil droplets. Once again, the container shakes. The mixture is left for 1 day so that it is blown away.

For dry skin

You will need 85 milliliters of olive oil (pay attention to its quality, because this will depend on the effect of the use of the source product) and 15 milliliters of the emulsifier. Use polysorbat-80 for these purposes.

After shaking, add 10 droplets of essential oils:

  • jojoba;
  • avocado;
  • orange;
  • almond.

Capacity shakes. And you can use the resulting washbasin: it softens perfectly and nourishes dry skin type.

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_10

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_11

For normal epidermis

The basis uses a combination several types of oils:

  • Apricot and nuts - these types of oils are taken in the same proportions in the amount of 20 milliliters;
  • Grape - it will require 30 milliliters;
  • Almond - Take in the amount of 8 milliliters;
  • Received from rice bran - it will be needed 10 milliliters.

All components should be thoroughly mixed and add polysorbat-20. You will need several drops of rosemary oil as the final stroke.

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_12

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_13


As mentioned above, hydrophilic oil is used not only for removing decorative cosmetics and cleaning the dermis from contamination. It can be used as an alternative to the usual shampoos and balm during head washing.

Mixing oil and water, you will have an emulsion right on the hair. Such an emulsion can also be prepared in advance. It must be carefully distributed over the curls and soft massaging movements into the scalp. To get a stunning effect, you should wear a shower cap for 15. The hydrophilic oil will also perform as a nutrient mask. Due to its impact, it will return strength and shine weakened and dim strands.

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_14

Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_15


    Girls who prepare hydrophilic oil with their own hands or acquire a ready-made tool in the store, leave enthusiastic reviews after its use.

    They mark a natural formula that gently cleans the dermis, not harming it. Many women users noticed that after using such a means for washing, there is no feeling of the grinding of the skin. Derma acquires a healthy and rested appearance.

    Thanks to the active ingredients included in such an emulsion, there is a deep purification of the pores, which is very important for representatives of the beautiful gender, which has fatty and combined skin.

    Girls that have a very sensitive type of dermis that react to other means for demacidation, it was a hydrophilic oil that does not cause allergic reactions.

    I liked the fact that this tool can be used even in the area of ​​gentle skin around the eyes.

    Making hydrophilic oil with your own hands: How to make oil to wash and hair at home? Recipes for combined skin. Reviews 4897_16

    The only disadvantage that is noted is to increase the time for washing, since the means must be flush very carefully, using a large amount of water. But the achieved effect after applying such a product levels this drawback.

    If you want to use natural cosmetics for the care of the derma and hair of the house, then you need to make a similar one with your own hands or purchase finished products in the store.

    Video from the manufacture of hydrophilic oil with their own hands is given later.

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